Keeper Meetings

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I sit next to Thomas when I'm done patching everyone up. I lay my head on his chest.

"I need a nap," I say.

"Not yet. Everyone's got questions for you," the gladers who were waiting around all nod.

"Did you see a griever?" Chuck yells.

"He didn't just see one. He killed one," Minho says. Everyone shuts up.

"Killed a griever!?" Gally yells, "alright. Keeper meeting!" He says, before running off to council hall.

"Can I sit this one out? I want sleep!" I mumble.

"This is gonna concern you, too, Syd," Newt says. "Let's go. Tommy. You, too," we all walk to the council. I lead Thomas to the extra seat while all of us take our spots.

"For 3 years we have lived coexistant to these things and now this shank has taken it upon himself to kill one of them. What does that means for us? They've already started coming out in the daytime, what's next?"

"It was either that griever dies or Minho, Alby, Thomas, and me die," I say.

"What do you want to do about it, Gally?" Newt asks.

"He has to be punished!" That got a reaction.

"Minho. You were there. What do you say we do with him?"

"That shuckface stayed behind with Sydney to help Alby, while I turned tail and ran. I say we make him a runner," that got a bigger reaction.

"Syd. What about you?"

"Thomas saved my life multiple times last night. Pushing me under a wall so a grievers wouldn't see me, helping me jump across a gap I would never make on my own, pushing me to safety when he faced a griever. By himself. I not only say we make him a runner. But make him the keeper of the runners," I say. Biggest reaction yet.

"Now now now, let's not jump ahead of ourselves here," Newt says, calming everyone.

"He broke a rule. He has to be punished!" Gally shouts.

"Alright. Gally's right. We can't just have non-runners running into the maze whenever they want. So let's make this official. Tommy. Starting in 2 days, you're a runner. Syd. You're still a medjack - but you can go into the maze as long as Thomas or Minho are with you. But, both of you. Syd and Thomas. One night in the pit. No food. Tomorrow night," I nod and so does Thomas. Gally looks pissed off as usual. Everyone leaves. Thomas stops me.

"Keeper? What the hell were you thinking?"

"Hey. Shoot high, aim low," I say. He smiles and kisses me.

"Now I want to go check this thing out. Let's go,"

"No. Thomas it's dangerous,"

"Come on. You're telling me you're not the least bit curious,"

"Fine. I'll get a team together. Meet me behind the homestead in 20 minutes," I say. He smiles and kisses my lips quickly before walking away. I run to get Minho. I explain it to him, and we gather some more kids up. We get Chuck, Jeff, Frypan, and Troy. We meet Thomas.

"This enough?" I ask. He nods.

"Let's go," he say. We all run to the door. Chuck stops before stepping onto the concrete.

"Chuck, you coming?" Thomas asks. He looked scared. I give a small smile and walk over to him.

"We actually need you to stay here, Chucky. Make sure they don't know we're gone. I'll actually stay with you, if it makes you feel better," I say, a smile on my face. He nods. I ruffle his hair.

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