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*Thomas' POV*

"Run" Syd says.


"It's your fault!" Ben screams, tackling me.

"Hey, Hey get off me!" I say, struggling to push him away. He digs his nails into my skin. I scream out. He's kicked in the side of the head. He climbs off me for only a split second to punch Sydney in the side of the head. She blacks out.

"Sydn-" I'm cut off by him grabbing onto my throat. I gasp for air and weakly punch him once. I grab around until my fingers lock around an animal skull. I slam it against his head. It knocks him off me. I scoop Syd into my arms. I start running back to the glade.

"Help! Help!" I scream. Syd moans a bit and her eyes crack open. I hear Ben on our tail.

"Thomas?" She whispers. I keep running.

"Help!" I scream louder as I approach the glade. Syd comes to as I break through the trees. She climbs out of my arms right as Ben grabs my ankles. I fall as he punches me and keeps trying to choke me. Newt hits him with a shovel and he falls off me. I watch as gladers all work to hold him down. I go over to Syd, and help her stand.

"I'm fine," She says to me. She walks closer to Ben, "Lift his shirt. He's been stung," she says. She stumbles a bit, and I catch her, holding her to me.

"What the hell happened?" Newt asks.

"H-He just attacked me. Syd tried to help fight him off, but he knocked her out cold,"

"Put him in the pit," Alby says. Gladers lift him up as he struggles and protests.

"Syd. Are you alright?" Newt asks. She nods.

"I'm fine. Thomas. Come with me to the medstand. Clint! Jeff! You, too," she says. Newt comes with us, too. Sydney walks a little funny, but she goes all the way to the medstand. She opens up a drawer and grabs a plant leaf. She cuts it open and dabs it on my wrists.

"Sydney. You should really lay down," Jeff says.

"I said I'm fine," she snaps. "Just hand me a bandage," He obeys and hands her a roll of gauze. She wraps it around my cuts.

"Sydney, your heads bleeding," Clint adds.

"I'll fix it later,"

"Syd. Come on, you need to fix it," I whisper as she wraps my other wrist. She gets a piece of cotton and start dabbing cuts on my face. I grab a piece, too, and start dabbing her cut, soaking up the blood. Clint follows my lead and gets a cloth, soaking it, and cleaning it up more.

"I'm fine you, two," She says, still working on my face. Jeff patches us her scratch as she finishes on mine.

"Now, Syd. It's up to you. Do we give Ben the antidote, or not?" Newt asks her.

"Not. We're gonna banish him anyway, aren't we?"

"Yeah. He hurt you and Thomas,"

"Well if we give him the medicine, we banish him as Ben. We banish a friend. If we don't - we banish a maniac,"

"Okay. No medicine then. But, what the shuck were you two doing out in the woods anyway?"

"We were on a date," Syd whispers.

"Oh, there gonna be a second?" Newt asks.

"I want there to be," I say.

"There will be," Syd says. Newt smiles.

"Now, come with me, Syd. We've got to get the sticks ready," She nods and follows him. I go and find Chuck.

*Sydney's POV*

I walk with Newt to the main storage shed. He hands me all the smaller sticks that regular gladers hold while he grabs all the poles the keepers use. A little before the doors close, we give everyone their sticks and Minho goes to get Ben. I swallow the lump forming in my throat and stand next to Alby.

"Please Minho. Don't do this. Alby. Sydney!" He pleads as Minho frees his hands. The warning wind blows, singalling the doors were about to close.

"Poles!" Alby shout. Everyone's pole drop 90 degrees.

"Advance!" I shout. Everyone starts moving forward, pushing him into the maze.

"Please! Please don't do this to me!" Ben shouts. We all keep pushing. He gets into the walls, and eventually gives up, and runs into the maze shortly before the doors shut. I lean my pole against the wall.

"I-I gotta go," I whisper, hurrying back to my room. I collapse onto my bed and let my tears fall. I muffle my cries with a pillow, making sure no one heard me. I hear a small knock at my door.

"Syd? It's Thomas. You alright?" He asks through the wood. I take a deep breath, not wanting my voice to crack.

"Ye-eah," I say. Shit.

"You're not. Can I come in?" I nod, before remembering he can't see me.

"Su-ure," I choke out. He comes in and shuts the door behind him. He sits down next to me. He places his hands on my cheeks, and uses his thumbs to wipe away my tears. I sniffle in response. I move back on my bed and lay down. He lays down to face me.

"Were you and Ben close?" He asks. I shake my head.

"It still hurts," I whisper. He nods.

"You know it wasn't him. You said it yourself. He was a maniac,"

"It's not that. It just. Reminds me of my first banishing," I whisper.

"Did they get stung, too?" He whispers. I shake my head again.

"He hurt another glader. Broke a rule while he was still himself,"

"Who'd he hurt?"

"Me.." I whisper, I go over and cry into his chest while I start remembering the horrid memory.


*mention, and slight description of violence - trigger warning, read at your own risk. trigger warning ends when italics end*

I'm in the garden, helping harvest aloe for the medstand. I hear a twig snap behind me. I turn to see Logan - one of the 4 gladers, the other three being Newt, Ably, and I. He was actually the fifth month. We had already lost one.

"Hey, Logan," I say.

"Hey, sweetheart," he says.

"Excuse me?"



"Yeah. Don't like my nickname?"

"No, I don't. We're not a thing, Logan,"

"Aww. Why not sweetheart?" He asks tauntingly. He gets closer and closer, until I can feel his breath on my face.

"Get away," I hiss. He pushes me onto the ground and kicks me in the side.

"If you don't like sweetheart, why don't I just call you a mistake? Because that's what you are, an anomaly! You don't belong!" He screams. Newt and Alby run over to us. Alby yanks him off me as I start sobbing. Newt picks me up and takes me back to the homestead. That night, Newt, Alby, and I had all forced him into the maze - giving him the same death of the 4th glader.

~end of flashback~

"You know, Logan and Ben looked a lot alike, which only made it harder," I whisper into Thomas's chest.

"I-I'm so sorry, Syd,"

"I was taking care of myself for a straight hour, patching up everything he did to me. The scratches and bruises from the kicks. But somehow, banishing him was the hardest part. You know, you're the third person to even see me cry. I haven't let anyone see me cry since that day," I say. Thomas slightly pulls away from me to kiss right under my eye, kissing a tear away.

"I'm glad I could help. I am helping, right?" He asks. I nod.

"Thank you," I whisper. The only thing he does in response is kiss more tears away.

You're Different From Everyone Else Here - Thomas - The Maze Runner Where stories live. Discover now