Chapter 5: Gay Bonanza

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A/N: I have no idea what I'm doing with this story.
I have no idea what I'm doing with my life either.

The pair was once again sat on the sofa, this had become their lame thing to do when they had no other ideas. But the thing was, that this time, neither was paying attention to the movie anymore. They were sat awfully close together. Only a small gap between them where Franks hand lay. 

And that was just the perfect opportunity for Gerard to make his first, minuscule move on the boy he had found himself completely infatuated with. 

He placed his hand over Franks, not even tearing his eyes away from the bright TV screen for a second. Frank jerked up a bit, surprised by the sudden affection between the two. But he sure as hell wasn't going to complain. 

The sparks that were flying, metaphorically, of course, from the areas where their hands were touching made it worth the tension in the air between the two

The simple gesture gave Frank hope. Hope that he desperately needed in his life. 

He was staring at Gerard now, entranced by his features. Drinking in every detail of his seemingly perfect being. 

"What are you staring at?" Gerard laughed. 

Frank blushed, he hadn't even noticed that he was still staring. Butterflies immediately erupted in his stomach.

"Oh uh sorry, I just got distracted." 

Frank felt Gerard's finger lightly brush over his hand to comfort him. It's weird because no on had ever taken note of what made him anxious, except for Gerard. He would always help him in situations where Frank failed to function like a normal person should. Others would probably presume Frank was just a little embarrassed or flustered but - no, it was so much more than that. 

Fucking social anxiety and it's stupid ability to make you fail completely as a human.

Frank truly valued Gerards little gestures. And maybe Gerard hadn't even meant to brush his fingers against Franks, but he did, and it calmed him, so he was grateful.

After several moments, he finally pried his eyes off of the intriguingly beautiful human that is Gerard Way, and looked back at the TV screen.

However now it was Gerard who couldn't take his eyes off Frank. And Frank noticed, almost immediately. 

He chuckled, "what are you staring at?" 

"You're really pretty." He said out loud by accident and both of them immediately flushed an adorable pink shade. Although Frank hated how the attention was directed to him now, he didn't care. Gerard mother fucking Way just called him pretty.

Gerard. Had. Just. Called. Him. Pretty.

And maybe that was an insanely big deal to him because the boy he had fallen for had just complimented him, in a very very gay way. Which was, of course, perfect.

His heart rate picked up to something he was sure was unhealthy. He tried to recollect himself and managed to spit out a confused sounding answer. "Oh, uh thank you?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make it awkward." 

Gerard cast his gaze downwards and pulled away from Frank. The sudden loss of his hand made Frank feel cold and exposed. Almost like his and Gerard's hands were never meant to be apart ever again.

However, Frank scooted closer to Gerard and looked deep into his eyes. "Don't worry it's fine." And now it was Frank who placed his hand over Gerards. Frank was proud of himself for taking some sort of initiation.

Gerard looked up and met Franks gaze. He cupped his cheek with one of his hands and tightened his grip on Franks hand. Both of them leaned in a bit and their lips immediately connected. It was nothing more than a short innocent kiss, but that meant everything to Frank. The feeling grounded him. His thoughts stopped drifting and he focused solely on Gerard.

Both boys smiled warmly at each other, non-verbally deciding that talking about this might make it more awkward than it had to be. They moved close to each other and Frank rested his head upon Gerards shoulder.

Frank couldn't believe what had just happened. He never thought Gerard would feel the same way about him. He was relieved Gerard hadn't run off after the kiss, he had kind of expected that to happen. But it didn't. Gerard stayed.

This got Frank thinking about his sexuality. He is human, he is attracted to other humans. Cool. That should be all that matters. After all, he hated labels. And he especially hated labelling himself.

"Look Mikes! I told you they are totally a thing! Just look at them all cuddled up and holding hands! They couldn't look gayer right now." Pete exclaimed, being a little too excited about the possibility of two of his friends dating.

"Well they'll never manage to look as gay as you do, Pete. You're like King of Gay. Or queen, oh my god! You are the Emo Queen of Gay!" 

The Emo Queen of Gay playfully shoved Mikey and fake coughed, "at least I don't wear fishnets.." 

Mikey flushed a bright shade of pink. "Seriously? I- just, fuck you." 

Pete winked, "I know you'd love to."


"Morning beautiful," Gerard cooed and stroked Franks cheek. 

Frank groaned and rubbed his eyes. Him and Gerard had fallen asleep on the sofa in each others arms. 

"Morning," Frank said with a groggy morning voice. And my god, was that the most attractive thing Gerard had ever had the pleasure of hearing.

He peered over at the clock on the wall opposite them. It was 8am. 

Holy shit. That's a time of day Frank had never expected to see on a weekend.

His maybe boyfriend, possibly more than friend, walked out of the bedroom to take a shower, leaving Frank to think about what all of this meant.

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