Chapter 9: We Have Nothing and Everything

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Frank instantly panicked. "Uh- yeah I'm o-okay." His eyes teared up. He hated it when people cared. Then again he loved it. Knowing that someone cares about you and is making an effort to make sure you're okay will always make you feel guilty no matter how hard you try to see it differently.

"Okay, well I'm gonna go back outside."

Frank heard Gerard's feet shuffle to turn around from the door and listened to the sound of his shoes hitting the floor whilst he walked away from a very mentally unstable Frank. He couldn't hide in this bathroom forever so he got up, put a fake smile on in the mirror just to convince himself it was believable and walked out the door. He went back to the campfire and sat back in his spot. Pete and Mikey's chairs seemed to have moved closer together as if there were attracting magnets attached to either one. Although Frank doubted that magnets were in fact attached to the chairs, it was most definitely just the two lover boys inching closer to each other.

Bob handed Frank a beer and muttered a quiet 'thank you' in response. He didn't mean for it to come out so quietly, he had just lost his confidence when he tried to speak. Which in fact made him feel even more embarrassed.

After a mere few minutes Mikey went back inside claiming, "It's cold as fuck and I don't want my balls to fall off."

Pete seconded that and Ray followed the two of them as well. When they had left Bob started off on some tangent about a porn stars breasts, he had more than a couple of beers. Gerard being a flaming homosexual and Frank being pan-romantic just stared at Bob and laughed.
"No but seriously have you fucking seen Alexis Texas, she's like-," Bob stopped talking as he realized that  the other two had been laughing at him.

"What? Are you two fucking gay or what?" Bob slurred a bit.

Gerard seemed a bit taken aback but Frank just laughed it off. The beer had loosened him up a bit and he felt more free to voice his opinion.

"I don't know dude, are you?" Frank retorted and let out a giggle that was cuter than anything else Gerard had ever heard, he could get used to that sound.

Bob mumbled something and got up heading towards the house. Which left the new couple all to themselves in a terribly romantic setting.

It was dark and the only thing illuminating Gerard's face was the flickering bonfire. Neither of them spoke for a while, they just stared at each other and the stars. Frank felt torn. Like he was floating away to the sky but bound down by Gerard. It was tearing him apart. He didn't want to be here anymore but he wanted to stay with his boyfriend.

Gerard was intently staring at Frank, he had no idea what kind of torture his boyfriends mind was going through in that moment. Nonetheless he decided to pick up Frank and sit him up on his lap so that he could hold him. Frank let out a soft giggle when Gerard wrapped his arms around Franks waist.

"Tickles," Frank said referring to why he had giggled. Gerard immediately took this as an opportunity to tickle Frank purposefully this time. Frank squirmed under Gerard but he wasn't going to stop anytime soon, he loved Franks giggles way too much.

"Stop," Frank erupted into another fit of giggles, "Please."

Gerard caved and hugged Frank tighter and kissed him lovingly on the side of his neck. Frank's heart skipped a beat, ironically, Gerard made him feel alive.

"You know Frankie, you should laugh more, it's really adorable," Gerard said and Frank turned to face him with an evident blush on his face even though there was only the flickering light of the bonfire to light up his face.

Both of them just looked into each others eyes full of what might, be the starting of an explosion of love. Similar to a star being born, it all happens beautifully quickly and almost all at once. They leant in and kissed each other, short sweet and simple but yet so complex, for that kiss held more meaning than any words they could ever speak to one another. They pulled apart, their noses still touching. Being this close to someone is true comfort.

"We should probably head back inside to the others. They'll think we're fucking or something," Gerard laughed and his hot breath touched against Frank's skin.

"Yeah," Frank replied weakly, he was completely transfixed by this beautiful boy.

He looked from one of Gerards eyes to the other. He felt pulled in by Gerard. Like the inevitability of a blackhole consuming you if you got too close. After another minute or two of just admiring one another Frank quickly pecked Gerard on his soft lips and got off Gerard. They walked inside where they were met by the rest of their group of friends and Bob, whom Frank wasn't sure if he should or even could consider him a friend yet. Pete and Mikey were sitting so close that you wouldn't even think it was possible. Hell, they were sitting closer together than Dan and Phil. Mikey had seemingly passed out and Ray, Pete and Bob were playing video games. They quickly sat and joined the rest of the boys. However Frank was insanely tired. He yawned and placed his head onto Gerards shoulder and easily drifted off into a deep slumber. For once, feeling content with his current life situation.

Frank awoke in a room he didn't know too well, he remembered falling asleep in the living room so someone must have taken him into here. This was his boyfriends room, easily recognisable from the posters of bands and various comics scattered across the walls. Oh,  and maybe also the fact that there was Gerard lightly snoring, pressed up against Frank. Frank looked at his boyfriend and smiled in his half awoken state. Gerard must have carried him in here and played down next to him in the night.

Frank lightly brushed his boyfriends hair out of his face so that he could look at his beautiful face.

Gerard looked peaceful and calm so he had no intent of waking him just yet, he reckoned he could use some sleep with the amount of coffee he chugs and the permanent dark circles around his eyes.

Frank turned to look out of the window, it had only just gotten light outside. It must be around 7 or 8 am. Which in Franks opinion was much too early but he would use this opportunity to study the beautiful boys features who lay right beside him. Frank wrapped an arm securely around his boyfriends waist and struggled to stay awake himself, his eyelids kept fluttering shut involuntarily, until he finally gave in to a dreamless sleep.

It was hard to stay awake for as long as he had in such a comfortable place. He had his boyfriend whom lay in his arm with his warmth radiating onto him. It couldn't get much better than that.

Word vomit, everywhere. I have no idea what I'm writing or what the plot is haha. kms

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