Chapter 7: Anchor

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A week had passed since Frank spent the whole weekend at the Way's.

Him and Gerard had been acting like they were just friends and that bothered Frank. It made him think that maybe he didn't see what they had as anything special and that Gerard had virtually forgotten about it. He wondered if maybe the kisses hadn't meant anything to Gerard. That maybe he had just felt like it and done it for the hell of it.

It was Saturday afternoon and Frank had been wallowing in his self-pity since he got home after school on Friday. To say he was depressed was an understatement. He had barely moved in the past 24 hours. He just stared at the ceiling in his room letting his thoughts consume him. At least that was until Gerard texted him to meet him at the park halfway between their two houses. Frank was anxious to say the least. But he had to just deal with it silently. He put on his best fake smile and headed out to see Gerard.

"Hey," Gerard greeted Frank and he smiled in return. "So I asked you here for a reason.." He started. "And I was wondering if maybe , well if you wanted to, you could like you know be my boyfriend?" Gerard said stumbling over his words. 

Frank smiled from ear to ear. He couldn't believe this was really happening. This must be some kind of joke. 

"Wait what?" 

Gerard blushed,"I said do you wanna be my boyfriend?" 

Frank was convinced he couldn't be serious. He had dreamt of this way too much for it to actually be happening. Kissing him was one thing, but this.. this he couldn't bring himself to believe.

 "Are you serious?" 

Gerard grew visibly more nervous at Franks words and averted his gaze. "I mean you don't have to I just.. yeah I'm completely serious." 

Frank was in shock to say the least. He stood there for a few seconds recollecting his thoughts and managed to form a coherent sentence. 

"Yes I'd love to be your boyfriend," Frank chirped. 

Gerard looked relieved and closed the gap between them and sealed their lips together. It was short and sweet. And it sure as hell meant something.

Frank couldn't help but question why Gerard wanted to be together with him. He had already seen how messed up Frank was even when he was trying to fake being happy. What would Gerard do if he found out what he was really like? Well Frank's own self doubt answered that for him, he would leave him and never look back. 

After all who would even want to associate with such a pathetic loser? Or even date someone like him?

Obviously, no one. 

At least that's what Franks thoughts claimed.

"Frankie? Are you okay?" Gerard said loosening their embrace so that the could look his boyfriend in the eyes. Frank met his gaze and looked slightly confused. 

"Oh- yeah yeah I'm sorry." I'm so stupid. Frank thought to himself. He really wasn't helping himself with his anxiety right now. Gerard looked unsure and kissed his forehead. 

"If you say so." He mumbled and chose to forget how Frank had been zoned out for several minutes. It was probably nothing.

It was 7 pm by now and seeing as it was wintertime, it was already almost completely pitch black. They lay down next to each other on the grass in the park and intertwined their fingers. Gerard had even put on music to play in the background of their conversations. They were both total music junkies. 

They watched the stars whilst talking about nothing and everything at the same time. As the night went on and the colder the air around them grew, the more they were cuddling up against each other to stay warm. They both wished this moment could last forever. Just them and the never ending void of stars. Time and the world around them completely irrelevant.

Frank had always had a deep love for the sky, you could say he was obsessed with it. He could never be bothered to learn the names of all the stars or anything like that- He didn't even see the point in memorising a bunch of names of stars. 

Just staring at them and becoming engulfed with their beauty whilst the realisation swept over you that you could never get close to them. They'll always be millions of miles away from you. Kind of weird isn't it? One of the most beautiful things anyone can observe is worlds away. But the thing that Frank loved the most is that he could be looking at a star that no longer even existed. He could be staring at the faint memory of something that used to be and he wouldn't even know.

Frank liked to think of himself as a star. A star that had already burnt out a long time ago. Although it was dead, no one could tell. Just because of how bright it seemed to everyone else around it. He had become a faded shadow of what he used to be. He feared that if anyone got close to him, they would see the truth behind his mesmerising shine. Yet now he had let Gerard close. 

However his metaphor of himself was easily crushed when he reminded himself that he couldn't possibly be anything like a star. Stars were beautiful after all, and he was not. 

For once in his life, Frank couldn't look at the beautiful night sky. His gaze kept falling to something even more beautiful, lying right beside him. Gerard Way. Gerard captured him in a way that the stars never could. And for once Frank felt bound to the earth. When previously he felt like he was drifting in space, completely and utterly lost among the stars. The night sky had never felt real to Frank and he could never confirm in his mind that it was in fact real. However Gerard was a different story. Anytime he doubted that he was real, he could hold him or kiss him. Gerard was his anchor of sorts. 

A/N: Either that was very good or insanely bad and cheesy. I fear it's the latter of the two. Sorry this chapter is short, I just thought it was a good place to stop.

Have a lovely day/ night. x

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