42: Drawing the Veil Shut

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The funeral was quiet- for all of ten minutes. Remus and I were positioned closest to the where the coffins would be lowered, and the back was filled with a few surviving members from our year in Hogwarts, and the area beyond them was swarmed with reporters.

I could hear their cameras clicking throughout the entire procession, and it took all of my self-control not to bash their heads in that very instant.

When Remus rose to speak, I heard a distant jeer from the crowd, and whipped my head around.

Remus grabbed my forearm.

"Don't. It's not worth it," he murmured.

I clenched and unclenched my fists, then relaxed my hands as I cast a gaze towards the two black coffins.

I heard Lily's voice.

But we-we hate each. I can't stand being in the same room as you.

Then mine: Yeah, well, here we are. I guess I can stand you now.

I closed my eyes.

You can't cry yet, I reminded myself.

Remus made his way in front of all of us, clasping and unclasping his hands nervously before he spoke.

"This...this day should never have come this soon. I've known Lily and James Potter since my first day at Hogwarts, ten years ago, and ten years is too soon to say goodbye."

His voice shook and he paused, breathed deeply, then continued.

"Their story was beautiful. James chased after Lily for years, and I watched as she slowly opened up to him. After school ended, they married and had Harry only a few years later. Both of them loved their son, and I know they would do anything to come back to him.

"But I don't want this speech to be about what the past, about regrets," he said, shaking his head. "I want it to be about the future. Because Lily and James sacrificed their lives so their son could live, and they spent years before sacrificing their safety so we could stand here today. Remember their bravery- remember their love, because even though there has been so much darkness in this world, there has also been so much love. We are standing here now because of love, and our love will be the only way to move forward from the darkness. Remember that, please."

He looked up from the grass and surveyed the crowd.

"Thank you," he concluded, bowing his head and rejoining my side.

The crowd's reaction was mixed; approximately half put their hands together in polite applause, while the others shot Remus hostile looks, their eyes dark and face creased deep with dislike.

I was suddenly overcome with waves of fury. The nerve, the nerve of those people to look at someone they had never met with such hate. And the others... they were probably the same ones who had been shooting fireworks into the sky a few nights ago, the same who had drank to that night in Godric's Hollow...it made me sick.

Remus nudged me towards the front, and I shuffled obediently forward, not bothering to hide the open hostility in my glare.

I opening my mouth, ready to spew my hatred, when I spotted the two empty graves from the corner of my eye.

Memories came rushing back.

James's skinny, bespectacled 11-year-old self, scornfully remarking on the horror of the Slytherin House.

The first time he shot Lily a second glance- the flash of hurt that he quickly hid after she had glared back with disgust.

His expression when he suggested we become Animagi, the way that he suddenly had looked like a true Gryffindor, ready to sacrifice anything for his friends.

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