Chapter 7-New Friends, New Memories, New Life...

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Like I said before you're all welcome to make a cover and send it to me please monkeys i need one :D





September's finally here but that also means university is too. I'm studying music theory through performance and composition whilst Shellie is studying Molecular Biology and Sociology. It's nice though, we've made some new friends the ones we hang around with all the time are Damien, Emily, Angelica and Jack. Damien and Emily are together, as in together together, dating, they were together before semester started, they went to the same high school somewhere in Maine, Angelica was from Virginia and Jack from Tennessee, he has a real strong accent, it makes us all laugh. It's like when one of us is messing about like pretend punching or play fighting he'll say,

'Y'all play niiiice.'

It cracks us all up, just ruins the fun but with laughter instead of annoyance. Angelina has a slight accent but no way near as funny as Jack though. They're both great friends, trustworthy and loyal. They make a cute couple but they don't believe any of us when we say so. Damien and Emily are going through a rocky area in their relationship but I don't know why. I think Shellie and Angelica know but I don't think they trust me to not tell Damien.

Shellie's Pov

The other day I went to Emily's 'house', student house actually but yeah. She asked me and Angelica to go round cause she wanted to talk to us about something...

'I know this may seem weird, me asking you two to come here, normally i'd just tell you straight out, but I just wanted to make sure no-one would hear. Basically I don't think Damien's the guy for me.'

'What d'you mean?' Angelica asks, raising one eyebrow slightly.

'I don't think I love Damien anymore.' :/

'What!' I almost shout at her with shock. 'You, not love Damien. But, but, he's your soulmate, you said so yourself.'

'Feelings change...I think I like Mikey, you know Mikey Way, you're house mate.?' She replies sheepishly.

'What, you like Mikey?' Angelica practically screams.

'Yes. I've always felt something for him, I just never realised, until now'

'Awwwh, you and Mikey would be such a cute couple.' I say without even thinking.

'Really? Everyone knows he likes you.' Angelica quotes then as quickly as the words slip out of her mouth she slams her hand over her mouth as if to keep the words in, too late.

'What? No he doesn't. We're like brother and sister.' I reply with no emotion.

'It's totally obvious, the way he looks at you, the way he moves around you. It's like his world revolves around you.' Angelica adds.

'Oh my gosh, I can't believe I didn't realise.' I say in absolute surprise.

'Nor can I.'

'Wait so you're saying I wouldn't have a chance with Mikey then?' Emily asks.

'Oh. sorry Emily, of course you have a chance. It's just we need to get him sorted with knowing that Shellie doesn't like him in that way, then he's all yours.'

'You really think so?' She asks yearning for a good answer.

Emily's Pov

OMG! I can't believe what Angelica just said, I actually might have a chance with Mikey.

'Of course, why would I say it if I didn't mean it?'

I really like him, he's just so perfect, he has amazing hazel green eyes, soft browny blond hair that slightly covers his eyes framed by a simple pair of glasses. He's so kind, it's just I can tell he likes Shellie, he's always looking at her with a rabbit in the headlights look. He's always so mesmerized by her, she's so lucky. I don't even get that from Damien and he always says he loves me, I don't really say it back that much but then, why should I say it when I don't mean it?

'Emily, Emily, EMILY.'

'Huh, what?'

'Are you even listening to us?'

'Erm, no, sorry.'

'Gosh, I was just saying to Angelica how her and Jack would make such a cute couple. What do you think?' Shellie says catching me offguard.

'Huh, oh yeah, yeah, they would. Sorry, I was just daydreaming.'

'We guessed.'

'You guys really think that?' Angelica asked us.

'Of course, you both have the same accent.' We both say with a smile on our lips.

Mikey's Pov

Shellie's still not back yet. She said she'd be back by 7. It's 8 already, where is she? Well I know she went to Emily's with Angelica, but still, she's never late, ever. Why was she late now, today. The day I had something special planned...


Cliffhanger...Dun Dun..DUNN!

So guys tell me what you think thank you for reading this and I'm still after a cover..

Please vote :)

Love you monkeys :D <3

P.S. I'll dedicate the next chapter to someone who can guess what my favourite colour is.

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