Chapter 5-Life Long Memories and A Good Dose Of Remembering

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UWell i'm just gonna go straight into it. 

Enjoy Monkeys. :3


Mikeys Pov 

Gosh, it can't be her, the Michelle Orr, the girl who was my best friend, bet she doesn't remember me though.  

'So, you ever been to New Jersey before?' 

'Well when i was younger i used to live here that was like, over ten years ago though. It was Belleville i think.' It's got to be her, it's got to be. 

'Oh thats where i used to live. I lived there most my life.' 

'Omg. I bet it's changed so much. We must have gone to the same kindergarten.'' 

' Well it's not really changed that much.' Oh if only you knew, i added under my breath. 

'What did you say?' 

'Oh, just yeah we must have gone to the same kindergarten,' 

'Oh my gosh, i thought i recognized your eyes.' As soon as she realised what she said she shut her mouth and held her hand up to cover it. 

'What did you just say? You recognize my eyes?' 

'Errm yeah. You were in my dream last night, but you wear younger. I swear it was you. You had the same eyes, your hair had a bit of blond in it though and your face was chubby and very cute.' 

'That sounds like me when i was younger.'  

'Wait, now i think about it. I do remember you. We used to hang around at kindergarten together didn't we?' Yes, she remembers. 

'Yep we did.'


Shellies Pov 

I run up to him in the little space we have and give him a hug. He's seems a bit surprised, but after a minute he puts his arms around me and hugs me back. 

I step back out of his arms after what seems like forever, I just stand there silent. 

'So you gunna go fetch your stuff?' Mikey asks breaking the silence, making me jump slightly, which he notices and gives me a cute sneaky smile.I step back out of his arms after what seems like forever, I just stand there silent. 

'So you gunna go fetch your stuff?' Mikey asks breaking the silence, making me jump slightly, which he notices and gives me a cute sneaky smile. 

'Yeah, you?' I ask out of stupidity caused from Mikey's smile. 

'Of Course. But first I shall help you with your luggage like a gentleman should.' He said, with again his cute smile on his face. His smile leaves me disorientated for a little bit, but i finally get my sense back. 

'Uhh, Ok,' Oh very smart Shellie. 

We walk into the house carrying my suitcases..i have a lot of clothes. We got to the living room..which could be a communal. There were two sofas a nice little coffee table and a 36 inch tv. 

"Mikey likey.' I heard from my right, i looked around to see Mikey staring at the tv.  

'no way are you sitting down here every night watching tv.' 

'oh dont worry i dont like watching sport.'

'Oh, too bad, I watch the soccor and sometimes even NFL.'

'Oh no, please no.'

'Gosh Mikes you're so gullible sometimes you know.'

'What, you were joking?' He replies with a fake hurt look on his face.

'Do I look like the type of girl who watches sport?' I ask with a smirk on my face.

'I guess not.' 

 'Come on, we need to get some food.'

'Yeah Okay,' He answered.

We both got into my little beetle and went over to the Walmart I had seen on my way. It took about five, ten minutes to get there. It was quite big, but not as big as the ones back home. In New York they are as big as some of the malls have about two floors and sells everything you can think of. 

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