Chapter 4-Meeting Up

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Well here you go guys chapter 4. Please Fan if you want :3

hope you enjoy my little monkeys.

new character in this one.

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Shellies Pov

 All of a sudden I hear the roar of a car coming down the road, it stops, it sounds like it's right nexts to me. I slowly turn my head round ,from leaning head forward into my steering wheel, in the direction the sound is coming from when it moves. I leave my head where it is and after about 2 minutes maybe more the sound stops, like the engines been cut off. I llok up to see a boy, well not exactly a boy, he looks about my age. He had brownish hair and brownish hazely eyes framed with a small pair of black rimmed glasses. I swear i had seen those eyes before, they look very familiar. Oh gosh, I'm staring, I quickly look away just to turn and look back at him. He's standing outside house number 27, thats the student apartment i'm renting this year. He must be one of the students, he doesn't look old enough to own this place, other wise he'd have to be rich. Well i best get out then.


Mikeys Pov

I'm standing outside number 27, just waiting, maybe the women with red hair isn't a student maybe she's just someone waiting. Oh it looks like she's getting out the car. She's wearing a Misfits t-shirt, black skinny jeans and to add colour red converse. I look up to her face, she's got a few freckles but i can't see them much as she's wearing makeup, why do they wear makeup these days, it makes them look fake. She has grayey blue eyes, i could swear i saw those eyes only last night, Michelle, they were exactly the same as Michelle's.

'Take a picture, it'll last longer.' Her voice made me jump, i didn't realise how close sh'e got in the few seconds i'd been staring at her.

'Oh s-sorry, I d-didn't mean to stare.' I stutter back.

'Don't worry it's fine.' Her voice it's so nice and calm, soothing almost. 'So are you one of the students? I'm Shellie by the way.'

'Oh I'm Mikey, and yes i am one of the students, i'm guessing you are to?'

'Yeah, but i don't like being the first one, just standing around and waiting, so i stayed in the car.'

'Ahhh, understandable.'

'So why were you staring at me?' Oh gosh, what shall i say, whast shall i say.

'Ermm, well you're really pretty, and i like your eyes.' God, that must sound so stupid.


Shellies Pov

Gosh he sure takes long when he answers questions doesn't he. But he is really sweet, i'm a sucker for sweet boys.

He's wearing  a Smashing Pumpkins top, i love Smashing Pumpkins, a pair of black skinnies like me and a pair of black and white converse. 

'Do you like Smashing Pumpkins?' Oh good going Shellie, you sound like a right idiot, of course he likes them, why else would he wear one of the t-shirts. He looked pretty taken back by this question.

'Hell yeah, they're awesome, saw 'em in concert a few months back.

'Oh Em Gee, you saw them live? How was it? I bet it was amazing'

'Well yeah duh, it's Smashing Pumpkins. So you like them?' 

'Like them? I friggin' love them.' I think me and him  are gunna get along just fine, dunno about the other guy though. Speaking of them. 'When do you think the other guys gunna get here it's like 10:10.'

'I know right. I though we were meant to be here before 10.'

'Ok, I swear if they don't get here within the next ten minutes I am getting in my car and getting a Starbucks.'

'I'll join you.' Mikey added a bit to quick. 'If you don't mind?'

'Oh yeah, that'd be fine i don't mind. But if your coming, you're paying.'

'Yeah Ok.'

'Really? I was just joking you know.'

'Yeah, but i don't mind paying.'

'You, mister, are awesome.'

'Yay. So are you.'

'Arwwh, yay, I'm awesome.' I love it when someone calls me awesome or cool i'm a weirdo.

'Of course you are, you like Smashing Pumpkins. So who else do you like? Bandwise i mean.'

'Hmmm, well my favourite band of all time has to be Misfits, then Iron Maiden. I have all of their albums and then Smashing Pumpkins of course and i suppose Black Flag are cool too.'

'Well do I have good news for you.' Omg what is it? Does he have their albums too? I hope he does I hate having to go on youtube to listen to Smashing Pumpkins.

'What is it? What is it?'

'I  have all of Smashing Pumpkins and Black Flags albums!'

'No f-ing way?'

'Yes way.'

Omg this year is going to be amazing.


Mikeys Pov

I think me and Shellie are going to get along just fine, I hope the other guys cool with us too. Ahh, here comes someone it's a women, she has long black hair and pale skin, oh and chocolatey brown eyes. She must be the person with the keys.

'Hi, I'm Kelly Stevenson, I'm here with the keys for number 27 for a Michelle Orr and a Michael Way?'

'Yes, i'm Mikey, I mean Michael.' She handed me my keys.

'And obviously I'm Michelle.' And she handed Shellie her keys.

'Oh and I'm also meant to inform you that the other tenant, James, will be coming up next week.'

'Ok, thank you.' And with that she walked off in the direction she came.'

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