Chapter 3

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I get through the day. It's not simple but it has to be done. I don't have a lot of friends. I sit alone at lunch. In class. I'm alone everywhere.

People are only nice when they need me for something. Most of the time just to copy my homework. I didn't mind.

After a long day I go to get my bike. I had no more classes with Jordan. He made me feel nervous and insecure. I spot my bike, unlock it and start riding home. I have my earphones plugged into my ears. It takes me 20minutes to get home. My favorite song comes on.

Jason Mraz. I can't help it and I just sing along with the song "I'm yours". Nobody can hear me right? Well, I think I've never felt so embarrassed in my life. I was singing at the top of my lungs as I see another bicycle driving past me. A stranger I guess. My guessing isn't right. And oh, how I just hate my life. It had to be Jordan, who else?

I quickly look the other way. maybe he didn't see or hear me. One of my earphones falls out. I hear him coming closer. His warm voice makes me shiffer. He probably heared me.

'Hey. Jane?' I turn my head slowly as he says my name. 'Ow, hey Jordan.' I answer. 'You have a lovely voice.' I try to find a sign wich can tell he is lying. A smirk? Not even a smile. He is joking right? 'What about no?' I try to make it less awkward but I'm so antisocial. 'You've got to be kidding me? Don't lie to me jane.' He sounds serious. I barely know him but I have the strange feeling I know him from somewhere. 'I'm not.' I try to make eyecontact but he doesn't let me. What's up with this mysterious guy?

'Jane, I've never heared someone singing as good as you do.' We finally make eyecontact. 'You're a really good singer.' I don't want him to say that. 'I'm sorry, you'll probably never, ever hear me sing again.' I smile at him. He is nice. The whole ride home we just chat about everything. How ugly our English teacher is. How beautiful the weather is. I found out he only lives 2 blocks away from me. Maybe we could be friends. But maybe not, he is way out of my limit.

His black quiff matching his almost complete black outfit. I knew he was bad. We were almost home. 'Hey Jordan, I think I'll see you tomorrow then? This is my stop so..' I point at the house on my right side. I put my bike against the fence. I look over to him. He got off his bike and he was now walking over to me.

'It was nice talking to you and I hope you don't think I'm a player if I'd asked your number. Wait, I'll give you mine.' He acted shy although he was very attractive and well, I wasn't. I said nothing and I gave him my phone. 'Text me.' He smiled at me. I nodded back. He ran over to his bike and before I knew it he was gone.

I put my bike into the garden house and walk back to the kitchendoor. Grandma was home so the door would be open. 'I'm home.' My echo sounds empty. I throw my bag on the kitchentable and make my way to the livingroom. 'Hey sweetie, could you help me?' Her old grandma voice sounded so familiar. I loved it. It reminded me of all the times she read bedtimestories to me. To my brother. We've been through a lot together. I couldn't even think about losing her.

She was writing a letter to mom. She did it the old way. She didn't want to use a mobile phone. "I'm too old for that!" She always used as an excuse.

I sat beside her. 'What's the name of your new friend?' Her sudden question came out of the blue. 'He's not my friend, he's ju--' 'Jane, it's good you make new friends, I just didn't expect you to be friends with someone like...' 'Jordan. His name is Jordan.' 'He is cute.' She grinned at me. 'Grandma!' We laughed together. 'I'm going to make us some dinner.' I stood up walking to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and took out what I needed. My cooking wasn't the best, but I was still learning.

Grandma asked me about my day. I just told her the same. Nothing really happened. And that wasn't a lie. I did the dishes and went upstairs. It was now 7pm. I grabbed my phone and sended Jordan a text.

"Hey Jordan. It's me, Jane."

I keep it simple. There wasn't much to say so I didn't. I didn't really waited for him to answer but I was a bit curious about what he would send me back. my phone vibrated and my I was supprised he answered so quickly. I opened it.

"Hey Jane, it was a nice today. Hope we can do again sometime. X -J"

Did he just sended me a kiss? He probably did that with other girls as well. I wasn't in the mood texting him. He thought about that in a different way.

"You do have a lovely voice. X -J"

"We have a different opinion about that I guess."

"Could you help me with something? X -J"


"School, could we meet tomorrow after school? X -J"

"That's fine, I'll wait at the schoolgate, we can ride home together."

"See you tomorrow.X -J"

I made my homework and said goodnight to my grandma. I ran upstairs. I was sitting at my desk drawing a bit. I wasn't really thinking of what I was drawing. I was really tired.

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