Chapter 4

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My head feels heavy. I open my eyes. I'm not in my bed. I sit straight and I feel dizzy right away. I look at my clock. 6am. My alarm will go of in 30min but I'm not going to sleep again. I'll take a shower. I stand up and walk to my bathroom. I look in the mirror. My hair is in a messy bum. My eyes look black from the mascara I was wearing yesterday. I clean my eyes, take my clothes off and turn on the tap. The water is cold. My body is shaking. The water is finally getting warmer. I get out of the shower. My towel is hanging on a chair. I grab it and wrap it around me. It's warm. I try to take my toothbrush. My towel falls down. I look in to the mirror. You can see my collarbones. They're toned out of my body. I stare at my legs. They're skinny. I can see most of the bones in my body. My body isn't normal.

My eyes are wet and I quickly pick my towel of the ground and hide my body.

I guess I'm not having breakfast. I move over to my wardrobe. I take out my high-waisted shorts and a withe top wich matches my jacket wich has a colorful flowerpattern. I take some sandals. Brown ones. The outfit is finnished of with a necklace and earrings with feathers. I'm vintage. I may be ugly but does that mean I can't dress nice? I walk back into the bathroom. My hear is still up and I make it loose. My long hair falls over my shoulder. It's brown with blond strikes in it. It's natural. My makeup is done and I think I look fine. Good enough. After next year I will be gone. I'll go to university. My mom is saving money for me. She is rich. lives in Australia. I don't need her. But I'm kind, I need the money and I don't want to ask my grandmother. She has enough money but these are not her concerns.

I take my bag. I start packing it. I pick up my English book. Underneath there's a drawing. One I made yesterday. Although I don't think I'm that good I reconize the face. The face I was drawing yesterday.


I'm lost in my thoughts and a sudden text shakes me awake.

"Goodmorning, want to ride to school together? X -J"

"Fine. How late?"

"In 20min? X -J"

"I'll be there."

I went downstairs and ate an apple. The sweet taste filled my mouth. I normally go too early to school so I can walk through the fields. It calmes you. It's peaceful. But I can't say no to Jordan. I like him. He is the only friend I have. If we are friends.

I decide to send him a text. As I pick up my phone I receive one. It's from Jordan. It's like he can read my mind.

"I'll pick you up in 10min. X -J"

"I'm ready."

"Me too, you want me to come now? X -J"

"My grandma is still asleep, if you insist."

I can't belive he actually wants to be friends with me. He wants to get to know me. I just don't know if I can.

I hear a knock on the door.

I open it. The sweet smell of One Million parfume. I look into 2 blue eyes. They're beautiful. Mine are green. I don't like anything about my body. 'You look pretty.' His voice is trembling.' 'Goodmorning to you too, Jordan.' We both start laughing. He is wearing a normal shirt and shorts. It's warm today, the sun is shining and it feels nice. 'Can I come in?' He smirks at me. 'Wait.' I go inside, take my school bag. I walk back to Jordan who is standing at my door. I can't let him in. My grandma would be smoking mad if I let some stranger in my house. There are some chairs on my front porch. He sits down and looks at me. 'You're so mysterious.' His sudden comment makes me nervous. 'Me?' I realize. sadly too late that. that was the most stupid question. 'No, that tree over there, ofcourse you.' We laugh. 'We should be going, I don't want to get late.' I stand up and walk towards the gardenhouse. As soon as I unlock my bike I go back untill a stand infront of my house. We drive back to school.

We didn't talk much. I didn't mind. The school was only two streets away. As soon as we got there I parkes my bike and so did Jordan. He walked on my right side but as soon as we saw people he turned to me. 'I hope I see you in one of my classes. I've got to go now.' Before I could say something back he turned away from me and walked in the other direction.

I went to my locker to get my books. I had french, math and fysics. Maybe I had fysics with Jordan. Who knows?

Before the bell rings I open the door of the toilets. I turn around the corner and that's when I see the 'thing' I really dont want to see. Taylor Rosewood. Her eyes turned to me.

'Well, well, well. Look who got here. It's Mrs. Bones.' Her mean words didn't hurt me anymore. I didn't care she calles me bones. I just didn't care.

'Go fix your makeup, Taylor. Nobody cares about you unless you wear it.' I couldn't hear what she said after my comment cause I wanted to be out of there as soon as possible.

I walked out of the restroom and bumped into somebody. His books fell on the ground. I started to fix them and so did he. I looked up and smiled. Jordan.

'What a coincidence.' He smirked. 'Now that you say i--' The restroomdoor swung open and I got interrupted by a shrieling voice. 'Jordan? come here, we've got to talk.' I stoop back up and turned to face Taylor. She looked like the devil. I walked way without looking back. Only when I changed floors I started to slow down. I didn't want her near me. How did she knew Jordan?

I got to French and math in time and in fysics I was 1 min too late. 'Where do you come from?' Mr. Monroe looked at me with one eyebrow up. 'I'm sorry sir. I had to go to the toilet.' 'Sit down and don't come too late.' I sat down. No Jordan. I knew I only had history with him.

I drove back home but I didn't wait for Jordan like we planned.

As I was driving home the peace suddenly got interrupted. Somebody was calling my name. I turned my head to see Jordan chasing me.

'Jane!' He had no breath. 'Why didn't you wait for me?' He sounded sad. 'I didn't knew that was still going on.' I sounded supprised although I wasn't. If he knew Taylor I knew we couldn't be friends.

'Ofcourse it was. Why wouldn't it be?' Now he sounded disappointed

'Where do you know Taylor from?' It just came out. His eyes widened.

'She is my niece.'

There family? Damn.

'I don't think we can hang out Jordan.'

'Just because we're relatives? Are you serious? Are you that stupid? Just because of 1 person you dump me?'

'I can't dump you. We're not even friends yet.' I immidiantly regretted my words.

'We could be. Whatever Jane. I don't have time for people like you.'

Those words hurted. They cutted right through me like a knife.

'Sorry Jordan. I just don't know if that's a good idea. I could get you into troubles.' I was scared of Taylor.

He wshiperd and I could barely hear him: 'I just want to be friends.'

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