Chapter 2

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I drive past field and farms. 3 miles away from the city my grandma lives. In the country. Her old farm wich she transformed into a nice house. The city is too loud for her.

When I finally arrive at school I put my bike away and run into the building. The bell rings and I enter the classroom in time. My first class is history.

I sit in the back of the class.

Like always.

There is this empty spot right next to me where nobody wants to sit. I already got used to that. It didn't bother me anymore.

Mrs. Anderson, my history teacher, always asks a lot of questions. I always answer. Correct. Other people struggle while I answer every question without hesitation.

After a while I start daydreaming. I wake from it when I hear the door opening. Wich idiot is late now?

A guy walks in the room. He walks over to Mrs. Anderson. He hands her a piece of paper. She nodds.

'You can take place now', she says. Her voice is cold.

I stare at the scene when I realise the only place left over is right next to me.

I couldn't see his face yet. His black hair matching his black leather jacket, his jeans and vans. He walked over to me. I still couldn't see his face. He walks with his head down like he did something bad and he feels guilty about it. I wonder what it could be.

I'm realizing I'm staring at him. I quickly turn away. The view through the window is comforting. Especially when this random guy I don't know comes in and sits right next to me. He unpacks his stuff and sits down.

He smells amazing.

After a while I finally have the guts to look back to my book. I feel eyes burning on me.

'Hi. I'm Jordan.'

'Hi.' Is the only word my brain allows me to say.

'What's your name?' , he asks with a bit of a nervous voice.

'Ow. I'm sorry. My name is Jane.'

'Nice to meet you.'

I look up at him. My eyes caught in his. Two bright blue eyes staring into mine.

'N-nice to meet you too', I say with a trembling voice.

'Allright class, you can start making exercise 14 and 15.' Mrs. Anderson's words made me relieved. Now I had something to take of my mind and stop staring at this boy.

The exercises aren't that difficult but I can see Jordan having a bit of trouble.

I grab all my courage. 'Do you need help?'

'Well, I understand shit about this.' He says with his raspy voice. 'I co-'

The bell rings.

'Maybe next time.' I say with a smile. Where did that come from? I take my books and almost run out of the classroom. I hope he didn't see me.

I walk to my next class. Math.

I hope he isn't in this class as well.

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