Chapter 5

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We drove to the park.

He slowly walked towards bench and convinced me to join him. I didn't rejected that offer. I sat down and stared at him.

'You are handsome.' Did I just say that out loud? I could kill myself. 'Well thank you, you don't look bad either.' He smiled. Did he just gave me a compliment or did he justwanted to be nice?

'I barely know you but I have a strange feeling I saw you somewhere.' I wanted to ask him this for a long time.

'I know right. It feels like I know you.' He shuffled closer to me.

'Jordan, you're so mysterious. I don't know how you are.'

'I know. I just really suck in making friends.' He tried to smile but he failed miserably.

'I really want to get to know you.' He looked up to me. His eyes were sparkling.

'Want to go get a drink?'

'I can't drink yet.'

'I mean: do you want to go to the icecreamshop with me and drink a milkshake? Jane, you're a weirdo.' He started laughing.

'Jordan! Yes I'd love to go get a milkshake with you.'

We walked over to the shop. There was a table in the back where we sat down.

'Is this like a date?' My nervousness was getting worse.

'No Jane, I don't go on dates with girls I barely know. Don't be offended but I just want to get to know you.'

'I hoped you'd say that. So tell me about the Jordanfamily.'

'The Jordanfamily? For real Jane?'

We both started laughing. Our milkshakes were brought and we enjoyed it. Altough we were both 17, we still loved to drink milkshakes.

'You look so dangerous.' That statement made me think of the day I first saw him.

'I do?' He looked at me with his blue orbs. At this point he looked like a cute puppy or something.

'You do.'

'I do have my dark side. A dark past.'

His words made me chukle. A dark past? What's that supposed to mean?

'You want to tell me?'


I nodded.

'Jane Edwards, tell me something about yourself.'

'I live with my grandma because my mom lives in Australia.'

'Do you have any brothers or sisters?'

'I had a brother.'

'What happened?'

'Don't want to talk about it. Any other relatives I should know about Jordan? By the way, what's your last name?'

'I have a sister. Jordan Luke Hemmings, nice to meet you.' He started shaking my hand. 'What's your middle name?'


He looked down. Like he was about to cry.

'Jordan, are you allright?'

'It's nothing.'

'You can tell me.'

'If you really want to know,' his eyes were in tears,'that's my mother's name.'

'Your mom's name was Isabelle?'

'Yes. She past away 7 years ago.'

I was shocked. This strong. independet, mysterious guy was crying. He sat on the opposite side of the table. I sat next to him and holded him in my arms. He hugged me back.

Under is tears he started talking again.

'My little sister, Melanie, is 6.'

'How did she past away?' I couldn't bare saying died.

'She had a disease. Melanie has a mental disorder because of it. She got it 10 years ago. In the beginning it wasn't so bad but after 2 years she started having heart failures. She was in the hospital 24/7.'

'I'm so sorry.'

'It's not your fault.'

I kissed the top of his head. Letting him know it was allright. He cried.

I trusted him and when I finally had the courage I started talking.

'My dad died 2 years ago. He had cancer. My mom was so upset she left me behind and moved to Australia. I lived in Miami but moved here to Manchester.'

He looked up to me.

'I'm sorry.' His voice calmed down.

'It's not your fault.' I replied with a soft smile.

'Want to meet Melanie someday.'

'She is school now. It's an institute for children like her. I'm going to pick her up then. Would you like to come?'

'I'd love to Jordan!'

We chatted some more and decided that I would go to his home tomorrow to study.

I finnaly found a friend. a real one.

I went back home.

'Isabelle!? Where have you been? Dinner is ready.' My grandma sounded upset.

'I'm sorry, didn't I tell you I was going to hang out with Jordan?'

'You didn't.'

'Sorry.' I gave her a kiss and we sat down to enjoy our dinner.

'I'm going to make my homework and after I'm going straight to bed.'


Before I left the room I turned around.

'We have to go to the hospital tomorrow.'

I nodded and ran upstairs.

I checked my phone. "2 new messages"

"It was fun today!! -J"

"Can you explain fysics to me? Wasn't there today -J"

"Why were you not there?"

"Fell asleep on the toilets -J"

"Don't let me alone. Ever again."

"Sorry :( go to bed now. It's late -J"

"Have ro finnish homework. Only if you go to sleep. (don't want you to sleep on the toilets tomorrow."

"Allright. -J"

I smiled. He was like my friend now.

I finnished homework and sended him goodnight.

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