Chapter 8

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Yanna's P.O.V

After I got done texting Ryan I decided to straighten up my room because it was a total mess. When I was finish ryan texted me and told me to open the door so I went downstairs to open the door for my BestFriend.

(Yanna):Hey bestie wassup (ryan):Hey wassup and damn your house is big (yanna): I know I know. But let's go in my room because I don't usually chill downstairs. (Ryan): ok

(In room)

(Ryan):your room is really big dang. (Yanna):lol thanks I know I paid a lot of money for this house. (Ryan):how much you pay for it? (Yanna): I paid 900$ for this house. (Ryan):Dang that's alot of money. (Yanna):yeahhh but its worth It. (Ryan): yeah I know.

Yanna's P.O.V

So me and ryan talked for hours and hours and I decided to tell him about what Chris be doing to me. I was a little scared but I had to tell him before he finds out.

(Yanna):Soo Ryan I have to tell you something. (Ryan):sure go ahead we always tell each other things. (Yanna):but I'm scared I don't know how you would react. (Ryan):I'm sure its not that bad come on tell me. (Yanna):um ook well Chris has been um... (Ryan):has been what ? (Yanna):H-He has been um (tearing up) he has been hitting me (Ryan): what the hell you mean hitting you. You better mean hitting you on the butt. (Yanna):N-No he has been beating me. Like putting his hands on me(crying) (ryan):(Gets up) Woah yanna what the fuck! Why the hell you didn't tell me this earlier. How long has this been going on! (Yanna):for um... 2years now (ryan):For 2 fucking years. (Pasting back and forth) yanna why you didn't tell me this before. I could of handled the shit! (Yanna):I didn't wanna tell you because of how you would react. ryan please calm down.
(Ryan): Naw cause when I see him imma beat the hell out of him. Like real talk! (Yanna):I'm sorry I should of told you from the start please don't be angry at me. (Ryan):I'm not angry at you yanna I'm angry that he put his hands on you. I'm sorry for yelling at you yanna. (Hugs her)

Ryan had huged me for like almost a minute. He told me he would not ever let anyone hurt me. Then we stared into each other eyes then he lean in and slowly passionately kissed my lips. We was kissing for 2mins I can't believe my BestFriend and I kissed. After that I heard a loud bang on my door. Then we stop kissing I kinda felt embarrassed.

(Yanna):I should go um get t-the door. (Ryan): ok I'll be here waiting.

I went downstairs to open the door because sombody was banging really loud. When I opened it I had got punched in the face before I knew who it was. I was unconscious for like 2mins. I woke back up and it was chris. I was trying to yell for help but I couldn't cuz my face really hurted and he punched me in my nose and mouth/jaw.

(Chris): hey baby you miss me (evil Grin)

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