You cheat on him with another band member

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You cheat on him with another band member....

Umm..very dirty. Well not extremely but if your under like... If you don't know what sex is dont read.

Third POV


"Babe?" You were laying in bed from a rough night last night. "Hmm?" "I have to go record my solos for the album." You nodded. "Okay." He came and gave you a kiss. "And the boys are coming over later for dinner." You grumbled. "All of them?" Referring to Louis. "Yes dear. Louis too. He's my best mate. I can't avoid him forever." Louis was your ex boyfriend, he cheated on you that's why your not together anymore. "Okay. I'm sorry." He nodded and walked out. And hour later or so you got up to get ready. You dressed in your favorite yoga pants and Harry's sweatshirt. As you were coming down the stairs you heard the doorbell ring. "Coming." You yelled. You opened the door to find the one person you didn't want to see. "Hey (y/n)." He bluntly said. "Hi Louis." You guys stood there for a long while with no noise. "Um come in I guess." You moved out of his way allowing him in. "Okay." He moved past you. His smell, you missed it. He sat on the couch. "You really made Harry's place look better." You put your hand on your hip. "Why are you here, Louis?" You snapped. He looked like he was going to cry. "I miss you... Like really bad. I can't sleep at night knowing your in Harry's arms. Your mine, you have always been mine." I moved closer to him. "If I was always yours why did you cheat on me?" He was crying. "I don't know, okay. I don't even remember why! I love you." You sat down next to him. "(Y/n) your everything I've always wanted. I can't stand that Harry can walk around calling you his. I was your first and I want to be your last." You felt tears coming to your eyes. "I know you've slept with Harry because he always rubs it in my face. He doesn't love you like I do or did. (Y/n) please take me back?" He brought your face to his. Feeling his lips against yours. You loved having that feeling again. You wanted more from him. He offered it and you took it. You soon were straddled on his waist. You yanked his jacket down his arms. He moved his head into your neck biting and licking you lightly. You got a whiff of Harry's smell from his sweatshirt you were wearing. Guilt was coming across you. "Louis." You moaned. "I can't do this to him." He looked you in the eyes. "You can. Just get this off." He ripped his sweatshirt off you. He stared at your now bra covered chest. "Have they gotten bigger?" He smirked he shoved his lips back on yours. You pulled on his shirt. "Off." You whispered into his ears. He slid you off his lap and pulled on your arm up the stairs. You followed to yours and Harry's room. Once you saw the already messed up bed, more guilt came across you. Louis wouldn't let you think like that. He pushed you down onto the bed. He pulled your pants down followed with his shirt and pants. He crawled back on top of you. He stuck his hands behind your back and un clipped your bra. He pulls it down your arms and stares at your chest. And moved closer and starts to suck. "Louis." You moan. That encourages him. "Louis I don't know when Harry's going get back hurry up." He moved up and pulled your panties down your freshly shaved legs. His boxers followed. He was positioning himself. "Wait Louis do you have protection?" He looked at me. "No, but I'll be careful." You shook your head. "No go on Harry's side of the bed. In his night stand, first or second drawer." He followed your instructions. He came back over with the silver packaged condom. He slid it over his long, hard shaft. "Okay you ready?" You nodded. He pushed himself into you. Being gently yet forceful. It lasted about ten minuets before he climaxed. You on the other hand didn't have an organism. He later sat next to you. "That was the best sex I've had in a while." You looked at him. "How so?" He smiled. "Because it feels best with the girl I love." You nodded your head. That's when about a a million piles a guilt hit you. "Louis you need to leave." He looked shocked. "Why?" You sat up and covered yourself. "Because your in Harry's spot and he may not like to come home and find you naked in his bed." He sighed and moved closer to you. "You're right." He kissed your lips hard. "Louis go." He nodded and got up and got his clothes on. "Tell me when I can come back...for good." He walked out. You started to cry. 'What the hell did I just do?' You thought.


You had been friends with benefits with Harry for a long time. He then introduced you to the boys and then you fell in love with Louis. As he did you. The problem was...he never wanted to have sex. You went from Harry who had sex with you any time you wanted to Louis (who've you have been with for a two years) who only had sex on occasion. It was frustrating you because you wanted that pleasure so bad, but your not going to hurt Louis for it. You walk in the study to find Louis on the computer. You were so horny. The last time you and Lou had sex. was about... two weeks ago. "Baby?" He didn't even look at you. "What?" You moved closer to him. "I bought something at Victoria Secret today I figured you would like to see it." You seductively spoke. "Um maybe in a bit, I have to finish this." You went behind him and started to kiss his neck. "Can't it wait?" You kept kissing. And you started sucking his sweet spot when he wouldn't move. He pinched his eyes shut...finally, you thought. Until... "(Y/n) stop I need to get this done!" "Please Lou." He turned to face you. "I will have sex with you later, okay? This is more important right now." He turned back around. "Fine. I'm going out." You started to walk out the door. "Don't be too late." He called. All you did was mutter "dick." And continued walking.

You went to Starbucks to enjoy a coffee. "What can I get you?" The nice lady asked. "Black, please." She nodded her head and you paid for your drink. Sitting in a booth you waited for her to finish it. When you noticed a familiar mop of curls ordering. "Hang one one second, sir. Let me finish her coffee then I will get yours." She called out to him. "It's fine take your time. I have no where else to be." He mumbled that last part to himself. She came running around the corner. "Okay a black coffee!" She yelled out. I walked up to the counter. "That's me ma'am." "Ah there you are, enjoy your night." She gave me a warm smile and I returned one. Harry had his hands in face. "You too Styles, have a good night." He rose up quickly to the sound of my voice and smiled. "(Y/n), hey! How you've been? Haven't seen you in awhile. Um about..." He made a thinking face. "Two years." You answered for him. His smile disappeared. "Yeah since you started dating Louis." You nodded. "Yep." He order his coffee and turned to me. "How's that been?" You looked up at him. "What my relationship?" He nodded. "Fine...sorta." His eyebrows furrowed together. "Why what's up." I motioned to go sit down and he nodded. "Here's your coffee sir." He smiled. "Thank you." He handed her a fifty. "You shouldn't have to work this late." She smiled and said a thanks and he headed your way. "So... what's up?" He sipped his coffee as you told him what was going on. He nodded as you continued..."and I just don't know how to get him fired up." You breathed and Harry just chuckled. "Well...I say don't try." I gave a confused look. "He obviously doesn't want it, so don't push it." "But I want it." He looked at you. "It or him?" You realized what you had said. "At this point all I want is it." Harry didn't smile. "I can help you with that. I haven't had a girl as good as you in a long time." You were shocked that he even offered. "Harry we said that we were done." He put his coffee down. "Who says we can't start again?"

Ten minuets later.

You and Harry were naked in the back off his car. He was currently getting ready to push himself inside you. "Man I missed this." He moaned. He shifted a little bit. "You ready?" You nodded quickly. "Impatient are we?" He smirked his slightly sweaty face turning you on. "HARRY NOW!" He forced himself so hard into you it was painful, but you didn't want it to stop. "Faster, deeper!" You moaned into his neck. He pushed harder. He raised your knee up and put it against his chest, creating a much deeper angle. You moaned loudly. "You like that huh." He kept going harder and harder. Deeper and deeper. "Ahh Harry, you feel so good." Have you gotten bigger?" He smirked. "It's possible." You both finally climaxed onto each other. He moved his face to your area to cleaning you with his tongue. "Don't get me fired up again." You stated, but his tongue was already inside of you.

"Harry we need to go." He was laying in your bare chest. "Why? I'm not finished." You shook your head. "Yes your are, we've been at this for an hour and a half." He smiled. "I know three times. I think it's a record." You nodded. "Yeah, plus I'm really sore and you have no more condoms." "I can go get some mor-" "No I need to go back home before Louis calls me." He nodded. We redressed ourselves. "Uh do you want me to drive you?" "That would be nice since I walked here and can, barely walk anyway." He smirked. "Sorry I went a little over board." You nodded. He pulled into your and Louis driveway. "Here you go." You leaned over and kissed him. "This is not the end." He licked his lips and nodded. You got out of the car and went up to the into the house. "Hey baby I'm home." He walked out and asked. "You ready?"

There's one 2/5 right now because I hate writing because I would hope the boys would never do that to each other. Plus this one is hard to think of ideas with out them sounding the same so I will let you know later when this is finished.

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