He brings up sex in your relationship

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You met your boyfriend at restaurant for a dinner date. You wore a tight pink dress and black heels. Harry was seated with another couple as you neared him. "Hello baby." You say kissing the back of his neck. He smiled and stood up to wrap his arms around your waist. "Hello beautiful." He says kissing your lips. "I missed you." He says sweetly. "So Harry this is the girl, you've been talking about?" Harry turns towards his guest. "Yes, this is (y/n)." You sit in your seats across from them. You find out that the mans name is Mark with his fiancée Linda. They've known Harry for a long time. "So (y/n) you have to tell me..." Mark starts. "Is Harry as good in bed as he thinks?" Linda smacked his arm. "Mark that's personal." You felt uncomfortable. "Well um..." Harry finished for you. "We've never had sex together." Marks eyebrows raised. "Really? How long have you two been dating?" "Almost eight months." Mark makes a thinking face. "So is there any particular reason why you haven't had sex?" Your cheeks flushed. "Is she a virgin or something?" Harry was growing angry. "We haven't talked about it. I would have sex if she wanted to, but we never talk about it, okay?!" He sorta yells. His hand meets your knee and squeezes. "I love her and would wait for her forever."


"Are you done with that sandwich yet?" Niall yells from the couch. "Yep." You say walking through the kitchen door. "Did you start the movie?" He nodded and put an arm out for you to cuddle into. You did and he kissed the top of your head. A sex scene came on and you felt extremely awkward, you and Niall have never had that kind of intimacy yet. It kept continuing on and on. You grabbed the remote shutting the vulgar act off. "Why did you shut the tv off?" You looked at him. "You did that on propose." He frowned. "Did what, pick a movie?" "No you chose that movie to get me horny." He gave a look of surprise. And you gave him a glare. "Okay maybe I did." He said putting his hands in the air in defense. You rolled your eyes. "Hey, I needed to see your reaction." "To what?" "Sex. Like if your scared of it or something, because you won't put out." "A relationship shouldn't just be about sex." "I'm not saying it is." He grabbed your face in his hands. "We've been together a year and I have tried, but you shrug me off. I feel like you don't want to because you don't love me." "Niall I will always love I just... I had sex with my last boyfriend and he broke up with me the next day. So I didn't want to scare you away." He kissed you. "Never in a million years."


"Baby can the boys come over?" You smiled. "No not at all." You said sarcastically. "Babe you know I don't care if they come over." "Thanks baby." Said a squeaky voice. "Harry?" Harry popped his head into the living room. He smirked. "Where's Lou?" "On the phone with Liam." You nodded. "So... What's new (y/n)?" "What do you want Harry?" He came and hopped next to you on he couch. "I wanted to ask you a question?" You already knew the question. 

Louis POV 

"Hey Harry." "Hey." He said calmly. He looked at me. "So why did you wanna talk?" I sat on the couch. "It's (y/n) she won't put out." His face scrunched up. Little did either of them know but you were just around the corner listening. "Like wont have sex with you?" "YES! I don't know what or why she won't. Like I love her and she says she loves me. I don't understand." Harry chuckled. "Mate, I can't help you. All the girls I'm with always put out. I'll ask her for you." "No don't! I don't wanna sound needy." "But you are!" 

Your POV  

"So my question is... Why won't you sleep with Louis?" You sighed. "Why is it your concern?" "He's my mate if a girl doesn't want to be with him it's my duty to figure out why." Lou appeared in the door. "Seriously babe, is something wrong with me?" You moved over to him. "There's nothing wrong with you baby, I just never thought you wanted too." "Of course I do." He pulled you face into his for a long kiss. "Well my work is done." Harry states walking out the door.


The music pounded in your ears as you danced on the floor. Your boyfriends (Aka all the members of 1d and you get what I mean by boyfriends) were dancing around you. You soon felt someone grab your hips pulling them to his. You felt him grinding against you. You were thinking it was your loving boyfriend Zayn, but when you saw him coming towards you. You knew it wasn't. "Harry if I can't get her in bed your not going to either." Harry laughed. "He's kidding right." You bit your lip and shook your head. Harry eyes widened and he said. "I'm getting another drink." And walked off. Zayn's hips replaced Harry's. You weren't in the same mood anymore. "(Y/n) why did you stop?" "Why did you have to say that to Harry?" "What-" "That I haven't put out! Zayn you always humiliate me!" "I wasn't trying-" "Go to hell." You stormed out of the club. "Babe, stop!" "What's the point? You're not getting laid." He grabbed you wrist and pulled you around. "Not that I'm forcing you, but why won't you sleep with me?" You bit your lip. "Um..." "Are you a virgin?" Your eyes started watering as you nodded and looked down. "Baby it's okay, are you scared?" "I don't want it to hurt." "I won't hurt you baby. I would never think of doing that to you." He wiped your tears and kissed your lips. "Come on baby, let me show how much I love you."

Liam His POV 

"True or dare Liam?" Louis asked me. "Truth." I answered. "Okay how many times have you done the naughty with (y/n)?" He smirked. I now had all the boys attention plus my girl friends. She half smiled and looked down. "Zero." I said plainly. "Wait what?" Harry chipped in. "We haven't had sex yet." I locked my fingers with hers. "Why?" Louis pushed farther. "I don't know. We just haven't." She kept her head down. "Okay next question." It was Harry's turn. "Okay truth of dare (y/n)?" "Truth." She says quietly. I knew this was now upsetting her. "Why haven't you slept with Liam?" She stood. "Not everything is about fucking sex, you're all a bunch of stupid horny ass holes!" She stormed off to our bedroom. My face fell into my hands and I mumbled. "Just wonderful." I followed the way up the stairs to our room. "Darling. That was a little over the top don't you think?" She was sobbing. I say next to her and rubbed her back. "Sweetheart don't let them get to you." She put her head into my lap. "Why can't they understand I'm waiting till marriage?" I kissed her head. "I don't know baby." "That's how I was brought up! So that's how I'm going to keep it!" She continued to cry. I whispered soothing word into her ears. "Baby I don't care how long I have to wait for you, because your worth every minuet." She stopped sobbing, just sniffing. "You mean the world to me, nothing and I mean nothing is going to change that, okay?" She looked at me with her beautiful eyes. "Okay." I leaned down kissing her lips softly and tucking her into bed. I head downstairs to give the boys a piece of my mind.

Yay another preference done!

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