The Boys thinks hes whipped

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Okay so I go away for a few days to return to 1.2k reads? That's is amazing! I will try my hardest to get some up today and tomorrow. Really need ideas in THE MESSAGE BOARD! Thank you!

The boys thinks he's whipped.


"Hey Liam? The light bulb went out in our bedroom." "Like went out how?" He was playing video games with the boys, obviously not paying attention to what your saying. "Really." "Oh that sounds bad." "Liam?" No reply. "LIAM JAMES PAYNE!" He looked at you. "What I do?" "Please go fix the light bulb." "Oh okay sure." He turned to the guys. "Give me a few minuets to fix something for (y/n)." They all stifled laughs. He walked up to you, giving you a peck and continued up the steps to your room. "He's so whipped." Harry spoke to the boys. "For sure." Niall added. "Says the two who don't have girlfriends." You retorted. Louis and Zayn broke out in laughter. Liam came back down the stairs. "All good babe." "Thanks." You say grabbing his face in a passionate kiss. His hands moved to your waist. You kept on. Harry grumbled. "Okay, okay we get it. It's better to be whipped then nothing at all. Now Liam can we finish this game?" He smiled at you. "Naughty girl." He said and went back to the boys.


Both of you had the boys over for a few drinks. (Let's say Liam can drink just like the rest of them.) All but Niall had at least six beers. They were drunk off their asses. "Come onnnnn Ni ennnjjoy ittt." Harry prodded at him. Niall should his head. "No I'm fine, thanks." "I'm not asking I'm telling." Harry got in his face. "Harry you're drunk get back before you do something stupid." He pushed Niall. "What's up Niall whyyyy aren't yyouu drrinkkinggg witttsh uss, yyoo-u got s-somewhere to be?" "No I will have to drive these idiots home." Harry turned and laughed. "See this is why you don't have a girlfriend. Your no fun." Niall knew he was drunk, but it still hurt him. "I'm going to go hang out with (y/n). You were pregnant that's why you hadn't joined the drinking. Niall headed up the stairs. He slightly heard the boys saying. "What's a baby, go cry." He felt the tears prick his eyes. As he was reaching the top you were starting to head down. "Hey Ni." "Hey." You could hear the sob in his throat. "Niall what's wrong?" He looked at you. You saw the tears in his eyes. "Tell me now." He told you the story as you rubbed his back. "I just wanted to make sure they got home safe." "I will go deal with him." You carried your eight month pregnant belly down the steps to the kitchen. "Hey bbbabby." He tried to kiss you. "Nh uh. You go apologize to Niall." "Baby we were playing." "Harry fucking Styles get your ass upstairs and apologize, I'm not bringing these babies into a broken family, you hear?" You yelled with a stern voice. "Now put that beer down and go." He nodded. "Yes dear." He disappeared out the door. The other three laughed. Looking at you. "He's so whipped!" Louis laughed. You moved closer to him pointing your finger on his chest. "Your next or I will cut your manhood into pieces." "Yes ma'am."

Sorta stole from 'what to expect when your expecting' love that movie


The boys were over for a sleepover in yours and Zayn's living room. You let Zayn have his time with the boys so you disappeared in your room for the night. Only to come down the stairs the next morning to find the living room a mess. Beer bottles scattered, pizza boxes still laying with pizza inside. They boys scattered on the ground. It was 10am. You were flaming with anger, knowing you would get left with this mess, when they left for rehearsals in two hours. You went into the kitchen grabbing five glasses of freezing water. You screamed at the top of your lungs. All five boys stayed still. "Fine." You dumped one on Zayn, he shot up. Next was Niall and Liam. Then Louis and Harry they all had the same reaction. "What the fuck women?" Zayn spoke. "Oh goody you're all up." "Probably because we just got a face full of water." Niall said. "Hush. Now this living room will be cleaned before you leave today. All the boys groaned and laid back down. "Zayn baby?" He looked at you and sat up on the couch. "Yes dear?" "Please make sure it's clean." "Of course." You planted a kiss on his warm lips. You pulled away and sat in his lap. "I love you." He kissed you again multiply times. "Love you too." You got up and headed up the stairs. He leaned against the back of the couch. "Okay mates, come on get up time to clean. Harry sat up and 'coughed the word whipped'. The boys started joining in. "Whipped whipped whipped." "OKAY! Maybe I'm whipped."


You walked in from work, beat and tired. Lou had the boys over for a boys night. "Hey baby!" Louis yelled from the couch. "Yeah hi deliciousness." Harry voice rang out. You rolled your eyes at the comment. You dropped your keys and purse on the side table. Louis appeared from around the corner. He saw your sad face. "What's wrong babe?" "I just had an awful day and I thought I was going to come home to you, but I forgot you had a boys night. So I'm just a tad disappointed we have company." "You just go upstairs I'll come rub your back in a few." You leaned up to kiss his lips. He closed the gap between you two. "Thank you." He smiled. "Anything for you, oh one question did you get the call?" You knew what call he was talking about. You and Louis have been trying to have a baby for over three months. You missed your period this past month so you got checked out. "No call." "Damn, okay just go lay down. I love you." "You too." You went upstairs. Just as you changed into comfortable clothes you got a call.

Louis POV

"Hey guys quiet down. (Y/n) doesn't feel very good, so she's in bed. I'm going go rub her back and I'll be back."

"Whipped much?" Zany asked him. "It's just a back rub." "If it just a back rub-". Harry started. "Then you won't mind me doing it." Lou scoffed. "Of course not." He felt anger in his bones. "Okay be back boys."

You pov

You lay on the bed with just a a bra and shorts on. "Hey beautiful." It wasn't Louis' voice. "What do you want Harry?" "Lou had something to do so he asked if I would rub your back for you, if its okay with you?" You weren't exactly sure what was going on but why turn down the offer. "I'm fine with it." He climbed into the bed straddling your butt. "Oil huh?" He said as he picked up the container. You felt his fingers grab the clip of your bra letting it lose. "Okay Harry get up, I don't care if I'm whipped. I love her and that's all that matters." Lou's voice broke in. Harry chuckled before climbing off your back. Lou replaced him. "I can't believe you even let him." "Hush and rub." He poured some oil onto his hands, rubbing your tight muscles. "Oh Louis?" "Yeah?" "We're pregnant."


"Niall!" He was downstairs playing video games with the boys. "What babe?!" He yelled. "Come here." You had been sick for the past two days throwing up and not sleeping. "Hold up boys." "Go ahead." He ran up the stairs to your shared room. "What's up princess?" "I'm so hungry." "Baby you'll just throw it back up." "Can you call my doctor?" "Sure." He called the number he needed. "Hi Dr. Gibbons, Niall Horan here. Yeah my wife's been sick in bed for the past two days and I'm just not sure what's going on." There was a pause. "Symptoms, she getting sick in the toilet. Especially in the mornings. She always hungry, but throws it back up. Um she's has had the sweats a little bit." He was listening. "Baby when was your last period?" "Um two months ago- oh my god." "Two months ma'am." He continued to listen. "Unprotected sex? I'm not sure I don't keep count if we have or not." He listened again. "Okay baby let me see your ankles." You pulled your leg out from underneath the blanket. "Little swollen- pregnant?" Your eyes widened. "Okay yeah tomorrow's perfect." He hung up. "Okay your possibly caring my baby." "That's great, right?" "Yes. I'm going to make you some soup."

Nails pov

"Niall where have you been?" "On the phone with (y/n)s doctor." "Hurry up we wanna play." "Have Louis play for me. I'm taking care of (y/n)." "You whipped Niall?" "No!" "You so are mate." Harry added to Liam's comment. "Am not, she's just pregnant." All the boys gasped. "Congrats mate." The said something all long the lines of. "We'll it's not official but their pretty sure." "We're excited for you." "Thanks."

Okay sorry for the late update I was helping my moms be and just when she gets finished my dad told me he sold he house so now I'm going to moving him. And school starts in two weeks.

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