Late nights out with young kids

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"Babe he's really tired, I think we should head out." "Babe this is one of the biggest parties of the year!" "It's also really late for a three year old." "But babe we won the most popular band award, I wanna celebrated it with the boys." "Lou we are also the only ones that have a kid, can please just wrap it up he's about asleep on that couch." Louis looked over at his son. "Aw, poor baby, yeah I will wrap up hon." He kissed your awaiting lips. You walked over to your curled up son. "Mummy, is it time to go home?" "Just about baby. Come here." He crawled up into your lap snuggle into your neck. You wrapped your coat around his body. "Go to sleep honey. I will make sure your okay." He nodded his head and soon his breathing pattern slowed. You sat waiting for your husband.


You and Zayn were walking down the side walk hand and hand. You daughter curled up in his other arm with his coat around her body. You were just leaving the neighborhood block party. "It was fun, don't you think?" You asked Zayn. "Yeah but, I don't think peanut was in the party mood." He said smiling at the sleeping child. "She's just tired. Being two is really hard these days." He chuckled. "Yeah I know play all day and eat, must be hard." You continued to walk down the sidewalk till you were reaching your driveway. "This are the times I'm going to miss." Zayn said referring to him leaving in a week, for a two months gig. "You know how much she's going to miss you." "Yeah, maybe when I get back, we will have her third birthday and then maybe give her a baby sibling." "You want too?" "Why not? Ever since she learned to talk that all she's been saying 'baby, baby, baby' it's getting a little annoying." "She's two." "Almost three." "Almost, maybe we should try when you get back." "Sounds good." "I love you Zayn." "Not as much as I love you."


"Where are the boys?" Niall yelled over the speakers. "Laying in the booth." "Why?" "They're tired Niall, you know what time it is?" "No, what time is it?" "Almost 12." "Shit, why don't we go home babe?" "It's your night you can do what you want! If you wanna stay we can a stay a bit, or if you wanna going home that is fine too."  "Let me go say bye to some people, you go bundle the boys up, its colder than shit outside. I will meet you at the booth." "Okay."  You walked to the booth where Liam sat with your two boys. "Thanks Liam I found him." "Yep, you guys heading out?" "Yeah I think so, its a little too much for the boys." "Need some help?" "Sure." You and Liam bundled up the boys, in their coats and hats. "Okay Hun I'm ready." "Grab a boy. Thank you Liam." "I will see you guys later." You and Niall carried the boys to the car. Strapping them in. "What a night." "Yeah." "I'm ready to go home and go to bed." "Me too, me too."


"Harry do you have Darcy?!" You yelled through the crowd. "No I thought she was with you!" "She's not!" you and Harry started searching for your five year old daughter. "Darcy!" Harry's voice bellowed out. You and him both continued to look. "No I'm his princess." "Was that Darcy?" You asked Harry. "Yeah." You both walked towards the voice, to see your little girl sitting on 'her boyfriend Ed's' lap. "So Darcy this is your man?" A man with a camera asked. "Yep. He's all mine." Ed chuckled from the little girls response. "Darcy Anne! You can not disappear like that!" "I'm sorry Daddy." She said with worried eyes. "Its fine, at least you were with Ed." "She found me and pretty much scowled at any girl who talked to me." "Yeah! He kept talking to this girl I could of popped her in the mouth." "Okay time to go home." "Okay, daddy. Can Ed come?" "Ask him."  "Ed will you come home with us?" Ed's eyes never left Harry face. "Thanks Harry, sure pumpkin." "Yay!" You didn't get home until 1 am that night.


"Daddy, I'm sleepy."   "I know buddy, I'm tired too."   "Then why can't we go home?"   "We can't yet, your uncles aren't done partying."   "But, we can go home right?"   "Buddy you know I have to wait on the rest of the band."  "But I'm so tired."   "Liam babe, why don't I just take him home, you can stay here with the boys?"  "No we are a family we stay together."   "Liam your four year old is tired and its almost midnight, I'm not going to keep him up any longer.  So either you tell the boys goodbye or tell your son goodbye.   Because either way me and him are leaving."   "Alright!   Let me find the boys and I will say goodnight."   "Don't be angry."   "I'm not I'm just tired."   "Then lets go."    "Okay, I'm sorry honey."   He kissed your lips.  "It's fine you just need to not be so concerned with the boys and look after you own boy."   "Your right, wow can't believe I just said that."   "But it's true."   "Yes it is."

Okay short I'm sorry!  I just wanted to get it done.

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