Long Car Rides

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Little bit sexual nothing into detail.


You both have been driving for over eight hours and you have four more to go. "Babe?" Zayn called for you. You rolled over. "Yeah." "I'm hungry, are you?" You sat up from your laying position. "Yeah. What time is it-" "four thirty am." He answered for you. "Zayn! Babe you were supposed to wake me at two! So you could sleep!" You yelled at him. "I know, but you were so tired-" "Yeah so are you! You've been driving since seven thirty pm! Zayn!" "Babe, calm down, I'm fine. What do you want to eat?" "Something hot." You say suddectivly. "Mexican or -" He finally caught on. He looked at you. "Not now." His eyes very dark lit with the moonlight. "I want something spicy too." "(Y/n) stop." You put your hand on his thigh slowly inching it up. "(Y/n) your going to make me get in an accident. Then we will both be dead." "I was thinking I want a Bradford hot dog. That sounds delicious for me. What about you?" He chuckled. "Baby I'm too tired to do anything right now. I'm just really hungry." You gave him pleading eyes. "(Y/n) don't get me wrong, I do love you and I would love your body right now, but I'm so tired." You crossed your arms and sat back in your seat. He saw your action. "Baby don't be mad, why are you mad?" "Because you make me horny an now I'm all flustered." "I love you." "Yeah yeah."


It was just going on ten o'clock pm you and Harry had just switch driving positions. You being now in the passenger side. You had a very devious plan for revenge. A few days ago it was your brothers 18 (if you don't have one make it someone else in your family) birthday. All day Harry was very frisky and wanted sex, but you denied knowing you had to leave for your brothers. Well his hands wandered all durning the party, causing your brother to find you and Harry with your hand down his pants. And Harry said these exact words 'she's been all over me all day.' Now it's your turn to humiliate him. "Baby when will we get there?" "An hour, so close your eyes because you know the boys are eager to see you." You nodded and put your hand on his knee. "Babe what are you doing?" "Nothing can't I touch my boyfriend?" He gave you a side ways glare. "I guess." You hand moved upwards slowly, moving it down again, then back up. "Babe?" "Harry focus on the road." Your fingers moved across his crotch he jolted a little. "Sorry babe." You smirked. His button was now undone. "(Y/n) I know what your doing." "Do you?" Your fingers moved to his boxers. "I know your mad about-" you grabbed his member, making him at loss for words. "What was that babe?" "(Y/n) your going tooo make mme... gett in an acccc...identtt." He said stuttering. Your fingers moved up and down his length. "Focus and you won't." "I can't focus with your hand down my pants!" He yelled. You continue to play with him for the last hour of the car ride. Pulling out when you pulled into the driveway of your destination. He grabbed your face wanting to kiss you. "(Y/n) YOUR FINALLY HERE!" You heard Lou. "Harry no sex while we are staying with the boys." You lectured. "Are you kidding me? We're staying here for a week!" He whined. "Well you have a long week ahead of you."


"Babe let me drive." "No." "Lou your eyes are practically shutting as we speak." He opened his eyes up very wide. "No there not." "Louis let me drive." "(Y/n) go to sleep." "Louis fucking Tomlinson let me drive or you will get no sex on this trip!" You yelled. His head turned your way. "You can't lie to me (y/n). You'll practically be begging by the second day." "I won't." "I guess we will find out wont we, because your not driving." "Fine." You moved your hand to his leg. Rubbing your hand up ad down. He chuckled. "Go ahead sweetheart, you won't do anything." "Are you saying I don't turn you on?" You can admit that hurt, even if he didn't mean it that way. You pulled you hand away, crossing your arms. He looked at you. "(Y/n) you know I don't mean it like that-" "Just shut up. I'm sorry I can't fucking please you, Louis." "Baby please don't be this way." "Why would you say that? That hurt my feelings Lou." "Baby I didn't mean it that way-" "Then why did you say it like that?!" "(Y/n) your overacting." "Really?" You say sarcastically. "We will see who is overacting." "What does that mean?" "You will see Louis." "Babe?" You ignored him. Guess who didn't get sex the whole trip and guess who was begging on the second day for sex. "Baby please I'm begging you, I'm going to die if you don't please me!" "Well well well, look who's overacting now." "Are you really punishing me?" "I guess I'm good at something huh?" "Baby, please!" He whined. You have never had so much fun in a long time.

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