He wants a baby but you dont part 2

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He wants a baby and you don't part 2!

"Liam, suppers ready!" You yelled up the stairs. You heard your bedroom door open. His tall figure appeared at the top of the steps. "I made spaghetti. Hope you're hungry." He got to the bottom of the stairs shoving pass you. "Always am."
You and Liam sat across from each other at the dining room table. "So what time to you have to go to the studio tomorrow?" He didn't even look at you. "Early." "When you going to get home?" "Late." "Liam don't be this way with me please." "I do everything for you, my job pays for your house you live in, the car you drive, the food you eat! Why can't you give me the one thing I want." You were stunned at his words. "Liam I'm sorry. I just don't think I would be a good mum, because of my mum." "What are you talking about. Your mum is amazing." "My adoptive mum is... my birth mum didn't want me. And I just don't want to do that to my baby." You broke down. "Honey I never knew, why didn't you ever tell me?" "Because its hurts me to talk about it." "Baby that wouldn't ever happen because even if didn't want the baby I would still keep them. I just wanted a little me or little you, we don't have to babe." "No I want you to be happy too. So maybe we should try, then you can have what you always wanted." "I'm not doing it unless you want it too." "I do want it Liam. It's the next step in our relationship. I'm ready to have a baby." He ran across the table into your arms. "Thank you thank you thank you. I love you so much." "I love you too."

You heard the door slam. He was upset, yes, but why was he so badly wanting a baby? You decided to inch your way up the steps. reaching the bedroom, you figured it was locked, it is. "Niall please open the door, I wanna talk." "I'm done talking (y/n)." You sighed and sat down in front of the door. "Niall...Niall." No response. "Baby please." You felt the door against you back pull open, causing you to fall back. you landed on his sock covered feet, looking up you saw his tear covered cheek. "Hi." You say weakly. "Hi." He said grumpily. "You hate me?" He sighed. "No of course not. I love you with all my heart. I just understand," You got up and pushed Niall body back onto the fluff of your bed. Leaning down to press kisses to his face. He chuckled. "Princess what are you doing?" "Giving you what you want." He griped your hips. "Princess, what happened to what you want?" "I want you to be happy. So if this is what you want, it's what I want." "Really?" "Yes." He pulled you down to his lips and continued what you started.

The rest of the shopping trip pretty much sucked. Louis would barely look at you, let alone talk to you. "Lou do you like this one?" "Yeah sure." You sighed putting it back on the rack. "Okay time to go home." You grabbed what you were buying and purchased them, before Louis could pull put his card. As you were carry your bags put Louis was close behind you. "Since when are you allowed to pay for stuff?" He snapped. "Since when did I become a piece of property?" He gave you a stunned look. "What? That's what you treat me like." "(Y/n) I do not treat you like property." "Yes you do! I can't do anything for myself and now you want a baby? I'm going to give up my whole life because of you. Actually I'd be giving up the rest of what I have left, since I gave most of it up when I married your ass." He rolled his eyes. "Then why did you (y/n). Why did you marry me?" "I don't know!" "You really don't know?" "Well it was because I loved you." "Loved?" "Yeah, loved, I want a divorce. Like now." "(Y/n) please, no that's not what you want." he pulled you Ito a hug. "(Y/n) please don't leave me." You shoved him off. "Ill get the papers next week, all you have to is sign." "(Y/n)." he pleaded. "I will stay at my mums." "Please." you walked out of the store to call a cab.

Harry ( his POV)
I know I overacted. What do you expect me to do? I've wanted a baby for almost seven years now. she wouldn't have one with me when we weren't married, but we've been married for almost fours years. I'm just so frustrated with her. Right now I'm laying in a guest bedroom bed. She obviously isn't going to want my company any soon. My eyes started to drift closed when I felt hands start the massage circles into my sides. "Baby what are you doing?" "Relax Harry." "(Y/n)-" She palmed my still very sensitive crotch. "I'm sorry baby, I shouldn't of acted that way." She flattened me on my back, putting her naked heat on my boxer covered boner. "I know you want a baby, and honestly so do I. So do you still wanna try?" I nodded slowly. "Can .. Fuck." "What?" "Our bed." "Oh yeah." She climbed off my body and pulled me into our bedroom, she was soon on top of me giving me what I finally wanted.

He was right. He did ask and you did respond with 'we weren't ready' in all reality you were ready. Obviously so was he. You sighed and climbed the stairs leading to your bedroom. "Zayn can we talk, please." "What could you possibly have to say?" "I know you're angry, but I do wanna have a baby with you. I just can't right now." "What?" "My period came early. So I can't have a baby right now." "You actually would if you weren't?" 'Yes. You wanna know why I didn't want a baby?" "Yes?" He said unconvinced. "Because all the boy were having babies and honestly I didn't want to be overshadowed by the other wives. Honestly I wanted us to have the spotlight at some point and I know that sounds very selfish, but sometimes we deserve to be the attention hogs." He chuckled at your comment. "I'm serious what fun is it to have a baby if every other girl in this group is popping babies out?" He came over to you, wrapping his arms around you. "God I love you." He said kissing you forehead. "In two weeks we can try." "Two weeks?" "That's when I'm ovulating." He nodded. "Okay. Then lets go to bed." "Lets."

Okay part 2!! So I'm not sure what I'm doing next.
I NEED SOME IDEAS! I have already from someone but It kinda bores me when I read it so I don't really want to write it at this point.. so please leave IDEAS!

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