You get pregnant by accident part 3 (zayn)

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"Have you talked to him?" You groaned before facing your mom. "No mom, not since the day I called him a dead beat dad." She chuckled at me. "Still can't believe you did that, that boy deserves a world of hurt for what he's put you through." You put your hands on your large belly, rubbing over where your baby lay. "He kicking?" Your mom asked. "No, just like to rub my belly. Not going to have it much longer." Your mom nodded, "yeah probably not, your due date is only a few days away." That gave you a sense of nervous butterflies.  You were scared to go into labor and give birth.  Nothing prepares you for what you're about to go through, but trying to remember the baby boy you get afterwards is what's getting you through it.  You had already started experiencing small contractions so you know your baby was coming soon.  "Mom were scared to give birth?"  She gave you a soft smile.  "Of course,"  she motioned for you to sit next to her on the couch, "you will go through a huge experience.  Especially since the baby's father isn't there it's going to be hard. But I'll be there and I'll help you through it. I promise."  You appreciated your mom so much.  She didn't have to stick around and be by your side for this.  Especially since she raised you by herself, she had always tried to protect you from her same mistakes.  "I'm sorry if I disappointed you."  You said looking down at your belly.  She grabbed your hand, "you didn't disappoint me.  I wish you weren't going through this, especially alone, but we can't change it, so we need to embrace it."  "Thanks mom.  I don't know what'd I'd do if I didn't have you." 

Week later
You were moving a lot slower at school.  The school year was almost over, but you wouldn't finish it before you had the baby.  You had been talking to your teachers about getting the work done sooner so that you didn't have to finish the last few weeks after the baby was born. Today would be your last day since you were about to pop.  Your contractions were horrendous today.  You almost didn't go to school because they are happening so often, but you knew it was your last day so you were pushing through.  You just had one more class to get through and you'd be able to leave.  You were the only one in the hallway because your teachers let you leave earlier so that you didn't have to fight the crowd to get to the next room.  Your next class was upstairs but you really weren't feeling the stairs, you were exhausted.  You sat down on the stairs and put your head in your hands.  These contractions were killing you.  You tried to focus on your breathing like your doctor told you to do, but it was really hard at this point.  You realized that this might be more serious than most of the other contractions.  You tried looking for your phone before you remembered you left it in your locker down the hall.  You tried to push yourself up to order to go grab it to call your mom.  By the time you stood up you realized you had liquid wetting your leggings.  Feeling mortified thinking your bladder gave out on you and you just peed yourself, realizing that it's possible your water just broke.  "Fuck, this is embarrassing."  You looked down at the now small puddle forming out of your pants.  You heard someone coming down the stairs behind you, hoping to get some help you said, "hey, can you help me really quick."  You heard some hesitation in their voice before they barely managed a hushed "yes".  You quickly turned your head to the gruff voice.  "Zayn,"  he saw your predicament and slowly walked towards you.  "You don't have to help me." You said barely over a whisper trying to take a step away from your mess.  He quickly came up to you and grabbed your arm, "let me help you."  You looked up to him with tears in your eyes.  Tears from appreciation but also from fear of how quickly this is happening, your baby was coming.  "What do you need me to do?"  You wiped away your tears. "Um I need my phone, I need to call my mom."  He grabbed his out of his pocket.  "Here, don't you need to go to a hospital or something?"  "Yeah, but I need my mom to take me."  He looked at you.  "I can take you."  You shook your head.  "No you can't.  One, because I don't want you to.  Two, you can't just stick a nine month pregnant girl on the back of your bike."  You took the phone from his hands as you start to feel a wave of a contraction.  You grip the phone harder than intended and close your eyes.  "Fuck!"  "(Y/n) are you okay?"  "No I'm not okay! My body hurts, I'm scared, I don't know what to do!"  His face looked softer than you had ever seen it. "I'm sorry."  You scoffed.  "Are you apologizing for my pain right now, or the pain you've caused me over the last few months?"  You sent daggers into his soul.  He looked away, "both."  He said almost inaudible. You didn't care to listen, you dialed your moms number, she didn't answer.  "God damn it.  She didn't answer."  Zayn took his phone back.  "Guess we gotta call someone who will answer."  He dialed before putting the phone to his ear.  "Hi we need an ambulance, yeah my girl just went into labor and we don't have a way to the hospital," was all you heard because you were focused on the 'my girl' of that sentence.  Why would he call you his girl? He hasn't even talked to you in months.  "Okay thank you."  Before you hung up his phone putting it back in his pocket.  "We need to get your stuff and get you outside, the bells going to ring any second and I don't want people to see you like this."  He quickly ran to your locker, unlocking it with ease, grabbing your coat which contained your phone and keys to your house.  Before rushing back to your side flinging your bag over his shoulder.  Before putting his arm around you and the other grabbing into your hand to lead you out of the school.  The bell rang before you could take a few steps.  "Oh no." You muttered.  He looked around knowing that the halls were about to flood with people.  "I know I've been shit but can you trust me?"  You took a deep breath and before you could answer he swept your legs out from under you and carried you quickly towards the door. You gripped his leather jacket so tightly scared he was going to drop your heavy frame.  "I need you push the handicap button for me."  He leaned your toward the button and you pressed it before he carried you the rest of the way. He sat you down on the closest picnic table and took a breath.  You kinda smiled and said "not as light as I used to be, huh?"  He chuckled, "nah, still like a feather."  Your smiled faded once you remember all the pain he caused you.  God you wished you could just forget it and enjoy the light hearted moment you were having, but you knew Zayn was so in and out of your relationship it was only a matter of time before he would pull away again. Another contraction distracted you from those thoughts.  You grunted into pain and squeezed your eyes shut, a tear sliding down your cheek.  He wiped it away with his thumb.  " I'm sorry (y/n), I know it doesn't mean much, but I really am." You nodded not being able to say much through your pain."  You started to hear the sirens Zayn left your side to be able to get their attention from the road.  They were quickly parked in front of you and Zayn ran back to you helping you get up they pulled a stretcher toward you lowering it so you could lay flat on it.  They lifted your body into the truck and it all started to feel super real.  "Sir are you riding with her to the hospital?"  Zayn and you hadn't talked about it, you hadn't talked about anything.  He looked confused "uh," he looked toward you, looking for what seemed like, permission.  You gave a slight nod, not sure if that's what he was asking.  "Yeah I am."  He said before climbing in next to you.  He grabbed your hand and you handed him your phone.  "Can you text my mom?"  He nodded before releasing your hand to compose the text.  It made your heart ache, wishing he would hold you,  you were so scared and didn't know how to relax.  Before you could think anything more he gripped your hand again and placed his head against your arm before looking back up at you.  "I'm right here."  And you felt a sense of calm come over you. 

12 hours later
You opened your eyes to see Zayn holding your baby boy. You had him a couple hours ago but we're so exhausted you couldn't keep your eyes open, your body needed rest.  "Can I hold him?"  You said as you started to sit up.  Zayn quickly got up, putting a hand out to you.  "Be careful, you need to be gentle with yourself."  You slowly sat the rest of the way up and Zayn handed you your baby.  You looked at him.  His dark hair, his deep round eyes.  His lips identical to Zayns.  "Funny that you tried to deny him, considering he looks almost identical to you."  Zayn looked away from you.  "I was stupid. I was more worried about a baby cramping my style and making me grow up.  Turns out I needed a swift kick in the arse and that I needed to grow up. I should have been there."  "Yeah you're right, you should have been.  I went through this whole thing without you."  You felt your eyes start to water.  Zayn sat on the edge of the bed next to you. "I know, I'm sorry.  I don't want to make you cry.  I know I messed up, but I want to make it better.  I want to change."  You finally let the tears fall.  "Zayn I just don't trust you."  He sighed.  "I know, I don't expect you to.  But I want to show you I can change.  I want to be there for you and our baby." He reaches out and grabs your sons little hand.  "(Y/n) I want to be a family."  Your hormones were making you cry so hard, this time was because you were happy to hear these words.  You needed support and he was finally giving it to you. "It will take some time for me to forgive you and make it okay again."  He nodded.  "I don't care if it takes me the rest of the life, I'll do anything for you."  You nodded before wiping your tears.  "Okay."  He stood up and leaned down to kiss your forehead.  You looked up at him looking at his lips.  He hesitated before looking down at yours.  He slowly leaned down giving you the opportunity to pull away, you didn't want to.  He placed a soft kiss against your lips, before placing another, longer more passionate kiss.  He put his forehead against yours, "I will do better, for us.  Thank you for being so strong and having our baby."  You smiled.  "Thank you for being here."  He matched your smile.  "I needed you (y/n).  Thank you for letting me be here."  You finally felt some peace. You're family wasn't perfect, but you both promised to work on it.  And that's what you needed right now.

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