Getting your child ready for school.

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"Jake we need to go you're gonna be late!" I yelled up the stairs. "Babe relax he's gonna be fine it's just pre-K." Louis says wrapping his arm around me. "He's my baby, and he's not gonna be here everyday. That makes me sad." He grabbed my face in his hands. "I don't work today, why don't we drop him off. Come back here and we could make another baby." "Lou, we talked about this. It's too late." "Baby it's not to late! Yes Jake's growing up, but he won't be jealous and feel abandoned. I know you are so worried about that, but you shouldn't be. We bought this house for a big family." He kissed my lips, over and over. "Babe!" "Haha sorry I'm getting ahead of myself." You laughed at your cheeky husband. "Okay Mum I'm ready." He came down stairs in a red plaid shirt the buttons, buttoned completely wrong with blue pants. "Why don't we fix your outfit haha." You bend down to re buttoning the buttons quickly running upstairs to grab a nice pair of khaki shorts and black shoes. Coming back down the stairs, smiling at the sight. Your husband and son, Louis giving him a quick pep talk. Maybe you do need another baby:)


Waking up next to your husband was such an amazing change. He used to have to be at work at 3 am every morning, leaving you to get the kids ready and to school by yourself. With a schedule change you had Liam by your side every morning. Your radio starts playing, waking you up slightly. Not wanting to move. But you have three kids to get up and make sure they are fed and out the door. You shake your hubby from his slumber. "Babe get up." Wrapping his arms around your waist. "A few more minutes baby." "Laim we gotta get the kids up." Slight groans come from his pursed lips. "We have kids?" You playful smack his chest. "Liam!" His laugh escapes. "Hahaha I'm kidding baby!" You shake your head slightly. Slipping out of bed walking to your eldest bedroom. "Zac, honey wake up." You shake him a little. "Hmm, I'm up." "You do this everyday then you fall back asleep so you need to stand up so I know your up." He slowly starts to stir. Sitting up, standing up rubbing his eyes. "There." You smile leaving his room to find your husband carrying your 9 year old out of her room. Your second child, 15 year old Reñe rushing to the bathroom knowing her brother would fight her for it. He quickly follows out of his room just to get the door shut in his face. Pounding on the door. "I need to shower!" Too bad should of got up faster!" "Zach just go shower in ours." He nods. You come up to Liam and Melanie. Kissing her forehead, you earned a sweet little smile. You loved your mornings with your family.


"Let's go!!! The cars leaving in ten!" Your husband shouted up the stairs. He came over and pressed his body against yours which was leaning against the wall. He snuggled into your neck, kissing it sweetly. "Tired baby?" You ask him. "Yes I'm very tired." "At least I didn't make you get up with her." "I said I would of." He says pulling off your shoulder. "And I said I got her." I tried to let you sleep.  You had two amazing children, a new baby girl and a little five year old boy.  You would get up with your new born at night and Harry wakes up your son for school each day.  He'd go into his room and wake your son helping him get some breakfast while he came back to your guys bedroom waking you.  He'd always kiss you good morning and made sure you were in the shower before he walked away because he knew you'd be right back asleep in no time.  After helping your son brush his teeth and get dressed he'd wake your baby girl to try to keep her on a schedule.  He was the worlds best husband. 
Your son finally came down the stairs ready for school, your baby girl in your arms as you kissed your son good bye and he of course wanted to give his sister a kiss.  You stand fully and give your husband a kiss, he flashed his big dimples grin.  "I love you,"  he whispered.  "I love you too."  And out the door he and your son went headed to school and work.

Your POV
You woke up to the buzzing cell phone on your dresser.  It was too early to get up but you knew you had to.  You rolled to the right and saw your husband still sound asleep.  "Babe," you say "we have to go wake the kids."  He groaned and covered his face with his pillow.  "They don't have to go today we can have family bonding."  "No baby, they have to go to school."  He rolls over and captures your waist.  "Fine."  Kissing your lips he gets up and walks towards the twins room.  You turning to the left to get your daughter awake.  You had three children, twin boys then a girl two years younger.  Your daughter latched on to you as soon as you woke her up, she may be 7 but she still loved having the attention of a baby.  You carried her out of her room and saw your two sleepy sons.  "Mom, it's so early."  "I know kiddo, start getting ready and I'll make breakfast?"  Both the boys nodded and rushed back to their room.  Niall happened to barely miss getting trampled by his sons.  "They are just like you always wanting food."  He laughed and wanted to see his daughter, she was still nuzzled into your neck.  So he ran his fingers up her back and she giggled and smiled at him.  "Daddy," she said reaching for him.  "Good morning princess."  He looked at you and smiled.  "I'm gonna go start breakfast if you could keep the kids moving?"  You asked him quietly.  "Of course babe."   You loved days like this, you loved your perfect family.

Authors note.. Okay thoughts on leaving zayn in the preferences?? You guys tell me!

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