Flowing Flood-Gates

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It's like 4:30m in the morning, I'm sure, okay?

I'm pretty sure I'm some kind of insomniac though. I mean, I do this a lot. 

Anyway, it's four and I've tried sleeping, really I have! It's just when I'm tired I'm always bursting at the seams with un-spoken thoughts. It's crazy, really. I mean I've just spent the last hour talking to a dog because I had to get it out and I felt weird talking to myself. I guess I do that a lot too.

Is that weird? Talking to your pets when no one else is around to listen? I feel like it helps me out.

Although, that could just be me... This little sleeping problem of mine could also be the reason I've updated every single one of my stories and this tonight. I'm being productive at least, right? Sort of? Well, maybe. It kind of reminds me of that song... 'I'll sleep when I'm dead'. Oh god, it's me in a nutshell. I mean, might as well, huh? I can just tell it's gonna be one of those weekends I'm gonna be up all night every night and come Monday I'll be some tired, delusional, monster.

I'm probably halfway there by now.

I don't feel tired though. Y'know what they say? 'Too tired to sleep'? 

Yep. Me again.

I kind of like the feeling though. Being unreasonably happy at this ungodly hour. It's something you treasure as it's in progress but hate when it comes back to bite you. 

Or uh... Monday.

I've kinda lost track of my thoughts tonight, with all my Existential blabbering and contemplating why ducks are not yellow, but always portrayed as such.

Or maybe I've just never seen a yellow duck. Not counting the little babies.


ANYWAY.... in a state like this I could probably climb onto my house and wake the neighbors screaming, "SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK, YOU LOSERS!"

Ugh... Why does the night shy away from me?

I mean, I've been fine. Up until now. I mean, all weak I've gotten an adequate amount of sleep. And now I'm sitting here in the dark typing this because I couldn't talk anymore and needed someone to hear all these pent up thoughts...

I need to vent my sleepy bipolar emotions.

Like, I feel like sobbing right now and I don't even know why because half an hour ago I was giggling like a mad-man because my dog stared at me with a confused face. 

What is my life?

I'd ask why I haven't tried to solve this sooner, like those PM cold pills or laying still for two more hours and being driven crazy by silence and darkness... Yeah, not happening. Or as kitsune would say I would say.... 'why not?'

So here I am listening to rock music and contemplating life and nothingness all at once.

Dang. If only I could get in my forty winks, huh?

Does anyone say that anymore, or am I just that lame?

But if am lame, I have to say I'm one of the most cool lame people I've ever met.

And now I feel like a freakin' lunatic because I'm calling myself a Narcissistic jerk inside my brain... God, I need sleep.

Like, why am I even typing this still? It's probably incomprehensible by now. I've probably turned it into something that I won't even be able to read after I get my eight-hour power nap. In a week -_-


My life is a bowl of cheerios isn't it?

Have I ever even eaten cheerios?

Fruit-loops maybe? 

Oh wait... ew. Do you know what I just said when I think back to what I write ABOUT? Jesus. Ew. Like how do you even make a bowl of fruit-loops? Is it actual limbs or just... food? Is that Cannibalism on my part or... not?


I'm going to read.... maybe.... no. I'm just going to rant.

It's good for the soul and what-not, right? Yeah. It totally is.

 I need sleeeeep.

But I really just can't.

It sucks.

I suck.

This sucks.

Yeah. I'll be going now.

Y'know... Gotta run skeleton... See ya soon, raccoon. 

Out the door Dinosaur... adieu Cockatoo. Chop Chop lollipop...

Gotta fly, butterfly, better shake rattlesnake.

So ya... Keep it real spotted seal.


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