Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

I woke up in a dark room, laying on the floor. Instinctively I wrapped my arms around me stomach to protect my unborn child. Next, I took in my surroundings.

The floor was cold concrete that was slightly damp. The room was spacious by the feel of the draft in it. Other than that I couldn't really tell where I was. Everything was pitch black.

"Hello?" I called out, hoping that someone would hear me.

I carefully stood up. "Please, tell me why I'm here. I want to go home."

"This is your home now." said a voice from behind me.

I whirled around to be greeted by a bright white smile. That was all I could make out of this unknown person. "Can you turn on the lights?"

With a clap of his hands, the lights turned on. His skin was as dark as the darkness I had just been in. Wild brown eyes stared at me with hunger.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I guess you could call me your chef." he said with a grin that sent shivers down my spine.

"What's that supposed to mean?'

The man rubbed his hand up and down my arm. I tried to back away, but he stopped me from doing so. "The people I work for......have a specific type of taste. They love rare delicacies. It just so happens that the taste of a pregnant werewolf is one of their favorites."

My eyes widened. "What's that supposed to mean? You're going to kill me and cook me up to serve to your employers?"

He shook his head. "No, no, nothing as ridiculous as that, my dear. I work for vampires, I wouldn't have to kill you. I just have to keep you healthy until a week before you are do. Once we have reached that time then you will be drank from until you are drained. Then you will die."

I started to panic. No, not my babies. They must survive. They have to live. For me. For Zane. For Marcy. For Ira. Even for Samuel.

A pang of regret swept through my body. Samuel. I had blocked him out of my mind for a while now. It was hard, yet I had managed to avoid thinking of him. Still, he was one of the names I had shouted out for. There was no denying that I would always have feelings for my mate, whether he had rejected me or not.

Would he even care that I have been kidnapped?

A part of me hoped that he would. The rest of me knew that he could careless about the whore he was destined to be with. The one who had already began the mating process with another wolf. And expecting a child with that same wolf. Surely his wolf must care about me. Maybe I can hold onto that single shred of hope.

Maybe, just maybe, when this is all over, Samuel will welcome me into his arms. He will kiss me, whispering to me that everything will be all right. That no one would hurt me every again. Perhaps he would sing to me before I fall asleep every night. Did he sing? Was his singing voice as gorgeous as his normal one? What type of song would he sing? Would he sing lullabies to my children even though they aren't his?

I shook my head. I must stay positive, only positive thoughts.

One day we will be living on a hill in a large brick home. The child I am carrying will have his or her own bedroom. Next to that room will be the nursery, where a little baby boy will be. That little boy will have Samuel's big hazel eyes. His brown hair will be wavy and stick up every which way.

In the room across from the nursery there will be an six year old girl playing with dolls. Her long blonde hair curls into perfect little tendrils. She'd be a daddy's girl, of course, but at night she would beg me to brush her hair before she fell asleep. When she'd have nightmares, she would crawl in between Samuel and I, hoping that her big bad Alpha daddy would scare away the monsters that went bump in the night.

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