Chapter 18

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Chapter 18:

It's been three days since Sam has marked me. Three days since I have seen him. He's mad at me because I “forced” him into marking me. He's also mad at himself for not having any control. I don't care about control, I had gotten what I wanted. The only thing is, I still don't have my mate.

My guards won't take me to him. They won't even let me leave the house. I'm not allowed to call anyone or have any form of communications with the outside world. It's like I'm under house arrest. Which I guess I am. They are all afraid that I'm a loose cannon that will explode at any moment. Right now, I think they are right.

Without Sam holding me, I feel like I'm about to explode. He was keeping me slightly on the ground. I needed him to make sure that I wouldn't do anything stupid. He kept me from going insane. He wasn't here now though. Here I was, all alone no mate and no baby.

I wrapped my arms around my stomach. My beautiful baby boy wasn't with me. I missed him more than anything. He was my entire world then he was snatched from me in the middle of the night. Sebastian needs me. He depends on me. I'm not there to provide for him though. What my baby boy needs is to be safe in his mother's arms.

“Where do you think you're going?” One of my guards, Allen, asks when I step outside.

“I'm going to see Samuel.” I told him.

“What's in the bag, River?” he asks, trying to take my back pack away from me.

I tighten my grasp on it. “None of your business.”

“It is my business.” He tries to take it again.

“I am your Luna. You have no right to question my authority.” I growl at him.

“But I do.” said the voice of my mate. There he stood in all his glory. His arms were crossed tightly over his chest. It was plain as day that he wasn't exactly happy right now.

“I was just coming to see you.” I lied.

“Bull shit.” he growls, dragging me back inside. “Where the hell did you think you were going?”

“I was going home. I was going to see my baby.” I told him. “I'm fine, now I just want to go home.”

“This is your home.” he tells me.

I shake my head. “This? This isn't my home. Home is where my baby is. Home is where people are actually there because they want to be near me.”

“It's not that I don't want to be near you, River.” he sighs. “It's just you put me in a position to where it was hard to be around you.”

“Yeah, I got that the first time when you rejected me.” I put the bag down. “If I'm such an bother to be around just ship me off to the next pack on your list. I'm pretty sure you and Zane have concocted a list of people to babysit River.”

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