Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

I watched as Zane's eyes started to change. I ran over to him, pulling him away from my date. “Please, not now. You need to calm down.” I begged him.

Slowly, he started to calm down recognizing the smell of his children on me. He turned to me. “Sorry.”

“It's all right.”

“Have fun on your date.” he tells me before disappearing upstairs.

I turn to Chris. “Sorry about all that.”

“It's okay.”

“Let's clean the blood off of you.” I said, pulling him towards the kitchen. I got a wash cloth, wet it, then started to dab his wounds.

He grimaces a bit. “I'm sorry I acted that way.”

“Wow, tonight must be the night for apologies.” I stated. “It's all right. It wasn't entirely your fault. Zane can be an ass sometimes. But he's a great guy when you get to know him.”

“I think I've had enough of his charming personality.” he tells me.

I giggle. “I think you just got the burn marks from his bad mood.”

“Has he been like that all day?”

“Ever since his girlfriend left on some trip. He misses her.” I sighed. “Well, you're all cleaned up.”

“Thanks. Now let's get this date moving.” he said.

We left the house and headed for the movies. Like a proper gentleman, he let me choose the movie we were going to watch. Much to his surprise, I chose an action movie. When we were inside, he didn't let me pay for the popcorn and drinks. Instead, he insisted that he paid.

Despite believing in being an independent woman, I did like for someone to dote on me every once in a while. It felt nice. It felt like someone in the universe cared about me.

During the movies, Chris put his arm around me. I leaned in to him. There was no spark. Nothing like I had felt when I had touched Sam. It still felt nice though. For once I was just a normal girl. I wasn't the werewolf with a screwed up life. No, I was just River.

After the movie was over Chris took me back home.

“I had a great time.” I told him.

He grinned at me, taking my hand. “So did I. We should do this again sometime. Or is that being too forward?”

I kissed his cheek. “No, we should do this again.”

“I'll text you.” he tells me. “Then we can plan our next date.”

“Sounds good.” I grinned at him. “Well, I guess I'll see you later.”

“Later.” Chris hugs me before leaving.

I walk inside. Yep, I'm pretty sure that's how it feels to be normal.

“Have a good time?” Zane asks.

“Yeah. I did. Despite the rude beginning.” I reminded him.

He sighed. “I can't help my anger sometimes. My wolf won't allow me to sit back and watch some human insult me.”

I hug him. “I know, I'm just glad you stopped before there was some serious damage.”

“Me too.” Zane kisses my forehead. “You should get some sleep, it's getting late.”

“All right. See you in the morning.” I told him.


I laid in bed that night wondering what my next date with Chris was going to be like. My life was finally getting out of this rut it had been in. I was getting a chance at moving on.

Sam's Point of View:

“Quit turning on the lights.” I snapped at Marcy.

“I don't care. You told me you were going to clean yourself up if I gave you a day on your own!” she told me.

“Don't be so loud.” I moaned.

“You deserve me screaming at you! I come back here to find you hung over again.” she sighs. “Please, Sam, I need you to clean up. I need you to come back to River.”

“I'm never going back to that.........that.......that whore!” I screamed the last part of that.

“She isn't a whore!” she yelled right back at me. “She's your mate! She needs you! You haven't been there to hear her cry herself to sleep every night! You don't have to sit across from her at each meal and see that heartbroken look that fills her! She barely eat. The only reason she will eat is for those babies. You better be happy they are in her because without them she would have killed herself by now.”

I stopped everything. She was that bad?

Marcy had started to cry. “You are her mate! You were supposed to except her and love her. That's what you were designed for. You were made to love each other. And yet you have rejected her because she was pregnant with another's pups. Do you know how selfish that is? If you would have just manned up and accepted her then our lives would be so much better. Your pack wouldn't be suffering as they are now! You wouldn't be hung over! And everyone would be happy. Don't you think that we all deserve happy endings, Sam?”

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