Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

River's Point of View

Someone wanted to go on a date with me. The thought of that made my jaw drop. I mean, sure I have had guys tell me I was pretty and stuff. But there has only been one guy ever to ask me out. And that was Zane.

Now here I was, getting ready for my first date since Zane............and my first date since Sam. My belly was hard to hide, but I did the best I could with a blue dress. I was sick of people calling me a whore whenever I went out. So now I have gotten into the habit of hiding it.

“Wow, someone looks sexy.” Ira said walking into the room.

“Thanks.” I said, with a small smile.


“I don't know. I just hope it makes me feel better.” I sighed. “I just keep thinking of Sam and............ugh, I hate my life. Why does it have to be so fucked up?”

She wraps her arms around me. “Honey, that's just life in general. You have to deal with the hard times, no matter how much you don't want to. Who knows, maybe Sam will show up sometime and claim you as his.”

“Don't get my hopes up.” I said.

She gave me a squeeze. “Hope is what keeps us living.”

“Yeah, but hope is getting me no where in life. I just have to suffer day by day.” I shook my head, trying to get all of these thoughts out of my head. “I'm going on a date. I should be happy. No mare bad thoughts.”

“Agreed.” Ira laughs.

The doorbell rings. We head downstairs. Zane has already opened the door, letting Chris in. Chris is watching Zane suspiciously.

Zane turns to me. “This the guy?”

I nod.

He turns back to Chris. “You take good care of River or I will personally kick your ass.”

“Brother?” Chris asks.

Zane shook his head. “Worse, ex-boyfriend.”

“So your the dick that got her pregnant?”

That was when Zane started attacking Chris. Chris was surprisingly holding his own against a werewolf. And this werewolf had a lot of Alpha blood running through his jeans. Most werewolves couldn't hold their own against Zane, much less a human. Yet Chris was doing well. Then Zane's wolf started to come out.

What a wonderful beginning to my evening.

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