Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

I couldn't sleep that night. The thought of being rescued from this hell hole filled me with excitement.

They were coming for me.

I kept day dreaming that the "we" meant Zane, Marcy, Ira, and Samuel. The chances of him coming for me were slim. Why would he want to save me? I'm the whore who got pregnant by someone else's mate and he rejected. What would deem me worth saving in his eyes?

My child was excited too. Growing up I had promised that I would never be one of those mother's who forced their child into sports, but at the rate this kid keeps moving he has to be some sort of athlete. This is coming from someone who was never into sports. I would even be okay with my child being a football player as long as he stayed healthy.

Soon enough I would be holding my baby in my arms. I couldn't wait for that feeling. I just want to see the life that I had helped create. My baby was going to be beautiful.

My lunch was sent into me. A large bowl of lobster bisque with a loaf of bread cut in half. As always the meal was divine. The hot soup warmed up my bones. A sense of content fell over me. I sighed, laying back down on the cot. I had definitely gained a few pounds after being kidnapped. If I had been at home I would have gone for a walk or something to burn some of these calories. Here I was trapped in a room that didn't have enough space to even pace.

'Zane?' I called out in our mind link.

I wanted him to reply. I needed to know how far away they were. I just needed some reassurance that they would be here in time to rescue us before I went into labor.

For hours there wasn't a reply. Then again, I wasn't really aware of how much time had actually passed. For all I know it could have been just thirty minutes. It seemed like hours.

Fear crept into me. What if they weren't coming? What if, by some miracle, they found out that Marcy was pregnant and didn't need me anymore? What use would I be to them if their Luna could give an heir?

A tear slipped down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away. No, River, there was no more time for tears. You must be brave. You can't let yourself think like this, think of your baby. That frown slowly turned into a small smile. The thought of my baby cheered me up a bit. I didn't care how many dirty diapers or sleepless nights I was going to receive, I just wanted to look at him, knowing that he is mine.

After I had eaten he seemed to be at peace. He remained still for a while, giving me some peace. My back was aching, but it eased up a little not having a baby kicking around. My poor swollen ankles wouldn't stop hurting. I'm glad I couldn't see most of them. They had to be the size of a softball by now.

Suddenly the baby went off. I groaned out in pain. This pain was like nothing I had ever felt before. It was worse than my first shift. It was even worse than the time I fell off Zane's deck, breaking my leg in several different places.

As soon as the pain had started, it stopped. Everything was back to being as calm as it was before. Like nothing had ever happened.

That's when I felt it. A liquid started to slide down my legs.

'MY WATER BROKE! HELP! PLEASE! PLEASE!' I cried through the mind link as Chef burst into the room.

((Ira's Point of View))

I stood outside the building with Ivan, Marcy, Zane, and several other pack members. River was being held in an uptight facility. Cameras were everywhere watching your every move. There was no way that this was going to be a clean attack. We had to knock this full force, praying as we went.

Ivan wrapped his arms around me. "Are you sure you want to be here?"

With a sigh, I leaned into his arms. "I know you don't want me to be in danger, but I have to be here. She's my best friend. River would do the exact same thing if the roles had been switched."

Zane pulled me away from my mate, causing him to growl. My brother pulled me into a tight hug, rubbing my back. Ivan wasn't happy about it. It was his job to comfort me, but sometimes you just need to be comforted by your brother.

"Do we know how many bloodsuckers are inside?" Marcy asks after Zane and I pulled away from each other.

"My guess by the size of this building is about eighty, give or take." Ivan said. "Though judging by the security cameras and other high tech gadgets there is a smaller number since they have extra security. A larger group would just rely on their instincts. The stench they are giving off hints that they are older."

I bit my lip. It was extremely sexy when he went off into his know it all phase. He knew everything he could about safety. Sometimes it was annoying, such as when we were planning out our house. Other times, like this, it came in handy. All in all he was just a beautifully built man that was designed for me and only me.

"Sis, keep your hormones in check." Zane scolded. "I don't need to know about my sister's sexual desires."

I punched him in the arm. "Shut up."

He chuckled then froze. His face went completely white. "Shit."

"What's wrong?"

"River's water just broke. One of her kidnappers is coming into the room. We have to move now." he said in complete urgency.

Just then an army of wolves came for us, all growling. The one in front quickly shifted.

"I want my mate." said a black eyed Samuel.

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