Chapter 11:

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Chapter 11:

I touched my stomach, rubbing my large bump. We were going to be safe.

Every day my "Chef" would come and talk to me. It seemed like everything that came out of his mouth was designed to fill me with goosebumps. Tears would flow down my cheeks after he left. They are coming for me, I know that, but it's still hard to remain hopeful when Chef comes down every day to destroy every bit of hope that I have.

Soon I will be in the arms of the people who love me. My friends would welcome me with open arms. Maybe they would hug me just because I'm carrying the future Alpha. Who knows, they might actually love me because I'm me. Either way they are coming for me. This baby is the only chance of them having a future Alpha with the correct bloodlines.

Samuel. Would he be there waiting for me? Would he welcome me into his arms with a loving embrace? Would I be kissed by him like the night we first met? Could he get over the fact that I was carrying someone else's child?

Oh I hoped more than anything that he would accept me. I know that he rejected me, and I know now that I deserved it. I just can't help but want to be with him. He's my mate. He's the only love that I'm ever going to have. I could have a relationship with a human or with another rejected werewolf, but it wouldn't be the same. That love wouldn't be as pure and powerful with my own mate. Most relationships like that don't end well.

"Baby, you are going to be happy. Everything will be all right." I whispered to my child. I didn't care if he or she couldn't hear me. It helped me to talk to my child. It gave me hope for a brighter future.

I turned onto my side, curling up in a small ball. Closing my eyes, I could return to my dream world.

Unlike usual, my daydream didn't take place in the distant future. This one took place not too far forward. I was still pregnant with the child I'm currently carrying. Another thing is that I was still in captivity.

I heard a loud bang, disrupting me from my sleep. I opened my eyes to be greeted by smoke pouring into the room through the small cracks in the doorway. My breathing came out in pants. Quickly, I took the pillow case off, covering my mouth. This would provide at least a little bit of clean air to breath.

The door is kicked down. Smoke pours into the room. It wasn't easy to see. All I could make out were two figures entering the room. Both of these figures were large and bulky with huge muscles.

"I found her." A deep voice shouts.

"Zane?" I try to say but it comes out as a cough.

Arms wrap around me. "It's okay, River, I've got you." He picks me up, forcing me to bury my face into his neck.

I wrap my arms around him, glad that I feel safe and secure. He rubs my back as we made our way out of where I'm being kept. I kept my head hidden in his neck. I didn't want to see where I was being kept. I don't care if it was nice or not, it still scared me.

Warmth covered me. I opened my eyes to be blinded by sunlight.

"Give her to me." A growl caused me to shiver.

Blinking, hoping to get a good visual on the source of the noise. I knew that voice. Oh boy did I know it. I just didn't believe it though.

I'm transferred into someone else's arms. In this persons arms I feel more protected than anything. I just wanted to whimper, enjoying the feeling.

"It's all right, I have you, sweetheart." he kissed my forehead.

"Don't leave me." I begged him, clinging onto him for dear life as my tears started to flow.

"I won't, you are never leaving me again." Samuel told me.

Then his lips went down on mine. Our lips moved in sync. It was the most beautiful feeling. My arms tightened around his neck. This........this was almost too good to be true. This feeling warmed my up.

"Wake up, slut!" Came Chef's voice.

With a heavy sigh, I opened my eyes, breaking out of the day dream. I wished that it had been true. I wish Samuel had his arms around me, kissing me until I couldn't remember my own name.

"You are almost ready." he said in a sing songy voice.

I froze. What? No, I couldn't be. That would mean that I would have an early delivery. I couldn't have my baby. That wouldn't give them enough time to help me.

"Here's your food, eat up little piggy." Chef said, placing the tray down on the table in my cell. With that said and done, he left.

'ZANE!' I shouted through the pack mind link, panic filling my voice.

'What's happening, River?' he asks me, worry in his voice.

'I'm going to have an early delivery. That's what one of them just told me.'

'That's not good. How far away to do you think you are from delivery?' he asks me.

'I don't know, but he said soon. Zane, I'm scared.' I began to cry again. 'Please come and get me.'

'Be ready. We'll be there by tomorrow.'

'We who?' I ask, but I know it's too late. He's already gone.

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