Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Being back home felt completely different. Everything had changed. Well, not really. Everything looked the same as it had when I had left.

I held Sebastian close as we pulled up to the Alpha's house. He could sense my discomfort because he started to cry. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Samuel watching me. He looked as if he wanted to say something, but instead he kept his mouth shut. He hasn't said a word to me since I had given birth.

He wants me though. He said he did. Perhaps that was just his wolf speaking though. Maybe now that I've had my baby, he doesn't really want me. Maybe he just said that to ease my pain.

I shook my head. I shouldn't be thinking so negatively. I'm free and my baby is safe. That's all that matters right now. Pressing a gentle kiss on Seb's little head, I climbed out of the car.

"Welcome home, my sweet boy." I whispered to him.

"Welcome home to you too, River." Marcy says with a smile. "Your room is all set up. The nursery is right next door to you so you'll be close to Seb."

"No!" I growled, causing my son to start crying. I rocked him back and forth till he stopped crying. "He will stay in my room. I need him close to me."

"You won't get any sleep." Zane argues. "If he stays in the nursery then I can take care of him through at least the first night."

"I don't care. He's mine and he will stay with me." I said. My wolf was wanting to take over. No one was going to take our child away from us. Not even the father of our son.

Marcy and Zane exchanged looks. "All right. We will go move the crib into your room immediately." Zane says, before running upstairs to do so.

I weakly made my way inside. My legs kept shaking as I walked. I knew that everyone was afraid that I would drop Sebastian, but I wouldn't let anyone else carry him. I just had to know that he was all right. With one glance downwards I was able to make sure he was safe.

"I can't take it anymore." Samuel growled. He picked me up bridal style then continued to carry me to my room. He gently sat me down on the bed before ordering Zane to leave the room.

"Do you want me to leave?" Zane asks me.

"Just go."

He leaves the room with one last look before closing the door.

Samuel sits as far away from me on the bed as he could. "When I first saw you, I thought you were intoxicating. Your smell was like a drug that tempted every part of me. Then I discovered that you had another man's, an Alpha's to be exact, child inside of you. I was so heartbroken. I thought that I would never experience pain like that. It killed me to think that you had allowed another man to touch you. To make love to you. That you had let him put a child inside of you."

"I wouldn't change it for the world." I snarled at him, careful not to upset Seb anymore."

"Allow me to finish." he sighs. "After I rejected you I began to drink. Soon enough I became an alcoholic and a terrible Alpha. I couldn't think of my pack when a little vixen was in the back of my mind. Later I got a call saying that you had been taken. I searched through our broken bond, but couldn't feel you. I had always been able to feel you after I saw you. It wasn't strong, I knew you were there though, that's all that had mattered. I searched for you, for any sign, but nothing came up. It was as if the bond had been completely stripped away from me. This new pain was worse than the pain of finding you pregnant. It hurt ten million times worse. I kept thinking of everything that I could have had.........should have had with you. I realized that I had destroyed everything."

He stood up and went over to the window. "Then they found you. Once they knew your location everything was looking brighter. I still had nightmares, but they weren't as dark because there was hope that I would see you again. I thought I was too late when I got there. Zane had just received the news that you were going into labor. I rushed as quickly as I could to find you, not giving a damn about how many people I killed on my way to you. Then I had you in my arms and everything seemed right in the world. Sebastian came into the world a little while later. As he began crying I realized that I would never truly have you. A piece of you will always belong to Zane."

"But a piece will also belong to you. A much larger piece." I told him.

"No. It could never be larger. The love of a mother is something much more powerful than mates, true love, or whatever bull shit name you want to call this." he sighs.

"Fate put us together for a purpose. Everything has a purpose."

"I'm having a hard time figuring out the purpose of this." he says. "Why must we both be put through so much hell? Is this ever going to work?"

"It will if we try." I come to stand in front of him. "Please, can we just try?"

Samuel takes Seb into his arms. I let him hold my son because he is my mate. For this to work, I must show him that I trust him. The only other person who has held my son is Zane and only because he is the father. Samuel just looks down at Seb's tiny sleeping face. He had fallen asleep listening to the sound of my mate's deep voice.

"I wish I could try. But it will take some time to get over things. Maybe in a couple of years we can try, not right now though. The wound is still to fresh to heal." he hands Seb back to me. "I take back the rejection. I want you. I will always want you, River. I just can't afford to be hurt by you anymore." With that said, he walks out of the room.

Tears stream down my face. "Samuel, wait! Don't leave me!"

He turns to me. "Please, River, just give me some time." I could see a single tear falling down his cheek. So many more threatened to fall.

"Please don't leave me." I beg in a broken whisper.

"I'm sorry, but I need time." Then he leaves. This time I don't stop him. I couldn't stop him. All I could do was cry silently.

I laid Seb down in his crib. With one last look at my beautiful baby, I made my way towards my bed. I made no effort to change clothes. Instead I just crawled into bed and sobbed into my pillow.


Sorry it took so long to update. It's my senior year and I've just been so busy with school and stuff. Plus I finally got a social life, hahaha. When I'm not hanging out with exchange students I'm hanging out with cross country runners. Gotta love my friends

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