Chapter 1:

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Chapter 1:

The whole world seemed to be frozen for a minute. Everything was finally falling into place. This is the feeling that everyone has told me about.

We are all going towards each other after we catch onto their scents. A large smile is on my face. I never thought I would find my mate, but I did. The four of us stop when we are ten feet away from each other. It didn't take long before Marcy ran into Zane's arms. I didn't run however. I took this time checking out my sexy mate.

He walked towards me. Pulling me against his chest, he starts to kiss me. At first it starts out slow. Then it's filled with the passion that runs between mates. It was magic. Then he pulls away, sniffing that air.

“What's that smell?” he asks.

“What smell?” I ask. “I don't smell anything.”

He looks me over. “It's all over you.” His hands start feeling me over. Then he freezes when he feels my stomach. “You're pregnant?”

I look over at Zane who has frozen too. He is watching the whole scene. So is Marcy as she is glaring at me, realizing that it's Zane's child.

“Yes.” I whisper.

“I hope that you were raped.” he growls.

Now Zane moves in front of me. “Don't you dare hurt her.”

“It's your's?” Samuel asks.

“Yes, and you won't hurt my friend or my child.”

I will admit, it sort of hurt when Zane referred to me as his friend. Then again I shouldn't expect anything different. He met his mate. I'm nothing but a friend and some girl he knocked up. At least he's standing up for me though.

Samuel walks towards me. “You are no longer my mate. I refuse to acknowledge you as my mate. From now on you will not try to find me or contact me. You are nothing to me.” And with that he walks out.

I heard gasps all around the room. I couldn't see what was happening though. A whiteness filled my vision as I was blinded with pain. Soon I was falling to the ground clutching my stomach. I heard Zane shout my name. That was the last thing I remember before losing consciousness.

I woke up sometime later. I realized I was in a hospital. By the smell of it, it was my pack's hospital. The room was empty. No surprise there was no one there. Who would come to visit the poor mateless pregnant whore?

“Hello, River, you're finally awake.” Dr. Ambrose said as he came into the room.

“Hi.” I said. “How long was I out?”

“Two weeks.” he said.

“And my baby?” I asked.

“Your fine. Everything is fine. But you need to be on bed rest for a little while just to keep everything safe.” he says.

“All right. I will.” I paused for a moment before asking. “Have I had any.....visitors?”

“Zane came by to see if the baby was all right, then he left with some blonde. Then you parents come by every couple of days. The Luna has come by every day. I'm sorry but that's it.”

“Ah.” I said.

Zane's mother has always loved me. She has treated me as her own daughter. She practically raised me. I had been over at the Alpha's house more then I have been at my own. Which reminds me. I don't live in the Alpha house anymore. I can't go back home to deal with the criticism of my parents. So I guess I'm homeless. Wonderful. Funny how everything can change in the matter of weeks. I just hope they haven't thrown my stuff out.   

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