9. dinner date

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Avicii- Addicted to You

9. dinner date


Me and Noah convinced my parents we were going over Jason Lee's house again for schoolwork. They bought it and the first thing we did when we got to his house was open up his mother's wine cabinet. A few other students from school were there too because we were all a part of this big act as if we were innocent and perfect and everything our parents wanted us to be, when the few of us; select few, dared to live our lives. When no one was looking, of course.

Whatever we did, wherever we did it, we swore to never tell because if we did, we'd be called sinners, but we knew that anyway.

I was pouring some more ridiculously expensive wine into my cup when I spotted movement at the corner of my eye. It was Noah, listening to Jason as he whispered something into his ear. I watched, curious as to what secret they were sharing when I noticed Jason's hand reach out and touch Noah's. It was no more than a small caress on the palm of his hand and it lasted for no longer than a second. No one caught it but me.

Then Jason turned and left the room, heading for the kitchen. It wasn't long before Noah finished off his cup, then followed his footsteps. I handed my cup to a friend and strided towards the kitchen, curiosity getting the best of me and the problem with me was I liked to know everything. I liked to know every secret there was because I liked to know the real, harsh realities people lived in yet never told anyone about.

The kitchen was empty when I walked in and I was confused and about to give up when I heard something from outside. I opened the back door slightly and that's when I saw Noah knock on the Lee's shed and someone from the inside opened the door for him to step through. I didn't know it then because I was naïve and oblivious as to what was right in front of my face. Or maybe I didn't know because I wasn't looking hard enough, I can't say for sure.

But after this night, something changed in my brother.

I'm snapped back into reality once I hear the crowd roar with excitement. Mikey grabs ahold of my shoulders and screams, shaking me in the process. My mind suddenly catches up with my surroundings and I remember I'm at Calum's last soccer game of the season and the reason why the crowd is celebrating is because the star freshman just scored a goal.

I learned that Calum is the only freshman like me and Grace. The rest of our friends are sophomores, and Calum told me yesterday he always felt like the baby in the friend group when they were younger until Grace came along.

I laugh and clap and whistle, do everything I can to pretend I wasn't lost in my head again, just moments ago. Luke comes back from the concession stand with two cups of hot chocolate and I watch as he hands one to Christina. She places her hand on his chest, and I read her lips that form the words, thanks babe.

He mutters something, not bothering to reciprocate her flirtatious manners. I wonder if they had sex last night, as soon as I left his apartment. Maybe he was dying for me to get out in the first place just so he could get her in his Hook Up Room. I'm not at all jealous, but I do wish Luke would have sat by me instead of Christina and Faye. I'm in way over my head, here. We've just recently became friends and he's known these people for years now.

Ashton hits Mikey on the shoulder lightly and whispers something into his ear before Mikey and Grace all slide down, leaving an open spot beside me. I suppress a smile once I catch on that the reason Ashton told Mikey and Grace to slide down is so he could sit next to me.

"Like soccer?" He asks, leaning forward to get a better look at my face. I don't give him the satisfaction of that yet though as I keep my eyes trained on the field. But I already got a good look of him when we all arrived here.

Ashes // l.h.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant