Chapter 4

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Taehyung's POV

I lied to Jungkook. But he'll probably find out eventually that I don't have a key for my shared apartment with Jimin.

It's not like I wanted to lie to him but my mom called me and finally found out that I was taking music and art instead of business which was what they expected me to take as I am expected to take over the family company someday.

I headed towards the train station right away, still wearing my clothes from school, wanting to get this over with. Though, i'm not very sure what kind of excuse would I use this time. I could always tell them the truth that I have no interest in taking over the company because my passion is somewhere else but I know they would never listen. It wouldn't be the first time really.

As soon as I reached the station, I bought a one-way ticket back to my home town in Daegu where my parents are staying for the mean time before they head out of the country again.

Finally getting into the train, I picked an empty spot near the window and away from most of the crowd. I could already feel a headache coming my way and noises wouldn't be much help.

As soon as I took my seat, I grabbed my phone from my pocket, checking the time. As I was doing so, I noticed a couple messages from my friends and found myself oddly disappointed when I realized all of them have messaged me, asking for my whereabouts, except for Jungkook.

I quickly read through their messages, catching myself smiling as they voice their concern for me. No matter how many times I disappear on them, they never gave up on me.

When the train finally halts into a stop, I peeled my eyes open, I must've fallen asleep on the way, and looked around me. It seems that this is finally my stop.

I waited for the crowd to get out first while I quickly comb my fingers through my hair which got a bit messed up during my short slumber. No matter how much I want to piss off my parents by looking like an absolute mess, I wanted to look presentable to show them I could handle myself just fine, that I don't need their help in every aspect of my life. I want to show them i'm an adult that got his life together, even though that's probably a reach.

When I got out of the station, I took a cab and gave the address to my home, which I oddly remember despite not visiting for quite a while.

Throughout the journey, I couldn't help but feel anxious to face my parents. It's so easy to disobey them knowing that they're in some other country, that they're so far away that they couldn't possibly touch you. They do call, but their words over the phone doesn't have the same effect as their words being spoken in person.

The cab came into a stop as it reaches its destination. I slid a bill to pay for the ride and begrudgingly stepped out of the vehicle.

Now facing the mansion in front of me which I call home, I let out a sigh as I think of what's to come. I was hoping I could keep my secret about my major for a little while longer but it seems that luck is just not on my side.

As I walk towards the huge, brass gates, I noticed something out of the corner of my eyes. As I look over, I recognized a familiar black vehicle. I couldn't help the tiny smile that appeared on my face. Baekhyun, my older brother, must be home. Well at least now I feel better about this visit.

Now standing near the gates, I pressed the intercom, identified myself  and waited for a response.

There was no response but then I saw the gates opening. Once there was enough space for me to go through, I stepped inside.

A security guard comes jogging towards me and greeted me. I offered him a smile before walking towards the heavy oak doors. I remember how I used to look at these doors and they had looked so big to me back then.

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