Chapter 11

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Taehyung's POV

My mom called this morning. I didn't pick it up because I know what she's gonna say. She'll ask me to go home because there will be people over that will want to see me. Not because my parents want to spend Christmas with me or anything.

I'm pretty sure hyung will go home and obey our parents. That's why he's the favourite. But I never hated him. I really admire how he can even do what our parents tell him to do, even though he doesn't want to, and how he's always calm even though inside  he's tearing apart. That's just how he loves our parents. He'll do everything to make them happy.

But I'm not like him. I do love my parents but I don't want them to just always make me do whatever they like. I already gave up too much. Even my dream to be a singer. They all took it away. So at least this time, I want to do something that I really want to do. That is to spend time with my friends. With Jungkook.

Jungkook is the only one who can make me genuinely happy. With just his smile that shows his cute bunny teeth, my day is complete and all the problems seems to go away. But once he's gone, the reality comes crashing back to me.

"Tae? Are you ok? You seemed to be thinking hard. That's new." Jimin said, plopping down beside me on the couch.

"What, you think I'm dumb?" I said, grabbing a pillow and smacking it to his head. Jimin let out an exaggerated cry and he grabbed the other pillow to hit me back. Later on, were having an intense pillow fight that lasted for half an hour.

When we finally felt tired from laughing too much, we decided to settle down and sat on the carpeted floor.

"Seriously, what were you thinking? You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" Jimin said, softly this time and his tone serious.

"Nope, don't worry. I was just thinking what movie should we watch later for the sleep over." I said, lying. I know I can trust Jimin but I just couldn't bring myself to talk to him about it. And also to my friends. I know that it causes them to worry once I become serious about something because it rarely happens. They always see me smiling, laughing, and acting dumb. They'll know something is wrong once I stop doing those. I don't want them worrying about me.

"You're right. That's something that we should think about." Jimin said, rubbing his chin.

"Come in, come in!" Jin hyung greeted, opening the door widely.

As soon as I stepped inside Jin hyung's dorm, the smell of food hit my nose. A wide smile immediately formed in my face. Food always makes me happy.

I spotted Yoongi hyung in the living room already taking over the couch. Namjoon hyung is currently wrapping his arms around Jin hyung, who is struggling to cook because of his boyfriend clinging on to him. Then, I saw Hobi hyung and Jungkook playing Mario Kart while sitting on the ground. I'm glad to see Jungkook with his best friend again. They rarely see each other now.

I dropped my pillow and my bag on the floor and leaped towards Jungkook. He yelped in surprise and he lost in the game afterwards.

"Hyung!" Jungkook said, his lips forming into a pout. How badly I wanna kiss those red lips of him. Shut your dirty mouth, Taehyung.

"Can I play?! Can I play?!" I asked, shaking Jungkook's shoulder.

"Here, Tae. I need to grab some food. You can play with him for now." Hobi hyung said, giving me the other remote control. I smiled widely and thanked Hobi hyung before taking his spot beside Jungkook.

We played for straight two hours, ignoring the loud complains from our hyungs.

"N-no way! You cheated!" Jungkook shouted. He just couldn't accept the fact that I'm better than him. He never won a game against me.

"It's called skills, Jungkookie." I said, giving him a pat on his head, which he quickly shook away. I know that he hates it when someone does that to him, but he's so cute. Too cute.

"Let's watch movies now!" Jimin shouted suddenly and we all jumped in surprise.

"Jimin, calm your shit down!" Yoongi hyung said to Jimin, who quickly shut his mouth. Jimin is too weak for Yoongi hyung.

Jin hyung looked for something to watch. After a minute or two, he finally found one. It's Titanic.

I couldn't help myself and I cried at the scene when Jack died. I grabbed the arm of the person beside me and cried my eyes out on his shoulder. The sleeves of his shirt is now soaked with my tears.

"H-hyung? Are you crying?" I heard Jungkook said and I looked up. I realized that it's actually Jungkook's arm that I'm holding right now. My cheeks suddenly flushed and I immediately moved away from him.

"S-sorry." I mumbled, not looking at him.

We continued to watch the movie and I also continued to cry because I just couldn't stop my emotional self.

After the movie, there were half hearted complains about me crying. But I know they don't mean it. They just don't like seeing me cry. And that is just the reason why I don't want to tell them what I really feel. Especially about my parents.

Once I stopped crying, we decided to go to sleep. Were all too tired and it's already 3 am.

I saw Jungkook and I really really want to go there and cuddle with him. I like cuddling. And I like it better if it's cuddling with Jungkook.

But now, it's just impossible for me to be closer to Jungkook. Because if I get too close, I'll fall. I'll fall really hard that I might not be able to get up.

And so, I decided to just lay down on the spot across him, as far as possible from him. I don't want to fall. I don't want to fall in love. Because if I do, I'm only going to end up hurting Jungkook. Because I'm only going to leave him.

But I know, deep inside my heart, that I'm falling. I'm falling in love.

Falling For You (You're all I need) | taekookWhere stories live. Discover now