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Third Person's POV

When Jungkook got home that day, he immediately phoned all of his friends to come over to his apartment. He knows that they're busy and that they might not be able to make it. But still, maybe at least just one of them will come. After all, Jungkook never invited them to his apartment before.

"D-do you think they'll forgive me?" Taehyung asked, looking down on the ground. Jungkook smiled. He looks adorable. And he's 26 years old!

Jungkook took hold of Taehyung's chin and made him look up to meet his eyes. "They will. I promise." Taehyung's worries lessen and his expression soften.

Jungkook and Taehyung waited for their friends even though they're not really sure if they're actually coming. All of them are artists with hectic schedules. Jungkook knows that even though they want to come, they might not be able to.

But then, someone rang the bell. Jungkook and Taehyung exchanged looks. They're here. Well, they're not sure yet.

Jungkook went to get the door. He looked through the peep hole. A huge smile appeared suddenly on Jungkook's face. His friends, all of them, are currently on the other side of the door, waiting for him to open his door for his apartment. Jungkook haven't seen them for awhile.

Jungkook finally opened the door. He opened it widely so that it's easier for them to enter.

The sight of Jungkook made them smile from ear to ear. They also haven't seen the younger for awhile.

"Look at you! You're all grown up!" Jin hyung said, and hugged Jungkook tightly. When they pulled apart, he took time to look at his friends.

Jin, of course, is breathtakingly gorgeous. He looks even more handsome in person. Jungkook usually just see his hyung in tv or billboards. And now, his hyung is actually standing in front of him.

Namjoon hyung also looks a little different. He wears better clothes now. His hair is also coloured in pink. It still looks good on him.

Yoongi hyung didn't change that much. But his hair is now coloured in black. Jungkook almost didn't recognize him actually. He's used to the mint hair colour of his hyung.

He turned to look at his best friend then. Hoseok also became more handsome now that he's an idol. Jungkook watched some of Bangtan Boys' performances and his best friend really got better in dancing and rapping. He's so proud of him.

Lastly, he turned his attention to still chubby cheeks Jimin. But Jimin became more muscular. But he still have that cute face. Jimin also became more handsome and he really have strong charisma on stage. Fans goes crazy when he shows his abs. Jungkook is not impressed at all.

After looking at his hyungs and recognizing the changes in their looks, it's now his hyungs' turn to look at him.

"Jungkookie! You have broader shoulders! And you look so handsome! You can join me and Hobi hyung, you know. You're good looking, a very good dancer, and an amazing singer. You're a perfect idol!" Jimin said and his hyungs nodded in agreement. Jungkook blushed a little from the compliments.

"But, what's this sudden invitation? I've never been in your apartment. None of us." Yoongi hyung said, cocking his brows.

"Well, about that..." Jungkook doesn't need to continue what he's saying because they finally noticed the man standing just behind Jungkook.

Jungkook watched his hyungs' eyes widen slowly. They seem to be speechless for a while.

"O-oh my god." Jin said, almost in a whisper, while putting his hand over his mouth.

"T-tae?" Yoongi hyung asked, not sure if he's really seeing Taehyung right now.

"Hi?" Taehyung said, awkwardly. He waved his hand after that.

"H-holy shit! Tae!" Jimin finally snapped out of his frozen state and he ran towards Taehyung, throwing himself to Taehyung.

The others followed after Jimin and went towards Taehyung to hug him as well.

When they pulled apart, that's when the Q&A started.

"Where have you been?!"

"God, Tae. What happened to your hair?"

"Your hair is brown! I can't believe it's not blue or something. Is that your natural hair colour?"

"Damn, Tae. You look like a billionare or something. Are you?"

Taehyung chuckled. He waved his hand, telling them to stop.

"Ok, ok. I'll explain." Taehyung said and then taking a deep breath.

"My family is rich. My family wants me to take Business Management in America that's why I left. I planned to go back here in South Korea after graduating. But I'm a damn coward and couldn't face you all. Especially Jungkookie. So it took this long to gather up my courage. And now, TA DA! I'm back." Taehyung said, moving his arms around to add effects.

The room was quiet for awhile and then it was followed by,

"So you really are a billionare."

"That explains when I saw you driving this really expensive looking car. I told myself it wasn't you. But now, I know that it was really you!"

"Why did Jimin paid everything for your dorm back then?"

Taehyung can't believe that none of them are even mad at him. Even Jungkook when he told him the story back in the hospital.

When they all finally calmed down, they all decided to eat.

"Jungkookie, did you cook all of this?" Jimin asked, his mouth stuffed with foods.

"Yeah." Jungkook replied, quite shyly.

They all praised him for his cooking. Jungkook thanked them shyly, and not being able to look up at them. He received too much compliments in one day. Too much goodness happened and it's just hard for Jungkook to take it all in.

"It's really good to be complete again." Yoongi hyung said. They are all now in Jungkook's living room. Some are sitting on the couch, some are sitting on the carpeted floor.

They all stayed there for hours, talking about their own experiences, catching up, and sharing interesting stories. Jungkook felt a deja vu. He remembered doing these things with his hyungs 6 years ago. He feels so happy that even after all those years separated, they still found themselves doing something they did a long time ago. Jungkook is happy to have all them with him again.

Happy to have Taehyung with him again.

Falling For You (You're all I need) | taekookWhere stories live. Discover now