Chapter 13

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Jungkook's POV

It's Christmas eve. We ate and did a movie marathon because we have nothing to do. When we finally got bored from watching movies, we decided to just exchange stories to each other.

Hoseok was the first one to tell a story about himself. He told them about the fake dating that we did. I was kind of embarassed about that. He also talked about his dream to be a famous rapper and dancer. That's not too impossible for him because that kid has talents.

Jin hyung went next. He talked about his dream to be an actor and a model. He also told us that some companies actually called for him already and he's going to go and model some clothing brand after the break. Were all happy for him that he's slowly reaching his dream.

Of course, Namjoon hyung went after his boyfriend. He said he want to be a famous rapper. He's already famous as an underground rapper, but he wants to be famous around South Korea. Even around the world. I know Namjoon hyung can do it.

Yoongi hyung went next and he said his dream is to be a music producer. He also wants to be a rapper but making music is what he really wants to do.

After that, they all looked at me. I guess it's my turn.

I told them about my life in Busan first. Then, I talked about my dream. My dream is to be a doctor. It became my dream after seeing too many accidents and deaths. My aunt, who I'm really closed to because she's the one who pretty much raised me, had a lung cancer and whenever I visit her in the hospital, I wanted so bad to do something, anything, to save her. But I don't know what to do. And then after a few days, she died.

"That's why you want to be a doctor?" Jin hyung asked me softly. I nodded my head slowly. Then, they all smiled at me.

It's now Jimin's turn. He told us the story about when he met Taehyung and how he helped him when he just moved here in Seoul all alone. And then he told us about his dream to be a singer and a dancer. He asked Yoongi hyung if he could make a song for Jimin, and Yoongi gave him a thumbs up. Jimin squealed. We all rolled our eyes, including Yoongi hyung.

I thought were done when I remembered there's still Taehyung. We looked at him, waiting for him.

Taehyung just looked back at us with a blank face. And he's not talking.

"Tae, it's your turn." Jimin said softly to Taehyung. Taehyung blinked.

"Oh, um, yeah." He said.

"W-what should I talk about?" He asked, and he's fiddling with the hem of his shirt. He's nervous.

"Anything, Tae." Yoongi hyung said.

"Maybe your family?" Hoseok suggested. We didn't miss the worried look that Jimin gave to Taehyung.

"Uh, sure." Taehyung said, and I can see him shaking a little. What's going on?

Taehyung took a deep breath before speaking.

"So, um, I have mom and dad, of course. And I have a hyung. His name is Baekhyun." Taehyung said and we cocked our brows. Is that it?

"What's your mom like? Your dad? What do they do?" Jin hyung asked.

"My mom always wants everything organized and clean. She see a speck of dust, she'll throw tantrums, seriously." He said, chuckling to himself. "My dad, h-he's always never home. Always at work." He rolled his eyes at this.

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