Chapter 6

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Taehyung's POV

I found myself making out with a complete stranger.

I guess I got drunk already. Just a little bit.

I acted drunk awhile ago when I was with Jungkook so that he would think that the things that I did to him (like hugging him and dancing with him) would seem like something I did unintentionallty.

But truth is, I just really wanted him in my arms.

I don't know when I started feeling like this to him.

I just found myself blushing when he's showing his big smile that you can even see his bunny teeth, which I find really cute.

I also found myself stealing glances at him when he's not looking, while having some not-so-appropriate thoughts in my head.

I pushed the guy away gently, stopping him from raping my lips.

"What?" He asked, his voice a little husky from the intense kissing we did.

I just shrugged, not giving him an answer.

Jungkook is probably back by now with our drinks.

I stood up from the stranger's lap and turned around to go back to the dance floor.

But as soon as I turned around, I found myself hesitating to move.

Jungkook is currently making out with this really pretty girl.

I saw his hand slip inside the other's shirt and started lifting it up.

The girl started giggling and whispered something in his ear.

I saw him grinned at her, and they both stood up and both disappeared in the deserted hallway.

I wanted to leave so bad, but my legs are disobeying me. Damn it.

Maybe after a minute or two, my legs finally started moving really fast.

I went straight to our dorm because I really don't have energy to party anymore.

I knocked on the door since I don't have a key. I should really get one for myself.

After a few seconds, I saw a wide eyed Jimin.

"Oh my god. Thank god! You're back!!" Jimin shouted, smiling so wide you can't even see his eyes anymore.

He hugged me so tight, it was a miracle that I can still breathe.

"Woah, Jiminie." I said, then put my arms around him and hugged him as well.

"You made all of us really worried you know. 2 months Taehyung!" He said finally pulling away from me, because really, I was having a hard time breathing.

"Sorry, again. Stuff just happens." I said and shrugged. I'm grateful he didn't ask me any more questions about my disappearance.

"Finals is coming. You better start studying now. I could tell you went out to party again. Judging by how you look and how terribly you smell right now." He said and took a seat in our couch. You can't even see the couch anymore since it's filled with papers and textbooks. So Jimin had been studying lately.

"Doesn't matter. I'm changing course." I said, dropping my bag on the floor, and sitting across from Jimin on the floor.

"What? What course?" He asked, genuinely surprised.

"Business Management." I said, shrugging as if I don't care.

"But you said you love mu-" he stopped himself when he finally realized why I'm taking Business Management.

"Oh, right. Company, family, and all that." He said and went back to his textbook.

Jimin is the only one who knows about my family.

He knows that we own some of the big companies in Asia. He knows that my family is rich.

The others doens't really know since I never talked about my family. They didn't really pushed me to say something about it.

Jimin also had been my bestfriend since when I moved here in Seoul.

He was the one who helped me when I just moved here. I was really thankful that I met him because I literally don't know what to do.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" I asked with my eyes close because I couldn't keep them open anymore.

"Looks like you're the one who needs sleep. Come on." I felt Jimin's  strong hands, with soft grip on my shoulder, lifting me up.

I let him lead me to my room and to my bed.

He also put the blankets on me, which I really appreciated.

"Thanks." I mumbled and heard the soft click of the door before drifting off to sleep.

It's already lunch and Jungkook is still gone.

Jimin asked Jin hyung where Jungkook is, worried about Jungkook because he said it's not like him to just disappear without telling them. (And I think Jimin has a huge crush on Jungkook.)

"He left me a note. But all he said was that he might not get home early." Jin hyung told the whining Jimin.

"But TaeTae just came back! And now Jungkookie is gone too!" He said again, whining.

I also wonder where he is.

I didn't tell them that we were together last night. It just reminds me of that image of him with that girl.

I shook my head and smiled.

"Don't worry, Jiminie. He'll come back." I said and hugged Jimin.

And as if on cue, Jungkook suddenly appeared.

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