Chapter 16

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*warning: YOONMIN*


Jimin's POV

After Tae left, no one really questioned me about him. They know that he was gonna leave. Tae told us. What they don't know is that he's not coming back.

It became so dreadfuly quiet in the dorm. Hobi hyung was nice enough to sleep here with me. He sleeps on the couch though because I can't really let him enter Tae's room. He might find out that Tae left permanently.

The last few days of the break went by without much events. Even our New year celebration is not so happy because were not complete. Tae was gone and Jungkook had been so quiet after the library incident. I know that he knows it was us that did it. But he never questioned us about it. I guess he doesn't want to talk about it.

Were back to school again. The second semester officially starting.

"Jiminie!" I heard someone shouted and I whipped around excitedly, thinking that Tae is here. But when I saw who it was, disappointment replaced my excitement. But I pushed it down and smiled at Jin hyung.

I jogged towards where they are. Hobi hyung is with them. Hobi hyung is now regularly hanging out with us.

When I stopped in front of them, I caught Jungkook's eyes. He was smiling but his smile didn't reach his eyes.

"Hey, kid." Yoongi hyung said and I turned to him with raised brows.

"You have been looking miserable lately. What's up?" He asked.

"You know, missing Tae." I said, shrugging. It's hard to pretend that everything is good.

"No, it's different. Whenever Tae's gone, you're the one who's always happy and who always tries to cheer us up and telling us not to worry. This time, it seems that you're the one that needs cheering up." Yoongi hyung said. I didn't know he notices those stuff. It made me blush a little that he notices those things about me.

I didn't say anything because I don't know what to say. I'm the type of person that always have a hard time lying. And that's exactly what Tae was asking me to do to not make their friends worry that much about him.

"You can talk to any of us if you're having a hard time, you know that, right?" Jin hyung said, touching my cheek a little.

I nodded and gave them a small smile.

The day went by in a blur. I still feel awfully depressed about Tae leaving. I might never going to see him again. And that breaks my heart.

I also noticed that Yoongi hyung had been giving me more attention than before. He talks to me more gently and he even gave me an ice cream.

"Same flavour as my hair. That sure will taste good." Yoongi hyung said before giving me the mint flavoured ice cream.

"Yeah, I'll definitely gonna enjoy this." I said, laughing. The first genuine laugh I did after the day Tae left.

Yoongi hyung took me to the nearest park. We found a bench and sat there, slowly licking our ice cream in silent. It wasn't an awkward silence at all, and I'm very thankful for that, it was only a comfortable silence. It's really nice spending your time with your long time crush in a park.

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