Chapter 7

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Jungkook's POV

There he is, Kim fucking Taehyung.

I thought I'll forget about last night by having sex with that girl I met in the bar.

But I can't.

I don't even know why I'm feeling like this towards that stupid Taehyung.

"Hey." I said, acknowledging his presence and also being polite.

I don't think anyone knows that we saw each other last night.

"Hey. Jiminie is so worried that you also disappeared." He said. Jiminie? And then I thought I was the only he gave a cute nickname.

Shut up, Jungkook.

"I'm so glad you're here! Don't do what TaeTae did ok?" Jimin said and hugged me. TaeTae? Ugh, I'm starting to hate these stupid nicknames.

"Yeah, yeah." I mumbled and gently pushed him away from me.

"Where were you last night?" Yoongi hyung asked, suspicious.

"Uh, bar." I said.

I can feel Taehyung looking at me. I'm looking anywhere but him.

"How about you Tae?" Yoongi asked. This time I also looked at Taehyung. I'm still curious where he went. I mean, he disappeared for fucking 2 months.

"Home." He said, dropping the subject.

We did drop the subject.

We said goodbyes later on to each other and went to our classes.

"Hey, It's Yoongi's birthday. He invited us to his dorm." Jin hyung said as soon as I enter our dorm.

"What time?" I asked, going to the kitchen, getting a glass of water.

"10 pm." He said. I looked at the clock, it's 5 pm.

"I have time to study then." I said and went to my room.

I woke up from the sound of my annoying alarm.

I studied for maybe at least 3 hours. And then, I decided to sleep because my eyes were literally closed already and no matter what I do, I can't open it.

I guess it was because of the lack of sleep last night.

I grabbed my phone and stopped the alarm.

I checked the time. It's 9:30 pm.

I got up and went to the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth.

I went back to my room and grabbed a new clean shirt and put it on.

After grabbing my dorm keys and my phone, I went outside.

I didn't see Jin hyung so I guess he already left.

I haven't been to any of my friend's dorm, but I know where they are.

Yoongi hyung's dorm room is located on the other building.

It wasn't that cold outside even though it's already almost the middle of December.

I looked for dorm 85. It was easy to find it because it's just on the second floor of the building.

I can already hear loud hip hop music inside.

I knocked and hoped that they can hear it.

After a minute, the door finally opened.

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