Chapter 15

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Jimin's POV

*an hour ago*
"Guys, do you think our plan will work?" I asked them again. I could feel their growing impatience towards me.

"Jimin, yes. We all think this will work. They're all alone in the dark. They might talk or not but at the end, they end up confessing to each other and then BAM they're dating. Trust me." Jin hyung said and we turned our attention back to the library.

After a few minutes after closing the door when Jungkook came in, we unlocked the door. We don't want them getting stuck there. Were not that mean.

We waited and we waited. We just waited until something happens.

After almost an hour, we finally saw something that moved inside. We crouched down lower on the bush so that they won't be able to see us.

But surprisingly, only one came out. It's only Taehyung. And even from the distance between us, I can see my best friend's tears. He's crying.

When we were sure he's out of sight, I turned to Jin hyung beside me.

"What the hell? Why is he crying?" I asked. One thing is for sure, our plan didn't work.

"I don't know, Jimin!" He whisper-shouted.

"Did Jungkook rejected him or something?" Hoseok said. That's probably it. Damn you, Jungkook.

But we remained to our spot and waited for Jungkook to come out. After half an hour, he came out. We tried to see what his expression is. His face is just blank. He's not showing any emotion at all. Fuck. We messed up. Instead of making them realize their feelings for each other so that they can finally date, we messed up their friendship. And now, I don't think they would even talk to each other anymore.

When Jungkook was gone, we all stood up and came out of the bush where were hiding.

"Well, that didn't go well." Yoongi hyung said, yawning.

We decided to go home because it has been a long ass day.

I opened the door and I looked around for Tae.

I went to the kitchen and then to the living room. He wasn't there. I figured that maybe he's already sleeping. Poor guy.

I decided to go and maybe talk to him. If he doesn't want to talk, I'll just cuddle with him. Anything that's comfortable to him.

So, I knocked on the door of his room. A few more knocks but no answer at all. I took the knob and slowly twisted it and I slowly opened the door.

His room is dark and I waited for my eyes to get used to it.

I walked in and went towards his bed.

"Tae." I whispered softly and reached out for his hair to stroke it. But my hand reached nothing but the pillow.

I switched on the lamp on the bed side table. Taehyung is not here. Fuck.

I took out my phone and dialed his number. After 10 rings, I canceled it and just sent him a text.

To: Shrek Tae

Where are you? Send me a text just so that I know that you're ok. Love you, Tae.

I sent the message and I slumped down on the floor. If something bad happens to him, it's our fault.

I took this time then to look around his room because something is off.

The faint light coming from the lamp is enough to give light to the whole room since it's not that big.

Last time I was in his room, which was before the sleep over, his room is full of dirty clothes everywhere. On his desk, chair, bed, and even on the floor.

But right now, it's clean. And I also noticed that his shoes that's usually placed beside the doorway is also gone. And then I got a bad feeling in my stomach.

I stood up in a flash and went to his closet. I hope his clothes are still there. I hop-

I stepped back in surprised. His closet is empty.

I went to rummaged Taehyung's drawers to look for his other stuff. But they're all gone. Even his soap, shampoo, and toothbrush are all gone when I went to the bathroom.

Did Tae left?

I was gonna leave his room when I saw a note behind his door. He knows that I'm gonna come in here.

I grabbed the note slowly and read it.

It says:

Dear my cutie Jiminie,

I'm sorry? Remember when I said that I'm leaving one more time and not do it again? Well this is it. I'm leaving. Well at this case, I already left. I said I'm not doing it again because I would never come back anymore. I'm going to America. I know that I told you guys that I'm gonna continue my business major next semester. I didn't tell you guys that I'm doing it in America. You know the reason, right? Please please please don't tell the others where I'm going. Just tell them that I went home and that I don't know when I'm coming back. I hope they can forgive me for lying to them. But I'll understand if they don't. Take care of Jungkook for me, ok? You like him, right? Well whatever just take care of him. I love you Jiminie. Thanks for everything.

Ps. I'll text you someday. Save the number. But please, remove the Shrek on my name ok?

Taehyungie :)

Tears came rushing down my face. I couldn't hold them back.

I love you too, Tae.

Btw, this fic is ending soon :'(

But I'm working on SO MANY vkook fanfics right now. Wait for them, ok? Ok.

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