Unavoidable distractions

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"Morning gorgeous" Raf smiles as he rolls over and rests his hand on her bare waist.

"Morning" Cara mutters then suddenly realises who is next to her, "Raf!" Cara says as she bolts upright in bed.

"Calm yourself Cara it's only me" Raf says as he places his hand on her back and rubs her back.

Cara puts her hand on her chest and tries to calm herself down "yes I can see its you... But your naked!" Cara panics as she starts to blush, she looks under the covers and sees she is also naked Oh... My... God... I am naked too!" She says as she quickly grabs her pyjama bottoms.
"We didn't did we?" Cara questions in a panicked tone, Raf smiles and nods.

Later on Cara is dressed and is now ready for work, she has dressed Ella and is now waiting for Raf who has agreed to take her to work even though it's his day off.

"Ready?" Raf questions as he looks down at Cara who has Ella standing on her lap, She looks so happy with her nine month old daughter.
Cara nods and kisses Ella's head, Raf watches as Ella smiles at Cara and she stands up and holds Ella against her hip.

Raf takes Cara to the hospital where Cara takes Ella down to the nursery for the day, she hates leaving her it always leaves a deep hole in her heart as she knew Ella doesn't like being without Cara.

"Morning Nurse Martinez" Morven chirps as Cara arrives on the ward in time for her shift, she seemed distracted but Morven kept talking.

"Catch anything good on TV last night?" Morven smiles as she tries to make conversation with the quite staff nurse.

Cara looks at Morven and thinks, a lot happened last night and she really didn't want to tell her she had slept with Raf, because God knows what she will think of her. "Erm... Real housewives of Cheshire" Cara smiles as she chews on her pen.

"Cara is everything alright you seen distracted? You haven't been yourself all morning" Morven says quite loudly which is loud enough for Serena to hear.

Cara gives an awkward smile and holds onto the bottom of her stub top and looks down at the floor, "yeah not much sleep again last night" she mutters.

"Oh, so who was the baby you was with yesterday?" Morven questions as she saw Cara coming out of the nursery with a baby.

"Erm... She's my... Erm..." Cara is cut off by Serena.

"Nurse Martinez a word? My office no please" she says and Cara nods and stands up. Cara makes her way over to Serena's office.
"Take a seat nurse Martinez" Serena smiles and Cara sits down.

"What is it?" Cara says with a smile on her face.

Serena messes with a few files "Erm... Is everything okay? You seem distracted today" Serena says and Cara nods as she fiddles with a pen on the desk.

"Yes everything is fine, why did you call me here?" Cara questions as she knows there's more to it.

Serena sighs and messes with a file, "look I have to do this, I have to check everyone's medical records and well... Yours don't make sense" Serena begins and Cara starts to panic but tires not to show it.

"What do you mean?" Cara questions as she starts to get nervous.

Serena smiles "... Well yours say that you gave birth nine months ago to a 5.6 pound baby girl?" Serena says as she tries to make sense of the young nurses medical records.
Cara laughs nervously as she starts to tear up, "I checked and it was defiantly you, is there something your not telling us Cara?" Serena questions and she looks up at Cara who is trying to fight back her tears.

Cara looks down at her lap and holds her phone tightly her lock screen flashes up its of Ella and she's smiling happily on the photo, Cara tries to hide it but finally cracks "yes" Cara mutters

"Yes what?" Serena says curiously as she can see the young nurse is quite scared to tell her.

"Yes...I...I...Have a... Baby... Girl" she stutters as she looks up at the ceiling and tries to stop herself from crying.

Serena looks at her her sympathetically and stands, Cara looks up at Serena and sees that she is offering her a tissue, "oh Cara no one would of said anything, why didn't you tell me ?" Serena questions.
"Why are you so distracted then?" Serena says as she places her a friendly hand on her shoulder.

"I just hate being away from her, she doesn't like me leaving her and she's only nine months old" Cara whispers.

Serena sighs and sits on the desk next to her "Oh Cara..." Serena is cut off by Cara.

"I messed up real bad.... I slept with Raf" Cara says quickly without thinking and then raises her hands to her mouth when she realises what she has done.

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