Chapter 15

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I walked back into the hospital room. I was so sick of this place. I had been trapped in here for more than a week now. They had to replace my bandage twice in that time, and I now knew how bad it was. Jaspen had cut a large whole through the side of my body. They told me I barely survived.

Jaspen. I hated that name. Tears came to my eyes just thinking about him. I relived the moment over and over again in my mind, feeling the pain and torture, worsening every time.

At that moment, Alissa walked in with the daily douse medicine I was supposed to take. I quickly blinked backed my tears.

"Here you are!" She said in her usual perky tone. I looked at it and scrunched up my face. I hated the medicine. It tasted so bad.

She looked at me with a sorrowful expression on her face. She knew my pain. "I hate to see you like this." She told me. "Ya, well. There's nothing you can really do about it." I said back to her. She paused for a moment, thinking. Finally, she made up her mind. "Maybe your wrong! Maybe there is something I could do!"

"Take off your bandage." She instructed. I was confused, but didn't hesitate to do what she had said. I took off the protection on my hip to reveal the huge cut. I winced at it.

"Hold still." Alissa said. She hovered her hand right above my wound and started to move it all across my body. After a few seconds of doing this, a beautiful golden stream of light ran parallel to where she had hovered her hand. The pain from my body suddenly vanished and soon after, the entire wound its self did too!

I stared at her in disbelief and she returned it with a sheepish grin. "Magic!" She said.

Now I had no choice but to believe in magic. "Where did you learn how to use it?" I asked her. "Weeeeell," she said, hesitating to answer. "I didn't reeeally learn." She said, stretching out her sentences. "One night they just hooked me up to a whole bunch of wires and the day after, I got powers!"

I gasped. "That's where I got my powers from too! I thought it was a dream, but I guess not!" I blurted out, not being able to control my excitement.

She smiled at me. "Well. I think it's high time you get out of the hospital." She handed me a slip with my name on it, giving me permission to return to my normal tasks.

I walked out of the hospital, feeling freedom once more. I loved it! Now I know where I had gotten my powers from!

I stopped ubruptly where I was. He was looking right at me. The person I never wanted to see ever again. Jaspen.

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