Chapter 2, I have Golden Fur

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A forceful shake awoke me from my nightmare, my head pounded like something had hit me with a tonne of bricks. Blake was sitting on the edge of a king sized bed with furry black blankets. I dug my head into the rug hoping he wouldn't see that I woke up.

"I know your awake Emery," Blake said in a serious tone. I lifted my head above to look at him, only to find he was staring right into my eyes. I closed my eyes as the pain from before started up again. I squirmed under the covers trying to relive the pain but it just got worse.

"Blake help me it's happening again" I yelped holding my stomach as droplets of sweat formed on my forehead.

"sshhh you will be alright, I don't want you to struggle. Emery I want you to breathe really carefully and settle down. Let the pain take over and don't fight it." Blake said taking hold of my hand, I relaxed my body and as I did my body began to heat up and it felt like I was burning. I squealed in pain, and rolled over onto my other side facing Blake. His eyes fixed on mine, I started to relax as he drew circles with his thumb on my hand. A loud crack brought my attention back to my body as all my bones broke, one by one. I yelped in pain, my eyes filled with tears as my body tore apart. I forced my eyes shut and concentrated on breathing.

The pain stoped after about an hour and I opened my eyes, my vision was blurry and unclear. A dark figure I imagined was Blake, was still as a rock sitting on the side of the bead. I forced my eyes shut and shook my head then opened them slowly. The room looked the same and it was Blake on the side of the bed, he wasn't holding my hand though. I began to get up feeling anxious to get out of that place and get back to the hotel and drive far away from this crazy place.

I shook on my legs and my arms wouldn't work, I looked down at my hands but I didn't have hands. They were golden paws, and my feet were the same, I started to panic looking around at my body. Fur fur and more fur and a tail, oh no, I can't be, a wolf. My insides cried and my body sank to the bed. Tears started to blur my vision again.

"Sshhhh don't cry it'll be alright," Blake said stroking my golden fur. I felt useless and sad. I got kicked out of my pack for not turning when I was 16, when I was meant to but I have turned.

"Emery don't freak out but you are a wolf," no sh!t Sherlock I thought pretending to burn a hole into his perfect head "I want you to stand up and follow me outside" Blake continued standing up. I huffed and pulled myself to my 4 paws and slid of the side of the bed landing flat on my face. Blake began laughing at me and I shot him a death stare and he soon stopped. But nothing could wipe that perfect little smirk off of his face, a growl rose from my throat, crap how did I do that I thought pushing myself up again with a smile forming on my face. As I put a paw in front of the other I quickly learnt how to walk..... Again. I stopped by Blake's side almost as tall as him, I could almost feel myself boasting about it. I was a lot taller in my wolf form them my human.

Blake grinned and walked towards the door I followed, stopping to look in the mirror. I am a wolf, I have golden fur. My golden fur almost shone in the dark and my pink nose made me look even more kidish like that could ever happen. Then my crystal blue eyes made me growl I hated them. Blake smirked at me then it gently fell to his serious face and he looked toward the ground.

"You are the prettiest wolf I have ever seen" Blake's voice caught my attention I could almost feel the warmth that he exposed. I walked to his side and nudged him to move on. Blake smiled and flung the door open, walking into the darkness of the hallway that I had never seen. I looked around cautiously making sure those wolves weren't here. Blake slowly walked down a staircase telling me to be quiet. I put one foot down carefully then the other making sure I was careful and quiet, I was getting the hang of it so I walked a little quicker. I looked down the stairs and Blake was at the bottom waiting for me. I quickened my legs making me move at almost a fast walk, ahh I have this under control I put my head up looking at Blake that was watching me smirking, all of a sudden my legs got tangled and I rolled down the last few steps and crashed into the hat stand on the side  of the stair. This was not my day I thought standing up out of the hats and coats I had just knocked off.

Blake cracked up laughing and almost started crying, omg I just fell down the stairs and crashed into the hat stand then got covered in coats and hats that is really not funny my star changing to a glare and almost a growl. This is one of the moments where I want some sort of laser beam to draw something on his head like maybe D!CK or something that really outlines him.

We finally got out side after running into the glass window and sliding on the marble floors. It was just a day to make myself look stupid in front of this beautiful man, gee I wish I was normal for a change.

I dug my paws into the dirt, closing my eyes, smelling the fresh air. A breath of hot air blew on my shoulder as a chocolate brown wolf appeared next to me. I looked for Blake but he was nowhere to be seen.

It's me Blake I heard in my head, I jumped and moved away from the wolf and faced him. How do if it is him or if it is some other wolf trying to kill me or something. OK Emery I can hear your thoughts you don't have a protection wall up all you need to do is think about blocking your wolf out. OK blocking my wolf out, I could feel another voice inside me saying me I am your wolf stupid, maybe that is it Blake it is the thing that is telling me that it is my wolf and calling me stupid because it isn't very nice. It was silent great no help from Mr Cadbury over here I smirked and walked next to a huge tree at the edge of the forest. Hey I heard that.....ummmm.....goldy a small chuckle arose is that the best you have Cadbury I laughed and sprinted into the forest.

Hey wait up burst into my mind, I slowed to a stop at a huge rock. Blake bolted up next to me panting heavily. I giggled rolling onto my back then up again. I am taller than you I teased as I stood up straight towering over the small wolf. Well no dahh, you reek of power what are you anyway? He asked putting his head low as if to hide. I am the daughter of an alpha that was the son of an alpha and so on it's a long story but I am a rogue because I didn't turn. Been a rogue for about 2 years now. I turned around lowering my body sadly thinking about my pack and my dad.

Wait so you're bred to be power he asked following me slowly and cautiously, what I am just a person that has a father as an alpha nothing special I growled as I stopped to look at him. He lowered to the ground and put his ears back and his tail between his legs he was scared of me. I huffed and finally softened my glare and smiled happily, Want to race home? I asked hopefully I loved running when I was human and I was pretty good at it too, hell yeah I bet I will win Blake said standing up getting ready. Will not, I said back trying not to growl at him on your marks get set he starts to run then screams in my mind goooo!! I race off after him catching up to him in no time, not fair you cheat I thought as I ran next to him. He laughed and looked at me, I winked at him then took off leaving him behind.

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