Chapter 6

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My body burned with every movement I made, I looked around the dark cell. I was chained to the wall with huge metal chains, two of which were chained to my ankles were attached to the floor. The other two chained to my wrists and they were attached to the wall behind me. I tried to force myself up but my wolf just screamed at me to lay still.

The bars in front of me opened and that same man walked in. I growled weakly, unable to bother. He smirked and paced in front of me, I felt my wolf give me everything she had but it wasn't enough. I put a paw out despite of all the pain and forced myself to stand. The pain shot through my body, feeling like it was piercing every vain in my body. The man stopped in front of me once more, his smirk slowly disappearing.

"Guard how many shots did you give her" the man asked turning to the bars. "38 sir and that is the larger ones" The guard said not coming into my sight as it was fixed on the evil person standing in front of me. "You are incredibly strong Emery but you will fall under me we just have to break you" he said turning his attention my way, I growled feeling my strength slowly coming back.

I felt the rage pulsing through my burning veins, I lunged at his head only being stopped by the chains. I pulled at them trying to break them but I was too weak, I snapped at his head but missed. He just stood there smiling, why was he smiling he is just a sexy, evil, beautiful man trapping and hurting poor little me. He is kind of cute hey, maybe he is our no he is not now Sshhhh I am trying to think.

The man pulled out a shining dagger, it wasn't very big but could do some damage if he could get close enough. "Emery do you know what this is?" he asked fiddling with it. I shook my head slowly not daring to take my eyes off of him." it's a full silver blade and hurts quite a lot" he said looking into my eyes, my wolf inside wanted to whimper but I wouldn't let it escape my lips. "Wolves crumble to it and it can kill them, this weapon is called wolf hunters last resort" he said looking evilly at the pretty little dagger in his hand.

a growl broke out of my lips and I could feel my wolf wanting to fight, even with our burning body. He slowly walked closer and I moved as far as I could to him. He was out of reach, he knotted to the guard and a huge collar from the roof popped down and around my neck. I tried to move away from it but it kept raising higher to the roof. I stopped still as the man slowly but painfully cut my cheat, red blood trickled down my gold coat. He smiled as the pain made me collapse, the collar release a little till I could drop my head on the floor. The man walked around me cutting me on my sides and on my legs.

The pain was bursting my body and I started moving trying to get away from it. My body totally died I couldn't move it the pain was too much, it was much worse then turning for the first time, I would go through that again instead of this. My wolf was screaming for me to change but I didn't want to be naked in front of that evil man.

"Change my sweet heart, the pain will go away" he said crouching to my level and putting a hand on my head. "Change and you won't feel it I promise" the man said looking into my eyes. Why do people do that I hate it, I felt defeated as I let myself change. I closed my eyes trying to be invisible from that perve, I hate that man he is devilish.

The cold damp floor touched my stomach as I lied there naked on the floor, trying to curl up into a tight ball hiding everything from him. He laughed at me as I forced my eyes tightly shut feeling relieved that the pain was over but this man uggg.

"See all better," he said as he kissed me on the forehead. What the f*ck he just kissed me he is really a perve. I growled at him and that only made him laugh more. "You have a cute little body you know" he said smirking, that was it I raised my hand to slap him only to find it still chained to the wall. I huffed in defeat this guy was insane. He can't just come along hurt me almost kill me then kiss me and say I have a cute little body, you just don't do that. Uggg.

"Go away you creep" I wanted to say in a loud terrifying voice but instead not much more beyond a whisper. He laughed and placed a huge black furry rug over me, I instantly snuggled into the warmth. I felt glad that he gave me it since I was naked. Men have no sense of I don't know brains. I closed my eyes as he shut the door behind him and locked it.

A light kiss pressed on my forehead, I opened my eyes feeling happy to be woken up like that only to remember where I was. I freaked out and searched for that creep instead Blake was there with tear filled eyes. I sat up wrapping the rug around me, he lunged for me and hugged me tightly, and it was a little hard to breath.

"I am sorry, I am sorry, I shouldn't have let him near you or even see you. I should have hidden you and then maybe you wouldn't be here like this" Blake said tears rolling down his face. "I did what I wanted to do Blake and you wouldn't have been able to stop me" I said hugging him back. "Emery, I am going to rescue you and then I will make things right," he whispered softly into my ear. "Why I don't even know you and how I am chained up and I have no clothes" I whispered back

Blake held me tightly and carefully slid my hands out of the chains, the guard had left with that stupid pig of a thing. Blake grabbed my collar with his jaw and crunched down on it breaking it. Wow his is strong, was all that came to my mind. He picked me up and quickly huddled the blanket into a ball and all the chains inside to make them think I was still there.

He held me in his arms and pulled his jumper over me. I smiled then looked around noticing how we were in a cage still. I showed him a worried look but he just smirked back as he pressed a brick in the wall and a secret passage formed.

We bolted down the passage past at least 15 doors until we came to a set of stairs, he bolted up them and took a sharp corner to the right then to the left then to the right again. A wooden door was standing solitary at the end and he barged through it. He popped me on the bed and locked the door behind him, he pressed a bright green button on the door and cupboards dropped down in front of the door.

I giggled watching him stress out and listening. He looked at me with his beautiful eyes that just want to make you say aww. He walked over to me and sat down next to me, I pulled the jacket over me feeling embarrassed. He cupped my face and looked deep into my eyes, " Emery, you are my mate I can feel it. I didn't know what was going on at first but I know now that I love you"...............................



Sorry it was short I just got back from my horsey stuff, tell if you like it hate it. Thank you for reading it so far, tell if any mistakes and please let me know if I should continue. :)

Should update latter on this week maybe on the weekend. Thank you again

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