Chapter 3,

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The sun rose above the lush green hill, I sat and waited for Blake he was such a slow runner. I lie on my stomach and wagged my tail eagerly waiting for a chocolate coloured wolf to appear from the forest. I closed my eyes gently wanting to catch some zzz's before Blake got back.

I felt the warm sun hit my coat and I fluttered my eyes open, a large hand stroked my back smoothly making me want to fall asleep again. I just realise what was just happening and flew to my feet spinning to face the intruder. Oh just Blake, haha when did you get back I thought great he can't hear me. I growled at him, making him jump.

"Do you want some clothes my Golden Angel" Blake smirked, his 'golden angel' what is this guy on wait it's a chocolate coloured wolf. Haha they must be the dumb ones, better than the dumb blondes. I quickly looked back at him I was dawdling, he was looking straight into my eyes. Help me he is doing it again, stop looking at me I growled knowing he wouldn't hear my thoughts but at least the growl will make him move.

Blake laughed at me and walked inside shutting the door behind him, great how to get inside the house. I looked at the wooden door with the ball like handle, I wouldn't be able to get that open with my mouth. I walked around the house seeing a window open on the second floor I starred at it. My wolf 'or so it told me to call it' was howling to take over so I let it. My wolf strolled over towards the forest and started running, we got faster and faster I had never been this fast on foot or in a car. Then we leaped up to the window and rolled inside nocking a lamp off a bed side table.

A man taller than Blake leaped up and changed to his wolf form, a light caramel colour. He growled at me but my wolf stood up straight and growled back at him. The wolf stood his ground which made a part of me angry, my wolf walked closer to him towering over him and growled loudly making the other wolf get down as low as he could putting his ears flat against his head and his tail tightly between his legs. I was proud of my wolf and praising her but then I was in charge again, great.

I softened my status and walked over to his door scratching on it, I closed my eyes and waited for him to change into his human and get dressed again. It didn't take long and before I knew it he was walking past me in a pair of black jeans, I backed up looking at the door. The man just looked at me curiously, I warned him by growling a little and as quick as a flash the door was wide open. Hmmm I could get used to this happening. I walked into the hallway only to find Blake running up the stairs in his boardies and a singlet. He stopped still gawking at me watching the door next to me slam shut and locked. A small cheeky grin appeared on his face before he walked to his bedroom with me following closely behind. As soon as he closed the door behind us he cracked up laughing, almost crying he was laughing so much. Omg he must be a child or a teenager so young, they always find everything funny, I stared at him as he started to stop laughing.

Blake had gained himself finally after his laughing attack, he finally gave me one of his blue button up shirts and the smallest size he could find of shorts. I took them in my mouth and placed them on the floor, looking at him once more. How do I change back Blake looked at me seriously

"What don't you like them, well I am sorry for not having your type of clothes Goldy" A large grin sneaked up on his face and I just knew something was up. Get me human again now!!! I growled and Blake stopped and looked me in the eyes.

"You have to brake every bone in your body again to change back" Black said seriously I could feel the pain strive in me again and I could feel the tears filling my eyes. "Stop Stop Stop" he laughed" you don't have to you just need to think of you as a human haha silly Goldy" Blake teased. I picked up the clothes in my mouth and walked to his bathroom, slamming the door back behind me.

I saw myself human and saw myself running as hard as I could, I forced my eyes closed. I started to feel the icy cold tiles touch my bare skin, I fluttered my eyes open instantly looking at my hands. I smiled at the sight of being human, I stood up and quickly got dressed in Blake's clothes, and they were swimming on me. The shirt was so long it covered the shorts and the top button was gone so it showed almost too low. I saw my long curly hair and for once it was naturally perfectly curled. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Blake almost asleep on his bed, I quietly turned the light out and sat on the floor next to him waiting for him to fall asleep.

A light snore woke me from my daze and forced me to get up, I picked up my things and darting out of the house quickly and quietly. Shoving my joggers on and darting off the way I came, the sun was high in the sky and I could feel the day heating up quickly. I needed to get back now, I was tired and grumpy and I didn't want to get seen. I darted around a large tree and got changed out of the clothes and put it all in a ball so I could carry it in my mouth. I thought of my wolf and in seconds I was it, picking up my clothes I sprinted back onto the path and through the forest.

I could feel something watching me as I ran. My wolf told me to stop and turn around so I did, a very large black wolf watched me from a far. My wolf told me to go to him but my instincts told me differently, they told me to run and never look back. I trust my instincts and bolted as fast as I could to the edge of town and quickly changed to human and into the clothes and darted up to my room in the hotel. I shoved the door key in and forced the door open slamming and locking it behind me, sweat dripped down my face and my heart was racing as fast as a race car.

I leaned against the door listening for a while, I waited for anything but luckily nothing. I felt safe once more. I relaxed and took my relaxing shower before heading to sleep in my big beautiful king size bed. I stretched out between the silky white sheets and fell into a beautiful dream..........

I was sitting in a large field of green, looking around the forest and the beautiful stream. I was totally relaxed the birds were chirping the sun was out and I just close my eyes to soak up the sun's warmth. A big black wolf emerged from the forest, the same as I was running away from. He ran towards me claws out and teeth wanting to rip me open and tear me apart. I tried to turn but my wolf was locked up and couldn't turn, I stood up and ran away from the creature only to trip on a root. I turned to face the monster lunging at me, my voice was screaming.................

Something shook me awake and I looked up, a tall man with black hair sat next to me watching me. my eye's grew wider and I tried to scream for help only to be stopped by his hand holding my mouth shut and holding me still, it was that wolf from my dreams he was going to kill me....................................



What do you guys think so far I already wrote a chapter but I had this idea and had to get it down, sorry if it isn't very good I am a beginner and I am learning. My goal is to actually finish this one because as you can see I have started heaps but have not finished. Vote if you think is good and comment on spelling and grammar errors. Thanks for reading so far will update tomorrow maybe :)

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