Chapter 4

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"You two are to take care of these orphanage kids for the rest of the three days. That means, playing with them, reading them stories and cooking them food," the owner of the orphanage, Mrs.Park told us. "Oh and... I'm sorry to tell you two but, you guys are going to have to sleep in one room. We only have one vacant and I thought two boys were going to come over... So... I'm sorry..."

"WHAT?!" We both shouted in unison.

"I'm sorry..." Mrs.Park bowed to us several times.

"No no! It's ok... We're just... Shocked," I waved my hands in front and then nudged Jungkook in the stomach. Well, more like a jab. "Right Jungkook?"

"THAT HURT YOU---" he shouted and then stopped himself. "I-I mean... Um yeah, we're fine with it..." He faked a smile and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

I smiled while awkwardly laughing, trying to get Jungkook off me. I stepped on his foot to make him let go. Mrs.Park seemed unsure but we both put on our best fake smiles which convinced her fully.

"Well then, I'll see you two later at dinner. I expect you guys to do well!" She smiled one last time before heading to her car.

We both waved her goodbye as she drove off. When the car was out of our sight, I let out a frustrated groan. Jungkook sent a glare at me for jabbing and hitting him. I shrugged him off and went inside the house.

It was around 3pm and the kids there were running around like crazy. There were about 10 of them from the age of 5 to 10. Jungkook was nowhere to be seen, probably dozing off somewhere. I went out to the backyard, where the children were playing.

I thought carefully of how to calm these crazy kids down. Then an idea struck me.

"Hey guys! Anyone want to hear a story?" I shouted at them, making their heads turn to me, stopping from whatever they were doing.

And then the next moment, I was tackled by all 11 of them to the ground.

"Please read us a story!" One shouted.

"STORY TIME!" Another shrieked.

I say back up again, holding one of the little ones in my arms. "Guys guys! Be quiet for a moment!" That got their attention. "If you want to hear a story, you all have to be quiet. Ok? Shhhhh," I said as I held my forefinger to my lips.

They all vigorously nodded their heads and imitated me. I stood up whilst carrying the little girl and went inside the orphanage house. The rest followed me like little ducklings into the living room.

I picked a random picture book from the bookshelves and sat down on the couch. The children huddled around me with excitement in their eyes.

"Once upon a time..." I started and continued the story, imitating voices of the characters in the story.

"And they lived happily ever after!" I said and closed the book.

And then claps could be heard from the other side of the room.

I looked up and saw Jungkook with an amused expression, clapping slowly at me. I could tell he was holding in his laughter.

"Such a nice story!" He said sarcastically. "So nice that I actually filmed all of it," he added.

I choked on my own saliva when he said that. "YOU WHAT?!" I shouted and stood up, causing the kids to move back a little.

"I filmed it,"

I slowly took steps closer to him. "Oh no you didn't Jeon Jungkook," I spoke while walking.

He smirked and waved his phone in front of him, playing the video that he just filmed. It was a video of me doing ridiculous imitations of character voices to the orphans.

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