Chapter 17

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Wait what?!

Jungkook's cheeks slowly went pink, realising what he had blurted out. "Uhh... I mean I need you as in like... To talk," he said, scratching a non existent itch on the back of his head.

I nodded slowly and frowned in confusion. "Go on," I said, trying to not stutter.

"I found a way to get your gang back," he started. "You know the dance competition between the private high schools annually?"

"Yeah... What about it?"

"If you and your gang compete in it and win, the principal would have to reform Quartz!" He grinned.

"But don't you need eight people to compete? My gang has six,"

"That's why Jimin and I would also like to join with you guys,"

I blinked for a couple of seconds, before realising what he had just said. "You what?! Are you out of your mind?"

"You make it seem like I'm a horrible dancer," he pouted and acted like as if he was offended by my outburst.

"Well I don't know that do I?" I raised my eyebrows at him. "I've only seen Jimin dance before so..."

"That is why he is going to prove it to you right now," Jimin suddenly popped out from nowhere, Bomi next to him with an uneasy look. "Let's gooooo,"

Jimin went over and placed Jungkook into a headlock then started dragging him off to where I was supposed to meet Yoongi oppa and the rest.

"Jimin sunbae made me tell where we were practising..." Bomi bit her lip and gave me a nervous look.

"We need them anyways," I said and linked my arm around Bomi's. "Leggo!"


I crossed my arms across my chest and leaned back against the wall, carefully watching Jungkook as he started getting into the beat.

And then he started dancing. I widened my eyes in shock, surprised at how fluid and graceful his moves were. I had to admit that Jimin was a better dancer when it came to emotions and gracefulness, but Jungkook was a different story. It felt like as if there was some sort of magnetic force that drew me to him and get mesmerised by his moves.

I snapped out of my thoughts as Jungkook motioned over Jimin. They exchanged high fives and started dancing together in sync. My mouth opened slightly due to the shock and awe, and my eyes were wide. I could tell the whole gang was pretty much taken aback at the duo's dancing since they all had their mouths and eyes wide open.

In a short amount of time, they finished their dancing with an ending pose that was probably going to stay imprinted in my mind forever. I snapped out of my senses then immediately shut my mouth and plastered a serious look on my face, pretending to be not shocked at all.

"So, how was it?" Jungkook panted, running his fingers through his locks then wiping the sweat on his forehead with his arm.

Please don't do that, you're making my heart suffer

"It... Wasn't bad," I replied back to him with a uninterested look. "But I guess the two of you can join us. After all, you guys are the only other people who I know that can dance,"

Jungkook and Jimin both beamed and high-fived each other. I held back a smile and scanned the expressions on the rest of my gang. They seemed to be pretty reluctant on having the two boys into our gang and had small smiles plastered on their faces.

"But the plan that Jungkook sunbaenim thought of... Would it work?" Yeri asked hesitantly, breaking the happy atmosphere.

"It's the best possible choice we've got right now," he replied back. "We have a month to prepare for it and that's a pretty short time seeing we'd have to study for our mid term exams and all. Oh yeah, there's also a duet stage where we also have to compete in,"

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