Who are you people!?

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The man with the bushy brows glanced over at me and huffed, "Well, aren't you just impolite. Disrupting our conversation." I looked at the man and arched an eyebrow, "Disrupt your conversation? You guy's just kidnapped me!!" The albino just sat there and laughed while the other man with the emerald eyes and brown hair smiled happily, "We didn't kidnap you señorita, we just saved you~"

"Saved me? Normally when someone 'saves' another person they don't ship them away in a helicopter."

"But we did save you, sí?"

Thinking for a second I sigh.

"Well.... Yeah, but why?"

"That's classified information," stated the bushy browed guy who was looking away from me. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms as I just sat there thinking of how I'm so going to be fired now. Suddenly I feel something fall onto my lap. Looking up I see the albino man holding out some folded clothes out to me. "What's this for?" I asked as I took a hold of the clothes. The albino man laughed then leaned back in his seat, "You look like a total loser in zhat outfit, and I can't be seen around losers." Narrowing my eyes, I stare at the man's grin for a second before standing. Looking around the helicopter I try to find a place to change. "Um... Where do I change?" I ask, wishing that there was some secret bathroom somewhere. Looking back at the albino, I see him shrug then point behind him where the seat was a bit taller and wider, "Change zhere."

I blush at the thought of not having doors to cover me and having three guys just a seat away. Shaking my head wildly I protest, "I-I can't change here!?" The man with the brown hair and emerald eyes looked at me confused, "Why not Summer?" Blushing even more I hold the clothes closer to my rather flat chest, "Because you 'guys' are right here! A lady needs her privacy you know!"

The albino man just laughed, "Du aren't a lady. Du don't have boobs~" Blushing furiously I pout, "Shut up! They are still developing ok!!" The man with the bushy brows stood from his seat and walked over to me, resting a hand on my shoulder for a second. Turning his head around, he looked at the others, "We are going to the front so Summer can change, you two."

"But why?" Complained the albino man. Sighing, the bushy brow guy fixed his tie before answering, "Because that is what a gentlemen does. Now come on you two."

That said, the man walked in front to where a dirty blond sat flying the helicopter. The brown haired happy guy walked up there too, while the albino sat there for a second before getting up, slightly groaning in annoyance. As soon as all the guys were in the front, I started to undress from my clown outfit. As I unfolded the clothes the albino gave me, I saw that it had a cute yellow birdy printed on the front with the words 'Gilbird' written under it. 'Aww~ what a cute birdy!' I thought to myself as I stared at the shirt before putting it on. The shirt was really big on me, which I actually liked a lot. It looked more like an oversized dress than a shirt, but that was ok. I grabbed the shorts that were also given to me and pulled them on. They were big too but the waist was one that I could tighten so that was a bonus.

Gladly I pulled off the big puffy red wig I had to wear and let loose my tied up black hair, my bangs falling over my eyes. Having already taken off my big clown shoes I looked around and saw that there was a random pair of sandals sitting under the chair I sat in a few minutes ago. Grabbing them, I slip them on and try to walk in them to see if they were comfortable. Surprisingly, they were my size. Grabbing my work clothes, I fold them up and place them under my chair before sitting down. Brushing my bangs out of my face, I smile slightly.

"Can we come back now Summer?"

The sudden voice, which seemed to belong to the brown haired guy, startled me and caused me to screech for a split second. "Yeah, I'm dressed," I state as I adjust the tightening of the pants. Gradually the three men walked casually back into the room and sat down in their usual seats, except for the brown haired guy he kept standing. The albino man looked me up and down as he sat in his seat in front of me, "Kesese~ it looks gut on du!"

I look down at the large shirt and smile.

"I like it! It's really comfy and the bird is so cute~!!"

"Isn't it! I picked it out, just for du~"

The albino man smirked in satisfaction, leaning back in his seat casually. Smiling happily, the guy with the brown hair looked down at the albino man and spoke freely, "You two are perfect~ Un par!"

I arched an eyebrow in confusion, since I totally didn't know what he meant by "Un par!" But it sounded like a food. Pears. That sounds good right now. Suddenly I felt my stomach growl loudly. Aside from being loud, it lasted quite a while too. I blushed madly as I wrapped my hands over my stomach to muffle the noise it was making, even though it didn't work. I could feel all three men's eyes looking at me. Glancing up, I meet eyes with the albino in front of me. I stare at him for a second before I hear him laugh, "KESESE!! ZHAT VAS SOOO LOUD!!!! KESESE!!" The bushy browed guy cleared his throat and covered his mouth, hiding a smirk and held in laughter, "Well that was longer than normal..."

The brown haired man looked over at me and smiled casually, "Are you hungry, Summer?" I nodded shyly and looked down at the sandals I wore, "Y-Yeah... I didn't have time to eat breakfast earlier." The man walked closer to me and pulled out a churro from his pocket. Gently placing the wrapped delicious goodness in my hands, he continued to smile.

"I was going to save this for later, but you need it more mi amiga~"

Looking down at the churro, I could feel my stomach rumbling for me to eat it already. Unwrapping the wrapper, I carefully peel the wrapper down so I wouldn't dirty my hands. Smiling goofily I wrap both hands around the churro and lift it to my mouth, "Thanks a bunch!" Taking a bite of the delicious churro, my eyes light up and I squeak excitedly, "IT TASTES SOOOOOOO GOOD!!! WHERE DID YOU GET IT!?"

The man looks over at my happy expression then stands back in his spot from earlier, "I made it myself~ I'll teach you how sometime." Suddenly I feel the helicopter land, making me look out the small window in wonder. The sound of a microphone filled the helicopter, "We're here dudes! Time to get out~!"

The dirty blond from earlier walked out from the front of the helicopter. He wore a bomber jacket and had this really goofy smile on his face. The bushy browed man stood up, walked over to the door, and opened it up to hop out first. The brown haired guy did the same, the dirty blond not far behind. Standing up from his seat, the albino took a hold of my hand and pulled me towards the exit. The churro still in my hand, I take a bite before asking, "Where am I going now?"


HI EVERYONE!!!!! So very sorry for not updating this since... Forever. I was, well, lazy.... BUT I will try not to be (since it is totally summer right now) and I don't want to waste it doing nothing but sitting in my bed listening to the same song over and over. THANKS A BUNCH FOR BEING PATIENT!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR THAT!!!! (>3<)

So the helicopter dude was.... You should know already~ Hope you liked this short chapter!! THANKS FOR READING!!!!! (^w^)

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