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Mom: howd it go sweetie

Tyler: fine

Mom: im sorry i couldn't come

Tyler: its okay

Mom: so youre not mad

Tyler: no mom


i was tired. i wasn't hungry. i didn't like coffee.

but dallon insisted.

so there we were, sitting at a booth in a coffee shop, eight pretty much grown ass men, four separate conversations going on at the same time.

i was by no means miserable. i had joshua. i just didn't really want to be in that place specifically.

i looked over at brendon, who was deep in conversation with dallon. they looked happy together. maybe dallon was who brendon was looking for.

pete and patrick we talking to each other and laughing quietly. i watched as pete took patrick's fedora off of his head and put it on his own with a mischievous smile.

frank was leaned across the table next to me, playing with gerard's bright red hair.

"like, i like your hair like this, but what if you had a fringe?"

frank pulled a section of gerard's hair up into a very screwed up fringe. gerard laughed and batted frank's hand away.

"stop it! i like my hair!"

i took joshua's hand under the table and leaned my head against his shoulder, breathing in his scent. he was wearing black jeans today, with black vans, a camo shirt, and a leather jacket to go with it. his gauges were black today, and he was wearing a the same snapback as the first time i saw him.

"i love you, jishwa."

he kissed me on the forehead and nuzzled my nose with his. his breath smelled lightly of his vanilla bean mochiatto.

"i love you too, baby boy."


"so you want to move to new york and live in an apartment with me?"

"well, yeah. i mean, we could rent an apartment together and get jobs."

"close to campus, i'm guessing."


we were walking down the side walk downtown, the street lamps illuminating where we were walking. the sidewalks were busier than usual because of the people in columbus for the graduation, but we could still see frank, gerard, pete, and patrick a ways in front of us. brendon and dallon were behind us a bit; brendon on crutches, dallon walking beside him at the pace brendon set. the night air was slightly chilly, but i had my sweatshirt so i was okay. a quick check of my phone told me it was 10:41 pm.

i was holding joshua's hand and swinging it back and forth slightly. a woman with a toddler in her arms passing by us looked at our intertwined fingers and smiled at us. i felt myself blush as she did so.

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