Ch. 12 I swear, your definitely crazy.

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"See, everyones full of shit." I mumbled, hoping no one heard me. 

"What?" Liam asked. One eyebrow raised.

Woah. How does he do that?

"Wha? I didnt say anything."



"I just heard you say something. I could've sworn." Liam said, still doing the eyebrow thing.

"Your crazy." I stated.

"I am most definitely not crazy." He said cracking a smile.

"C'mon Daddy Direction, so what if I did say anything why does it matter? I didnt anyways." I said, letting out  breath I didnt know was being held in.

"But I heard you say 'See, everyones full of shit."

"I thought we went over this-"

"Dyl, I heard you say that to no one. Maybe your going crazy."

"Or maybe its you because I didnt say anything."

"Whats that even supposed to mean? Everyones full of shit?" He asked him self, ignoring me.

"Leeeyum. Your hurting your brain," I chuckled. Yeah I dont think he believes me..

"Alright, but we're still talking later." He said, smiling.

"Fine. Ugh." I moaned as Louis placed a plate of nutella pancakes in front of me.

"What?" He said, looking hurt, like I insulted his Pancakes without even taking a bite.

"Oh no! No theres nothing wrong with the pancakes its just I'm sick and my stomach hurts and... I'll just take this apple and go back to bed." I said, my head hanging low. 

I come up with the lamest excuses.

"If  you need anything just let us know! I'll check in on you in 30!"

"30 years? Ok." I mumbled. I really didnt want anyone to see me like this.

I climbed into my bed with my bowl and tissues. I dont feel like puking again.

Being sick is stupid.

"Dyl!" Has it been 30 years- minutes already? "Dylan, Simon called us, we have to go to his office and plan arrangments, for, er, things." Louis said, sitting on my bed.

"Ok, I was just gonna watch some TV or listen to music anyways. When will you be back?" I asked, not wanting to be totally alone, I dont want them in my room but I feel comfort having them in the hotel room.

"Around an hour and a half maybe." He said, his face looking sad. "You'll be ok?" He asked, like he had a choice to stay.

"Y- yeah, I'll be fine." I lied. I've been here alone once, and I nearly shit my pants, that was when I thought they were home too, and I was asleep most of the time anyways. I cant fall asleep in the middle of the day, I literally cant.

"The home phone is right here all of our numbers are in it, just ring us and we'll come right home!" He said, smiling, Louis was so much like a dad to me. It really felt like a home here.

"Thanks, Dad." I blurted, but meant it in a good way.

He chuckled and left the room, then came back with sprite and crackers. "Just in case." He said before once again leaving.

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